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Tabletten von Würmern levamisole

MECHANISM OF ACTION : None given. Use according to one Tabletten von Würmern levamisole the preceding claims, wherein the preparation to be used is formulated as a solution, emulsion, suspension, gel, spray, powder, granule, adsorbed on solids, as a tablet or capsule.

Use according Tabletten von Würmern levamisole one of the preceding claims, wherein excipients are added to facilitate dispersibility of active agents in water. Use according to one of the preceding claims, wherein Tabletten von Würmern levamisole, antioxidant or the preparation stabilizing excipients may be added.

Use according to one of the preceding claims, wherein also other active ingredients against Nematoda, Acanthocephala or Tabletten von Würmern levamisole be added. Use according to one of the preceding claims, wherein also other Tabletten von Würmern levamisole agents against parasitic protozoa are added. Use according to one of the preceding claims, wherein also other active ingredients against Monogenea or Cestoda be added.

Use according to one of the preceding claims, wherein also other active substances against micro-organisms are added. Many types of thread or roundworms Nematodascratches Acanthocephala and parasitic crustaceans Crustacea occur as pathogens of fish in both freshwater and saltwater. In freshwater fish Nematoda z. In freshwater fish parasitic Crustacea are different types of Copepoda from the genera Lernea, Ergasilus and Neoergasilus.

In marine fish Copepoda make from the genera Lepeophtheirus and Caligus especially in breeding of salmon is a major problem fish wie Würmer zu züchten bei with tapeworms. Eg Bothriocephalus acheilognathi are infected when they eat certain Copepoda in which larvae of the tapeworm Tabletten von Würmern levamisole. The Crustacea belonging Branchiura, z.

Of fish in freshwater and seawater parasitize Würmer ein Arzt types also belong to the Crustacea isopods Isopoda.

Many species of Nematoda parasitize mammals, including humans, while Acanthocephala and Crustacea not play a major role in these hosts. Dementsprechend werden neue Wirkstoffe gegen Nematoda, nicht aber gegen die Tabletten von Würmern levamisole Parasiten entwickelt. Accordingly, new agents against Nematoda, but not Medikamente für Kinder zur Prävention von Würmern other parasites are developed.

Against Crustacea in fish insecticides are usually used for an effect on Crustacea could be found. For the treatment of fish against Nematoda levamisole is known. Zur Behandlung von Fischen gegen Acanthocephala ist Loperamid bekannt.

For the treatment of fish against Acanthocephala loperamide is known. Zur Behandlung von Fischen gegen Crustacea sind bekannt: Wasserstoffperoxid, Formalin, die Organophoshate Trichlorfon, Dichlorphos und Azamethiphos, die Pyrethroide Cypermethrin und Deltamethrin, die Benzoylharnstoffderivate Diflubenzuron, Teflubenzuron und Lufenuron sowie das macrocyclische Lakton Emamectin Benzoat.

For Tabletten von Würmern levamisole treatment of fish against Crustacea are well known: hydrogen peroxide, formalin, the Organophoshate trichlorfon, dichlorvos and Azamethiphos pyrethroids cypermethrin and deltamethrin, the benzoylurea diflubenzuron, teflubenzuron and lufenuron and macrocyclic lactone emamectin benzoate that.

Eprinomectin was so far not described for the treatment of parasites, of fish and suggested its use for this purpose. The patents teach only the oral administration of the active ingredient, wherein a premix of the active substance is added to the feed for the fish.

Emamectin is used for the control of sea lice Lepeophtheirus salmonis and Caligus elongatus on Alan tables salmon Salmo salar. A field evaluation of emamectin benzoate for the control of sea lice on Atlantic salmon.

According to prior art is not aware of eprinomectin has an effect on parasitic Crustacea. Es ist auch nicht bekannt, dass Eprinomectin eine Wirkung auf Acanthocephala beste Tablette zur Prävention von Würmern für den Menschen. It is also not known that eprinomectin has an effect on Acanthocephala.

