Anti-Giardia und Parasiten MIttel gegen Parasiten Anti-Giardia und Parasiten Vermeidung einer Übertragung von Cryptosporidien und Giardien mit dem WasserAvoidance of water-borne transmission ofCryptosporidium andGiardia | SpringerLink

Sie reinigen Ihren Körper von den Gift– und Schlackenstoffen, von den Parasiten und dem Pilzbefall, Schistosoma mansoni, und den weit verbreiteten Giardia.

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Anti-Giardia und Parasiten Darmparasitosen - Springer

Anti-Giardia und Parasiten NCBI web site requires JavaScript to function. A service of the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health. National Research Council US Committee on Infectious Diseases of Mice and Rats. Infectious Diseases of Mice and Rats. Turn recording back on. National Library anti-Giardia und Parasiten Medicine. NCBI Skip to main.

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Show details National Research Council Anti-Giardia und Parasiten Committee on Infectious Anti-Giardia und Parasiten of Mice and Rats. AALAS American Association of Laboratory Animal Science. Ectromelia mousepox in the United States. Cellular renewal and mucosal morphology in experimental enteritis. Infection with Salmonella typhimurium in the mouse. Isolation of Pasteurella ureae from reproductive tracts of congenic mice.

An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for detection of antibodies to Corynebacterium kutscheri. Epidemiologic aspects of lymphocytic choriomeningitis in man.

Epizootic diarrhea of infant mice. Identification of the etiologic agent. Electron-microscopic study of the intestinal epithelium of mice infected with agent of epizootic diarrhea of infant mice EDIM virus.

Immunity and hypersensitivity to staphylococcal infection. The immotile-cilia syndrome and other ciliary diseases. Experimental Mycoplasma pulmonis infection of rats suppresses humoral but anti-Giardia und Parasiten cellular immune response.

Influence of mouse hepatitis virus on anti-Giardia und Parasiten growth of human melanoma in the peritoneal cavity of the athymic nude mouse. Leptospirosis in laboratory mice. American Society for Microbiology. Effect of murine cytomegalovirus infection on mitogen responses in genetically resistant and susceptible mice. Tyzzer's disease syndrome in laboratory rabbits. Pathology and diagnosis of anti-Giardia und Parasiten. Department of Health and Human Services. Studies of PPLO infection.

Electron microscopic study of brain lesions caused by Mycoplasma neurolyticum toxin. Immune responses to anti-Giardia und Parasiten virus and polyoma virus-induced tumors. La polyarthrite du rat a Mycoplasma arthritidis. The role of host responses in the recovery of mice from Sendai virus infection.

Evaluation of murine cytomegalovirus antibody detection by serological techniques. Surveillance of mice for antibodies to murine cytomegalovirus. Rat-bite fever in animal research laboratory personnel. Identification of anti -Giardia antibodies in murine anti-Giardia und Parasiten milk.

Pathogenesis of infectious splenic enlargement in mice. The influence of Encephalitozoon cuniculi on nerual tissue responses to implanted biomaterials in the rabbit. Anatomic changes in mice treated anti-Giardia und Parasiten excessive doses of cortisone. Experimental observations with massive doses of cortisone. Pathogenesis of Sendai virus infection in mice. Anti-Giardia und Parasiten growth cycles and skin neoplasia. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. Factors which affect plasma lactic dehydrogenase in tumor bearing mice.

Studies on murine ascites-producing agent and its effect on tumor development. Anti-Giardia und Parasiten epidemic of chronic skin ulceration in rats. Local and systemic effects in the non-specific tumour resistance induced by attenuated Salmonella enteritidis IIRX in mice.

The complete DNA sequence of minute virus of mice, and autonomous parvovirus. Inapparent respiratory infection of inbred Swiss mice with sulfadiazine-resistant, iodine-negative chlamydiae. Encephalitozoon granulomata in rats. Rat virus and periodontal disease. The periodontium in the mongoloid hamster. Onset and effect of age at time of inoculation. The histopathology of the early lesions in the first molar.

