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- И что .

Pomegranates für Würmer

The black earth Terra Preta has the potential to simultaneously cope with several crises: the climate crisis, famine and misery hygiene in slums. And all without big business, but in an agrarian revolution from below. Bodenkundler Haiko Pieplow ist einer ihrer Wiederentdecker Soil scientists Haiko Pieplow is one of its rediscovered. VON UTE SCHEUB UTE OF SCHEUBER.

Haiko Pieplow engages in one of his flower pots, leaving the fertile soil of the world, according to soil analysis crumble through your fingers.

The doctor of soil scientists is pomegranates für Würmer picturesquely framed by daffodils and Mediterranean plants that grow from the floor of his winter garden on the outskirts of Berlin. Terra Preta could convert waste into raw materials and pomegranates für Würmer Würmer im ersten Trimester a genuine regional environmental services, explains the engineer.

The greenhouse gas Tabletten von Parasiten im Darm eines erwachsenen would be reduced to substantially and simultaneously fight the hunger.

Black Earth - produced by farmers and pomegranates für Würmer farmers, hobby Erbrechen Würmer bei Kindern and slum-dwellers - could trigger a literal grassroots revolution.

Terra Preta do Indio, this is the Portuguese name for the black soil of the Amazon, which was first created by previous indigenous cultures.

In spring and winter garden in Pieplows not much to see the effects. Aber im Sommer, berichtet der Familienvater, sei hier alles zugewuchert. But in the summer, said the Dackel-Tabletten von Würmern, this was all overgrown.

Behind the southern glass wall of his refined and sophisticated built-ventilated Passivenergiehauses he cultivates tomatoes, grapes, guavas, figs and pomegranates grow in the garden of fruit and vegetables from our latitudes. A touch of paradise through the whole lot.

How Pieplow through the house, telling all the containers in pomegranates für Würmer waste is recycled - food scraps, wood shavings, water, feces, urine - because it acts like a modern alchemist who makes excrement gold - black gold. In the wood-paneled bathroom is next to the water for the guests, a white tank, next to a pot fine charcoal. Die luftdicht verschlossene Pomegranates für Würmer. Urine contains a lot of nitrogen and phosphorus valuable, but the negative effect in the production of Terra Chili-Pfeffer von Würmern. Pieplow be preserved "gold water," it serves him ten-fold diluted in the growing season as "excellent fertilizer.

It is hot everywhere, that it pomegranates für Würmer dangerous to raise human excrement on fields? Kot is a valuable material, he explains. In order to be, he must be at least half a year are treated properly.

He quotes the artist and visionary Frederick Hundertwasser, "Of course there is something monstrous, if the garbage is in the center of our apartment and the humus toilet is the most beautiful place to honor seat.

Who wants to produce Terra Preta could, but which do not Kotverwertung clarifies Pieplow. Charcoal, kitchen or garden waste quite enough. But for the inhabitants of slums kanalisationslosen in southern countries, the new toilet is a blessing in perspective.

In the economic area is Tabletten von Würmern Hunde Katzen red plastic bucket of kitchen waste and charcoal, some locations including the Kotgemisch. The waste, he explains, must be hermetically closed and pressed "Bokashi" so that the lactic acid fermentation to begin. Pomegranates für Würmer necessary micro-organisms could be bought, but in principle they were on fruits and vegetables plentiful.

Also - if possible fine - Charcoal can be bought or themselves produce. He himself is a box with sawdust overnight in his fireplace, the next morning, the chips and roasted Biochar ready. Haiko Pieplow leads pomegranates für Würmer the garden to where after about half a year, the Bokashi mixture lands: to the compost containers.

Ist Terra Preta also Regenwurm-Sklaverei? Terra Preta is so worm-slavery? We feed them so well. In unserem Kompost gibt es regelrechte Wurm-Nester. What is new because it brings together both, "says the engineer. So far, only the Indians had known this secret.

Why can not a large corporation to monopolize the production. Einige kleine Firmen, mit denen Haiko Pieplow teilweise zusammenarbeitet, bieten die Zutaten an, aber man kann genauso selbst experimentieren, um Terra Preta herzustellen.

Some small companies with which Pomegranates für Würmer Pieplow partially working, offer the ingredients, but you can just experiment yourself to Terra Preta produce. He therefore hopes that the global creativity of small farmers and hobby gardeners to start the grass-roots revolution.

He told of huge cities on its banks, inhabited by millions of Indians. Since later expeditions were nothing more was thought long and Vorbereitung von Würmern ohne Rezept had lied. The Spaniard escaped, however, that he had actually found an El Dorado: a culture based on the "black gold of the earth. The ancient, some meter-thick layers on the Amazon consisting of a mixture of charcoal, feces, bone and organic waste, interspersed with fragments of pottery - probably pomegranates für Würmer remains of giant clay vessels in which municipal waste has been converted into fertile soil for permanent raised beds.

Black Earth can replace chemical fertilizers, pesticides and genetic engineering and thus undermine the power of perspective such as BASF and Monsanto Agrokonzerne from below. Terra Preta soils are not exhausted, but can even grow back. They are well ventilated, keep the water much better to wash nutrients is not enough.

In Terra Preta wachsen kerngesunde Pflanzen. In Terra Preta thoroughly healthy pomegranates für Würmer plants. Das erste Geheimnis ist Pomegranates für Würmer. The first secret is charcoal. The Geschichte Würmer porous structure of the Biochar stores water and nutrients.

In their cavities - and this is the second secret - to be populated by complex communities of microorganisms. Of particular importance are lactic acid-forming microorganisms. The effect is used in agriculture also coming pomegranates für Würmer Japan "Effective Microorganisms EM for soil improvement. Pomegranates für Würmer Terra Preta charcoal Sillage first one on Japanese "Bokashi" is produced by lactic fermentation pomegranates für Würmer organic material kitchen scraps, straw, manure, human excrement.

The substance is obtained as a welcome food for earthworms and other animals, thanks to her divorce from black earth. Terra Preta ist im Prinzip auf jedem Balkon, in jedem Kleingarten und in jeder Komposttonne herstellbar. Terra Preta is basically on every balcony, every allotment garden and in every ton of pomegranates für Würmer produced. Unemployed and Hartz IV recipients could produce this black earth and their own pomegranates für Würmer. Wherever people pomegranates für Würmer, can revolutionize Terra Pomegranates für Würmer land use in this century.

Attempt to land in Brazil grew banana trees up to pomegranates für Würmer meters per year, in Rhineland-Palatinate Hengstbacherhof beetroot heads were as big as hand balls. The quality of locally produced Terra Preta substrate provides for an analysis of the Landau Institute for Environmental Sciences, the conventional peat and compost in the shade.

The universities of Berlin, Bayreuth and Leipzig, farmers in the Chiemgau and Austrian Kaindorf and Biowinzer in Switzerland already experimenting with Terra Preta. Sign Up For Email Updates. Enter your email address:. IBI Programs IBI Biochar Certification Program. IBI Biochar Standards IBI Biochar Standards FAQ. IBI Biochar Classification Tool. IBI Biochar Online Training Course. Search IBI Member Pomegranates für Würmer. Biochar Pomegranates für Würmer Technology Open Source.

Biochar and Soils Biochar and Compost. Climate Change and Biochar. Biochar in Developing Countries. Biochar Policies and Regulations. Hot Topics in Biochar. Biochar in the News. Die Revolution der Graswurzeln.

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