It is not known hereafter, that nematodes can be killed in fishing with eprinomectin. Nach Stand Tabletten von Würmern levamisole Technik ist auch nicht bekannt, dass Emamectin eine Wirkung auf Nematoden in Fischen hat.

According to prior art is also not known that emamectin has an effect on nematodes in fish. Disadvantages of the prior art resources available to parasites of fish are mainly, but not only, in the following areas: the active ingredients against parasites a toxic to fish b have an unsatisfactory action against the parasites of fish or. Their use in food fish is now prohibited by regulatory requirements.

Eine nur unbefriedigende Wirkung gegen parasitische Krebse haben die oft verwendeten Substanzen Wasserstoffperoxid, Kaliumpermanganat und Formalin. An unsatisfactory effect against parasitic crustaceans have often used substances hydrogen peroxide, potassium permanganate and formalin. These substances are indeed used in the beide sind Würmer beim Menschen lange genannt, but they also Tabletten von Würmern levamisole the fish, in particular their gills.

Treatment with an inhibitor of arthropods, eg. As diflubenzuron, has the disadvantage that only the development stages of the parasites are killed during molting, while adult parasites are hardly damaged. For Tabletten von Würmern levamisole treatment of fish against parasitic nematodes of the drug levamisole was available. However, levamisole has an unsatisfactory effect on nematodes in fish, because new gifts of the drug over several days are required daily.

However, in most cases, not all worms are killed. A disadvantage is also that levamisole is only available on prescription, and so it is not freely available for private breeders and owners of fishing. A serious disadvantage of the preparations with levamisole is to further the fact that they can only be orally administered in the diet of the fish and not used in the therapy in the water.

The preparations namely cause a Tabletten von Würmern levamisole of bacteria and subsequently an oxygen deficit, so that the constant danger that the treated fish die from lack of oxygen. Therefore, a variety of substances to fish is incompatible or leads to the death of the fish. Inspector zur Entwurmung substances are either insoluble in water and emulsifiers can be distributed in the water with suitable solubilizing agents, detergents or.

This can, however, turn, and in particular to the delicate gills of the fish, causing damage. Many water-soluble substances other hand, are not absorbed by the body surface of the fish in the tissue. Therefore, many known active against nematodes can not achieve in the tissue of fish parasites. It is therefore particularly difficult to find agents that can be used in the water and not harm the fish, but selectively kill the parasites.

It Tabletten von Würmern levamisole known that avermectins and several other macrocyclic lactones are relatively toxic to fish. Avermectins can be neurotoxic and must be dosed correctly. A particular problem with the application in the water for fish, however, is that drugs are taken out of the water in the fish tissues and can accumulate there.

In der Folge kann es zu einer hohen Konzentration im Gewebe kommen, aufgrund der die Fische regelrecht ergiftet Tabletten von Würmern levamisole. As Tabletten von Würmern levamisole result, there may be a high concentration in the tissue, due to which the fish are ergiftet normal.

Proper dosing by an application in the water, in which only the parasites are damaged, so for many active substances is not possible in practice. Krebstiere von Fischen bekannt sind. It is therefore not surprising that the suitability of Tabletten von Würmern levamisole particular avermectin derivatives has not been recognized for the treatment of fish in the medical bath, although the active ingredients are known in their activity against nematodes Tabletten von Würmern levamisole mammals and crustaceans of fish for many years.

Acute or chronic infections with parasites weigh the fish Tabletten von Würmern levamisole strong that the animals will take up only a reduced amount of food or even in varying degrees - at least temporarily - to adjust the intake of food altogether.

In many cases it is not possible that the fish ever record or that they get a correct dose of the drug the drug with food. Under current law drug premixes may be prescribed and administered with drugs only by Tabletten von Würmern levamisole. For drugs that are to be used, however, as a non-prescription drugs by laymen, this application form, therefore, es ist besser für Würmer Ferkel not available.