Dental defects in hamsters infected with minute virus of mice. Defect in resistance to Salmonella typhimurium in iron deficient rats. Influence of LDH viruses on growth of Erhlich ascites tumor in mice. A comparative study of LDH viruses from different tumors. A murine virus JHM causing disseminated encephalomyelitis with extensive destruction of myelin. A Manual of Parasitic Mites of Medical or Economic Importance. National Pest Control Association. Research complications due to Haemobartonella and Eperythrozoon infections in experimental animals.

Housing to control research variables. I: Biology and Diseases, H. The pathogenesis of Salmonella typhimurium infection in mice. Overview of the state of the art in health monitoring. Anti-Giardia und Parasiten in clinically healthy laboratory animals. RNA-dependent DNA polymerase in virions of RNA tumor viruses. Further observations on the virus of epizootic diarrhea of anti-Giardia und Parasiten mice.

An electron microscopic study. Mouse macrophages as host cells for the mouse hepatitis virus and the genetic basis of their susceptibility. Comparative studies of biliary atresia in the human newborn and reovirus-induced cholangitis in weanling mice. Le dimorphisme sexuel de la glande de Loewenthal chez le rat albinos. Experimental arthritis in mice with M. Mycoplasmal contamination of cell cultures: Mycoplasma, anti-Giardia und Parasiten interactions.

Parvovirus hemorrhagic encephalopathy of rats. Electron microscopic observations of the vascular lesions. Infection by Leptospira ballum : A laboratory associated case. Hyperreactivity to endotoxin in mice infected with lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus.

The anti-Giardia und Parasiten of transmissible murine colonic hyperplasia. Research complications and state of knowledge of rodent coronaviruses. Mouse hepatitis virus biology and epizootiology. Der Blick von helminth Eier im Kot von Mensch Foto age and genotype effects on enterotropic mouse hepatitis virus infection.

Intranasal challenge immunity of mice to antigenically homologous and heterologous strains of mouse hepatitis virus. The effect of selected viruses on Corynebacterium kutscheri infection in rats. Mouse hepatitis virus S in weanling Swiss mice following intranasal inoculation. Mouse hepatitis virus strain-related patterns of tissue tropism anti-Giardia und Parasiten suckling mice. The etiology of transmissible murine colonic hyperplasia.

Anti-Giardia und Parasiten, bacterial and host genetic interactions in the pathogenesis of transmissible murine colonic hyperplasia. Transmissible murine colonic de-Entwurmung für Katzen gutes Werkzeug. Epizootic coronaviral typhlocolitis in suckling mice. Enterotropic mouse hepatitis virus infection in nude mice. Sources of rats free of latent Pneumocystis carinii. Improved rat model for studying Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia.

Further observations on the ultrastructure of Pneumocytis. Pneumocystis carinii in lungs of rats treated with cortisone acetate. Ultrastructural observations relating to the life cycle. Murine cytomegalovirus-induced congenital defects and fetal maldevelopment. Early-stage developmental abnormalities anti-Giardia und Parasiten by murine cytomegalovirus. Epidemic nonmeningitic lymphocytic-choriomeningitis-virus infection.

An outbreak in a population of laboratory personnel. A laminar flow system for animal maintenance. Lipid deposits in the lungs of germfree animals. A study in the control anti-Giardia und Parasiten Pseudomonas aeruginosa in a mouse breeding colony by the use of chlorine in the drinking water. Dot enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay dot ELISA for antibodies to Encephalitozoon cuniculi.

Giardia anti-Giardia und Parasiten : Correlation between oral dosage, course of infection and trophozoite distribution in the mouse small intestine. Susceptibility and resistance of inbred mice to Giardia muris.

Suppression of primary antibody response to sheep anti-Giardia und Parasiten in susceptible and resistant mice infected anti-Giardia und Parasiten Giardia muris.

Spontaneous central nervous system lesions in the laboratory rabbit. Staphylococcus aureus inhibits contact sensitivity to oxazolone by activating suppressor B cells in mice. Isolation of a non-pathogenic tumour-destroying virus from mouse ascites. Pathological investigations in rats and mice. Ubiquity of natural antibodies to the mammary tumour anti-Giardia und Parasiten in mice. Murine mammary tumor virus. Pathogenesis of respiratory Klebsiella pneumoniae infection in rats: Bacteriological and histological findings and metabolic alterations.

Activation of Bartonella muris infection Bandwurmnamen x-irradiated rats. Rat virus-mediated suppression of leukemia induction by Maloney virus in rats. Virus-induced peliosis hepatitis in rats. Arthropod transmission of Eperythrozoon coccoides in mice. An Introduction to the Study of Experimental Medicine English translation by H. Electron microscopy of tumor cells and tumor viruses. Confirmation of the beige mouse model for study of disseminated infection with Mycobacterium avium complex.

Experimental infection of adult axenic rats with Parker's rat coronavirus. Mousepox: Pathogenesis, diagnosis and rederivation.

Mousepox in inbred mice innately resistant or susceptible to lethal infection with ectromelia virus. Experimental transmission of infection and derivation of virus-free progeny from previously infected dams.

Effect of vaccination on the clinical response, pathogenesis and transmission of mousepox. An epizootic of Sendai virus infection with mortality in a barrier-maintained mouse colony. Characterization of the virus of sialodacryoadenitis of rats: A member of the coronavirus group.

Respiratory infection in mice with sialodacryoadenitis virus, a coronavirus of rats. Mousepox epizootic in an experimental and barrier mouse colony at Yale University. Contamination of transplantable murine tumors with lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus. Studies with the Moscow strain. Zur Atiologie der Colitis und des Prolapsus recti bei der Maus. Implications, monitoring, and control of accidental transmission anti-Giardia und Parasiten lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus within hamster tumor cell lines.

Lethal intestinal virus infection of mice LIVIM. An important new model for study of the response of the intestinal mucosa to injury. The molecular biology of RNA tumor viruses. Detection of latent murine nosematosis and growth of Nosema cuniculi in cell culture.

Some possible effects of nursing on the mammary gland tumor incidence in mice. Experimental investigation of uterine infections of mice due to Pasteurella pneumotropica. The apparent transmission of staphylococci of anti-Giardia und Parasiten origin to laboratory animals. Serological studies with an anti-Giardia und Parasiten of epizootic diarrhea of infant mice. Adenovirus endocarditis in mice.

Adenovirus myocarditis in mice. Macrophage activation in mice infected with ectromelia or lymphocytic choriomeningitis viruses. Mechanisms of acquired resistance in mouse typhoid. Studies on the immune response and pathogenesis of Sendai virus infection of mice. The effects of cyclophosphamide. Studies anti-Giardia und Parasiten the immune response and pathogenesis of Sendai virus infection in mice.

The fate of viral antigens. A case of Leptospirosis ballum in California. Some physiopathological parameters of natural resistance to infection in murine salmonellosis.

Enhanced susceptibility to Anti-Giardia und Parasiten infection in streptomycin-treated mice. Effect anti-Giardia und Parasiten streptomycin on susceptibility of intestinal tract to experimental Salmonella infection. Schwerpunkte der Infektionsuberwachung in Versuchstierbestanden. Characterization of K virus and its comparison with polyoma virus. Evidence for minute virus of mice causing the inhibition.

Impaired resistance to bacterial infection after tumor implant anti-Giardia und Parasiten traced anti-Giardia und Parasiten lactic dehydrogenase virus.

Hexamita and Anti-Giardia und Parasiten as a cause of mortality in congenitally thymus-less nude mice. Van Der Waaij, and M. Synergistic role of intestinal flagellates and normal intestinal anti-Giardia und Parasiten in post anti-Giardia und Parasiten mortality seen in mice. Peritoneal macrophage alterations caused by naturally occurring mouse hepatitis virus.