Auch bei prophylaktischer Anwendung oder bei schwach infizierten, wenig belasteten Fischen ist die korrekte Dosierung insbesondere bei privaten Fischhaltern schwierig, da die Futteraufnahme sehr unterschiedlich sein kann und z. Even if given prophylactically or weakly infected, less stressed fish the correct dosage is particularly difficult for private fish farmers as feed intake can be very different and z. In many cases, the fish orally administered drugs are absorbed only to a small extent in the intestinal tract, Worms nicht passieren eine Katze the vast amount of unused excreted in the faeces.

This application form has several disadvantages of the use in food and is also associated with stress for the animals, as Tabletten von Würmern levamisole as a higher workload. A further difficulty is that many drugs - including emamectin and eprinomectin - have only a low solubility in water.

Therefore, the production of water-containing preparations or the application of these agents by simply dissolving in water the fish is not possible. According to our research emamectin and eprinomectin can be Tabletten von Würmern levamisole in fish in fish acceptable solubilizers in water for use. For this purpose are organic solvents, eg. As mono- and polyhydric alcohols. It has surprisingly been found that emamectin and eprinomectin can kill the parasites of fishes very effective when used in water but not harm the fish in the therapeutic dose required and even with multiple overdose.

The non-derivatized in this manner, but otherwise identical avermectin proved, in contrast to the fish so toxic that no exemption of fish could be achieved by parasites, without many of the treated fish died. Moxidectin und Doramectin, nicht zur Verwendung gegen Parasiten im Wasser der Fische.

According to our own tests are for the reason described above macrocyclic lactones and other such. Moxidectin and doramectin example, not for use against parasites in the water of the fish. In our own studies now could be the first time found that eprinomectin kills in diseased fish Nematoda, Crustacea and Acanthocephala.

Dies Tabletten von Würmern levamisole bei Verwendung des Wirkstoffs im Wasser als auch bei oraler. This is achieved with the use of the drug in water as well as oral.

Gabe mit dem Futter. However, an inventive use of eprinomectin in the water of the fish has the advantages described. A particular advantage of the inventive use of emamectin and eprinomectin is that parasites completely different systematic affiliation, ie Nematoda, Acanthocephala and Crustacea, can be killed. Viele Halter von Fischen haben nicht das Fachwissen zu erkennen, an welchem Erreger die Fische erkrankt sind.

Many holders of fish do not have to recognize the expertise on which the fish pathogens are ill. Tabletten von Würmern levamisole is therefore important that a drug has a wide impact as possible on various pathogens.

Preparations with broad-spectrum activity are preferred by the majority of customers, and therefore, these drugs have significant advantages in marketing. A particular advantage of the inventive use in the water is that the Tabletten von Würmern levamisole within a very short time and even with only a single application achieves the desired healing of the fish.

A particular advantage of the invention is that in the control of parasitic crustaceans not only the pathogen on the fish, but also the free-living stages in the water are killed.

Bei parasitischen Copepoden, z. In parasitic copepods such. As Ergasilus and Lernea, namely the females parasitize the tissues of fish, while the males and larval stages live freely in the water. Also in the fight against argulus it is necessary not only Tabletten von Würmern levamisole the fixed sucked on the fish carp lice, but also to eliminate up to several days around freely floating in water individuals.

Floating in the water can argulus z. The treatment of all the water is important, especially in the fish trade, because fish from different origins are put together in the storage tanks and thus can easily pass on Tabletten von Würmern levamisole infection of carp lice. In the therapy against nematodes, there is a very particular advantage of the application in the medical spa that not only the presence of nematodes in fish kills, but larvae Tabletten von Würmern levamisole these worms, which develop in small crabs in the water.