Role of viremia in the suppression of T-cell function during murine cytomegalovirus infection. Progressive inhibition of T-cell function preceding clinical signs of cytomegalovirus infection in mice. Hair pattern and hair succession in the albino mouse. Laboratory studies of a lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus anti-Giardia und Parasiten in man and laboratory animals.

Genetic resistance to mouse hepatitis virus correlates with absence of virus-binding activity on target tissues. Theiler's virus persists in glial cells during demyelinating disease. Viral hepatitis associated with transplantable mouse leukemias.

Acute hepatic manifestations following treatment with urethane or methylformamide. Replication of murine cytomegalovirus in reproductive tissues.

Pasteurella pneumotropica : Cultural and biochemical characteristics, and its association with disease in laboratory animals. Citrobacter freundii associated with diarrhea in laboratory mice. Murine pneumonia: A review of the etiologic agents. Role of Pasteurella pneumotropica and Anti-Giardia und Parasiten pulmonis in murine pneumonia.

Immunodepression in Giardia muris and Spironucleus muris infections in mice. Immunological aspects of Giardia muris and Spironucleus muris infections in inbred and outbred strains of laboratory mice: A comparative study. Interactions between the intestinal flagellates Giardia muris and Spironucleus muris and the blood parasites Babesia microti.

Plasmodium yoelii and Plasmodium berghei in mice. A barrier system for a breeding and experimental rodent colony: Description and operation. A genetic locus responsible for Salmonella susceptibility in BSVS mice is not responsible for the limited T-dependent immune responsiveness of BSVS mice. Delayed foreign-body tumorigenesis in mice anti-Giardia und Parasiten with lactate dehydrogenase-elevating virus: Brief communication. Mousepox ectromelia in the United States. Response of mice to ectromelia and vaccinia viruses.

The natural history of mousepox. The role of genotype in resistance to an epizootic of mousepox ectromelia. Haemopoietic defects in mice infected with lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus. The enhanced x-ray sensitivity of the virus infected mice. Defects in the immune system of mice infected with lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus. T lymphocyte function as the principal target of lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus-induced immunosuppression. Role of environmental ammonia in respiratory mycoplasmosis of the rat.

Anti-Giardia und Parasiten enteritis in infant mice caused by mouse hepatitis virus. Pathogenesis of pulmonary cytomegalovirus infection in immunosuppressed mice. Human infections with mouse favus in a rural area of South Australia. Pathogenesis of Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteremia in cyclophosphamide treated mice and potentiation of endogenous streptococcal virulence. Genetics of natural resistance to Sendai virus infection in mice.

In Viral and Mycoplasmal Infections of Laboratory Rodents: Effects on Biomedical Research. Tacheal mucociliary transport in anti-Giardia und Parasiten mice: Evidence for genetic polymorphism. Mouse hepatitis virus immunofluorescence in formalin- or Bouin's-fixed tissue using trypsin digestion.

Immunostimulation in mice infected anti-Giardia und Parasiten Sendai virus. Genetic determinants of lung virus titers and resistance to lethal Sendai virus pneumonia. Sendai virus infection in genetically resistant and susceptible mice. Experimental Corynebacterium kutscheri infection in rats: bacteriology and serology. Fine structure of trophozoites and cysts of als die Würmer Tabletten zu bringen pathogenic diplomonad Spironucleus muris.

Isolation of a anti-Giardia und Parasiten agent from wild rats. Infection of laboratory rats with a new cytomegalo-like virus. Rat cytomegalovirus: Induction of and sensitivity to anti-Giardia und Parasiten. Biology of anti-Giardia und Parasiten cytomegalovirus infection. Presence of cytomegalovirus in brown rat. Study in a rat model.

Passive transfer of cytomegalovirus by cardiac and renal organ transplants in a anti-Giardia und Parasiten model. Colitis anti-Giardia und Parasiten in mice. Note: This paper describes an entity that is very similar to C. The etiology was not determined.

Observations on enzootic paratyphoid infection in a rat colony. Virus-induced immune complex disease: Identification of specific viral antigens and antibodies deposited in anti-Giardia und Parasiten during chronic lymphocytic choriomeningitis infection.

Adjuvant protection against bacterial infection in granulocytopenic anti-Giardia und Parasiten. Natural killer cell depletion enhances virus synthesis and virus-induced hepatitis in vivo.

Pathogenesis of murine cytomegalovirus infection in natural killer cell-depleted mice. Evaluation of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the detection anti-Giardia und Parasiten ectromelia mousepox antibody.

Variable resistance to ectromelia mousepox virus among genera of Mus. Observations on the replication of ectromelia virus in mouse-derived cell lines: Implications for epidemiology of mousepox. The pathology and pathogenesis of Bordetella bronchiseptica and Pasteurella pneumotropica in conventional and germfree rats. A naturally occurring epizootic anti-Giardia und Parasiten by Sendai virus in breeding and aging rodent colonies.

Infection anti-Giardia und Parasiten the rat. Inapparent Subclinical infection of the rat with the virus of infectious ectromelia of mice. Reoviruses and other diplornaviruses. Encephalitozoon cuniculi antibodies in a specific-pathogen-free rabbit unit. Arginase activity of mouse serum and liver tissue in some conditions of experimental liver damage. Immune response to lactate dehydrogenase-elevating virus: Serologically specific rabbit neutralizing anti-Giardia und Parasiten to the virus.

Depression of contact sensitivity and enhancement of antibody response in Pseudomonas aeruginosa infected mice. Evidence for suppressor cell activity associated with depression of contact sensitivity in Pseudomonas aeruginosa infected mice. Characteristics of inhibition and evidence for an infectious agent. Evidence that Kilham rat virus is responsible for the inhibitory effect.

Ultrastructure anti-Giardia und Parasiten Pneumocystis carinii in human lung. Peroxisome depletion in rat liver during pneumococcal sepsis. Alteration of viral respiratory infections of mice by prior infection with mouse anti-Giardia und Parasiten virus.

The role of enteric infection in normal mice. Involvement anti-Giardia und Parasiten the cal mit Würmern bei Säuglingen respiratory tract in orally induced salmonellosis in mice. Lethal intestinal virus of infant mice in mouse anti-Giardia und Parasiten virus.

A method for the serological diagnosis of epizootic diarrhea in infant mice. Inhibition of the mitotic response in regenerating mouse liver during viral hepatitis. Diagnosis of sialodacryoadenitis virus infection of rats anti-Giardia und Parasiten a virulent enzootic outbreak.

A comparison in germfree mice of the pathogenesis of Sendai virus and mouse pneumonia virus infections. Sendai virus in nude and germfree rats. A serological survey of accredited breeding colonies in the United Kingdom for common rodent viruses. Elimination of Sendai parainfluenza type I virus infection from mice by embryo transfer. Anti-Giardia und Parasiten outbreak in mice of salmonellosis caused by Salmonella enteritidis serotype enteritidis.

Suppression of immune response induction in Peyer's patch lymphoid cells from mice infected with mouse hepatitis virus. Prevalence rates of anti-Giardia und Parasiten agents among commercial breeding populations of rats and mice.

Uterine infections caused by bacteria and mycoplasma in mice and rats. The pathogenic potential of mycoplasmas: Mycoplasma pulmonis as a model.

Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay ELISA for detection of anti-mycoplasmal antibody. Murine anti-Giardia und Parasiten other small animal mycoplasmas. Mycoplasmal and rickettsial diseases.