The infected small crustaceans are in fact - just like the worm larvae contained in them - killed. Im Unterschied hierzu werden die Wurmlarven bei oraler Therapie der Fische nicht erreicht. In contrast thereto, the worm larvae are not achieved on oral therapy of fishes. Following oral therapy, the infective larvae can still be absorbed Tabletten von Würmern levamisole the fish, and the prevalence of the fish population can continue to exist.

Copepods in the open water can also be carriers of the larvae of certain tapeworms, z. The inventive use of emamectin or eprinomectin enables it to fight infections of fish with Behandlung von pinworms und Bandwürmer worms effectively.

Here emamectin and eprinomectin can both drugs are used in combination Tabletten von Würmern levamisole alone respectively. Es sind Eprinomectin und Emamectin sowie deren Salze, z. There are eprinomectin and emamectin and their salts, eg. Since the water solubility of emamectin and eprinomectin is very low, preparations for use in the water of fish must be prepared as a water-soluble or water as a redistributable in the formulations.

Pharmaceutical compositions suitable for the use of emamectin or eprinomectin in the water the fish are preferably in the form of Anzeichen von Würmern Welpen solution, suspension, emulsion, gel, paste or spray. Suitable solid formulations are, for example, powders, granules, tablets or delayed-release preparations, eg microcapsules. Emamectin benzoate is dissolved in methyl ethyl ketone and then stored in the dark at room Tabletten von Würmern levamisole. These examples are to be construed in any way as limiting as for the inventive use a variety of different formulations suitable.

To use the preparations in the appropriate dosage fresh water or sea water are added, in which the fish are to be treated. The fish were dissected at the indicated times and assayed for adult worms in the intestinal tract for evaluation. Even juvenile worms were found in very different numbers were killed by the treatment. The fish were dissected after the times indicated and analyzed for worms in the intestinal tract for evaluation.

The fish were dissected after the times indicated and analyzed for adult worms in the intestinal tract for evaluation. Gestorbene Fische sind in der Tabelle mit einem - notiert. Deaths fish are in the table with a - noted. Avermectin did not seem effective against nematodes. This ingredient is still too toxic for the fish, because even during the treatment of some patients treated Tabletten von Würmern levamisole avermectin fish died. The scratches can thus be effectively eliminated by means eprinomectin.

Eprinomectin Tabletten von Würmern levamisole Argulus spec. The fish lice were observed after the indicated times for evaluation. So the fish lice die with emamectin in the water on the first day of treatment. The remains of the cancers were initially anchored to the fish, then broke away but within days the fish from.

From the filtration system of a commercial breeding facility for discus fish Symphysodon discus with high infestation of fish with the tapeworm Bothriocephalus acheilognathi wild Cyclops were collected with a network of fine gauze. Zur Auswertung wurden die Cyclops nach den angegebenen Zeiten mit Hilfe einer Stereolupe untersucht. For evaluation, the Cyclops were examined after the indicated times with the aid of a stereo magnifying glass. The next day, no more living Cyclops were found.

The tapeworms had died and was excreted by the fish. The fish showed no impairment in their vitality by the treatments. Roter Neon und Kardinalfisch, Welse, z. Vertreter der Loricariidae und Panzerwelse, Barschartige, z. Examples of fish that can be treated according to the invention include, but are not limited to:.

Cyprinidae, such as carp, koi, goldfish and Aland, livebearers, eg swordtails and guppies, tetras, eg red neon. Representatives of the Loricariidae and armored catfish, Perciformes, z. Eprinomectin im Wasser behandelt werden kann.

This application examples are to be construed in any way as limiting, since it can be treated against many different types of parasites in many species of fish with the inventive use of emamectin and eprinomectin in the water.

This list of references cited by the applicant is generated automatically and is included solely to inform the reader. Die Liste ist nicht Bestandteil der deutschen Patent- bzw. The list is not part of the German patent or utility model Tabletten von Würmern levamisole. The DPMA shall not be liable for any errors or omissions.

In: Cambell WC, ed, Ivermectin and abamectin, Springer, New York, p.

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