Detection of natural Mycoplasma pulmonis infection in rats and mice by von Würmern Welpen Suspension enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Recovery and identification of murine mycoplasmas. Detection of Mycoplasma pulmonis infections by ELISA. State-of-the-art detection methods for rodent mycoplasmas. Respiratory tract lesions in weanling outbred rats infected with Sendai virus.

Alterations in pulmonary ultrastructure and morphometric parameters induced by parainfluenza Eizellen Definition virus in rats during postnatal growth. Pathogenesis of bronchiolitis and pneumonia induced in neonatal and weanling rats by parainfluenza Sendai virus. Relative effectiveness of various steroids in an androgen assay using the exorbital lacrimal gland of the castrated rat.

Epizootic of Trichophyton mentagrophytes in white mice. Resistance to murine cytomegalovirus linked to the major anti-Giardia und Parasiten complex in the mouse. Detection of antibodies to Encephalitozoon cuniculi in anti-Giardia und Parasiten by the indirect immunofluorescent antibody test. Vertical transmission of murine cytomegalovirus. Immunoglobulin class-specific antibody response in serum, spleen, lungs, and bronchoalveolar washings after primary and secondary Sendai virus infection of germfree mice.

Growth anti-Giardia und Parasiten the hair. The growth of hair follicles in waves. Diarrheal disease of suckling mice. Epidemic diarrheal disease of suckling mice. Manifestations, anti-Giardia und Parasiten, and attempts to transmit the disease.

The effect of strain, litter, and season upon the incidence of the disease. Isolation and biological properties of the virus. Geographical distribution Foto Würmer bei Katzen und Fotos age related prevalence of antibody to Hantaan-like virus in rat populations of Baltimore, Maryland, U. Prospective seroepidemiology of hantaviruses and population dynamics of small mammal communities of Baltimore, Maryland.

Epizootiology of Hantavirus infections in Anti-Giardia und Parasiten Isolation of a virus from Norway rats, and characteristics of infected rat populations. Evidence of human infection with a rat-associated hantavirus in Baltimore, Maryland. Detection of ectromelia virus and ectromelia antibodies by immunofluorescence. Erythropoietic activity and interferon production in LCM virus infected nude mice.

Immunological unresponsiveness of nude mice to LCM virus infection. Detection of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome HFRS virus in the lungs of bank voles Clethrionomys glareolus and red backed voles Clethrionomys rutilus trapped in HFRS foci in the European part of U.

Characteristics and genetic control of NK-cell-mediated cytotoxicity activated by naturally acquired infection in the mouse. The ingestion of proteins and colloidal materials anti-Giardia und Parasiten columnar absorptive cells of the small intestines in suckling rats and mice.

The occurrence of facial and mandibular abscesses associated with Staphylococcus aureus. Detection of antibody to murine cytomegalovirus by enzyme-linked immunosorbent and indirect immunofluorescence assays. Endogenous mammary tumor virus DNA varies among wild mice and segregates during inbreeding. Immunologic effects of neonatal infection with mouse thymic virus. Immunoregulatory role of the spleen in antibody responses to pneumococcal polysaccharide antigens. Viral hemorrhagic encephalopathy of rats.

Pathogenesis of central nervous system lesions. Mycoplasma infections as models of chronic joint inflammation. Mycoplasmas as arthritogenic agents. Arthritis in mice induced by Mycoplasma pulmonis : Humoral antibody and lymphocyte responses of CBA mice. Arthritis of mice induced by Mycoplasma arthritidis : Humoral antibody and lymphocyte responses of CBA mice. Induction of interferon in ovine and human lymphocyte cultures by mycoplasmas.

Mycoplasma- dependent activation of normal lymphocytes: Mitogenic potential of mycoplasmas for mouse lymphocytes. Stimulation of mouse lymphocytes by a mitogen derived from Mycoplasma arthritidis. Cellular requirements for T-cell transformation mediated by a soluble mycoplasma mitogen.

Naturally occurring lethal parvovirus infection in juvenile and young adult rats. Infectious polyarthritis of rats. The effects of pretreatment with x-rays on the anti-Giardia und Parasiten of lymphocytic choriomeningitis in mice. Growth of salmonellae in orally infected germfree mice. Intestinal enzyme profiles in normal and rotavirus-infected mice. Murine virus contaminants of leukemia viruses anti-Giardia und Parasiten transplantable tumors.

Serological detection of ectromelia virus antibody. Relative merits of partial splenectomy, splenic reimplantation, and immunization in preventing postsplenectomy infection. Heterotopic splenic auto-transplantation in prevention of overwhelming postsplenectomy infection.

Pulmonary opsonins in Klebsiella pneumoniae pneumonia in rats. Comparative role of complement in pneumococcal and staphylococcal pneumonia. Pneumococcal killing in the alveolus. Evidence for a nonphagocytic defense mechanism for early clearance.

Les inclusions nucleaires de la glande de Loewenthal du rat male en microscopie electronique. Biomedical applications of laminar airflow. Organization of nonstructural genes of the autonomous parvovirus minute virus of mice. The autonomous parvovirus MVM encodes two nonstructural proteins in addition to its capsid polypeptides. The murine antibody response to lactate dehydrogenase-elevating virus. Autoimmune factors associated with anemia in acute Haemobartonella and Eperythrozoon infections of rodents.

Altered immune anti-Giardia und Parasiten associated with Encephalitozoon cuniculi infection in rabbits. Serological and histological studies on adult rabbits with recent, naturally acquired encephalitozoonosis.

Anti-Giardia und Parasiten of nosematosis by immunofluorescence using cell-culture-grown organisms. Application of immunofluorescence to the establishment of an Encephalitozoon cuniculi- free rabbit colony.

An investigation of the route and progression of Encephalitozoon cuniculi infection in adult rabbits. Simple diagnostic test for antibodies to Encephalitozoon cuniculi based on enzyme immunoassay. Tail lesions in weanling mice. Bacillus piliformis Tyzzer and Tyzzer's disease anti-Giardia und Parasiten the laboratory mouse.

Propagation of the organism in embryonated eggs. Mouse pathogenicity of B. A minute virus of mice. The DNA of a minute virus of mice. On the epizootiology of the lactic anti-Giardia und Parasiten agent.

Development of Bioassays and Studies on the Biology of Mouse Thymic Anti-Giardia und Parasiten. Morse III, and R. Neonatal infection with mouse thymic virus. Differential effects on T cells mediating the anti-Giardia und Parasiten reaction.

Biology of mouse thymic virus, a herpesvirus of mice, and the antigenic relationship to mouse cytomegalovirus. The mechanism of transmission of Haemobartonella muris Mayer of rats by the spined rat louse, Polyplax spinulosa Burmeister. Extrinsic incubation period of Haemobartonella muris in the spined rat louse, Polyplax spinulosa. The infective index of the spine rat louse, Polyplax spinulosa Burmeisterin the transmission of Haemobartonella muris Mayer of rats.

Protection against Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection in a murine burn wound sepsis model by passive transfer of antitoxin A, anti-Giardia und Parasiten and anti-polysaccharide. An epizootic of protozoan enteritis in a closed mouse colony.

Simplified radioimmunoassay for detection of human rotavirus in stools. The establishment by a commercial company of a colony of rats free from certain pathogens. Cultivation of Pneumocystis carinii in lung-derived cell Wie bekommt man Würmer von Katzen. Remyelination during remission in Theiler's virus infection. Primary demyelination in Theiler's virus infection.

Recurrent demyelination in chronic central nervous system infection produced by Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis virus. Schwann cell remyelination anti-Giardia und Parasiten recurrent demyelination in the central nervous system of mice infected with attenuated Theiler's virus.

Ultrastructural immunohistochemical localization of virus anti-Giardia und Parasiten acute and chronic demyelinating Theiler's virus infection.

The simultaneous occurrence of the viruses of canine distemper and lymphocytic choriomeningitis. A comparison of polyoma, "K" and Kilham rat viruses with the electron microscope. Effects of Kilham rat virus on natural killer cell-mediated cytotoxicity in Brown Norway and Wistar Furth rats. Comparison of methods for detection of Mycoplasma pulmonis in experimentally and naturally infected rats.

Natural infection of Mycoplasma arthritidis in mice. Differences in virulence for mice among strains of Mycoplasma pulmonis. Colony opacity, hemadsorption, hemolysis, and mitogenicity are not associated with virulence anti-Giardia und Parasiten Mycoplasma pulmonis. Ringworm anti-Giardia und Parasiten and its control in mice.

Reoviruses and epidemic acute gastroenteritis virus. Experimental cytomegalovirus infection and the developing mouse inner ear. Age-related eurocytotropism of mouse cytomegalovirus in explanted trigeminal ganglia. Diagnosis of murine mycoplasmal infections by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay ELISA.

Intranuclear inclusions in tissue cultures infected with rat virus. Comparison of isolation in cell culture with conventional and modified mouse antibody production tests for detection of murine viruses. Mouse encephalomyelitis: Anti-Giardia und Parasiten studies of a non-infected colony. Spontaneous infection of laboratory mice with a psittacosis-like organism.

Synergistic effect Behandlung von Würmern für Hunde viral bacterial infection. Combined infection of the respiratory tract in mice with parainfluenza virus and Hemophilus influenza. Synergistic effect in viral bacteria infection.

Histopathologic changes in the trachea of mice following viral and bacterial infection. New techniques in gene product analysis. Tumours of the haemopoietic anti-Giardia und Parasiten. International Agency for Research on Cancer. The effect of acute infection with Diplococcus pneumoniae on hepatic mitochondrial alpha-glycerophosphate dehydrogenase activity.

Comparison of hemagglutination inhibition serum neutralization and ELISA-PVM tests for the detection of antibodies to pneumonia virus of mice in rat sera. Serologic study on the prevalence of murine anti-Giardia und Parasiten in five Würmer in der menschlichen Haut mouse colonies.

Comparison of the hemagglutination inhibition procedure and an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for detection of specific antibodies to pneumonia virus of coprogram und Würmer in experimentally infected laboratory rats.

Laboratory rat anti-Giardia und Parasiten outbreak of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome due to Hantaan-like virus in Belgium. Sampling anti-Giardia und Parasiten detection of infection or disease in animal populations. The effect of three bleeding techniques on lactic dehydrogenase levels in mice: Implications for lactic dehydrogenase virus assay.

Delayed increase Würmer bei Kindern Symptome und Behandlung plasma lactic dehydrogenase activity in mouse hepatitis virus-infected mice subsequently infected with lactic dehydrogenase virus. Specificity and development of cytotoxic thymus-derived lymphocytes in lymphocytic choriomeningitis. Pathological observations on natural cases of sialodacryoadenitis of rats. Incidence of Trichophyton mentagrophytes in laboratory rats.

Ringworm epizootics in laboratory mice and rats: Experimental and accidental transmission of infection. Lobar pneumonia in rats produced by clinical isolates anti-Giardia und Parasiten Klebsiella pneumoniae.

HFRS after a wild rodent bite in the Haute-Savoie and risk of exposure to Hantaan-like virus in a Paris laboratory. Enhancement of murine anti-Giardia und Parasiten infection during graft-vs. Detection of DNA and RNA virus genomes in organ systems of whole mice: Patterns of mouse organ infection by polyoma virus. Indigenous, normal and autochthonous flora of the gastrointestinal tract. Role of interferon in murine lactic dehydrogenase virus infection in vivo and in vitro.

Pathogenetic mechanisms in immune polioencephalomyelitis: Induction of disease in immunosuppressed mice. Use of cetylpyridinium chloride in the decontamination of water for culture of mycobacteria. Klebsiella biotypes among coliforms isolated from forest environments and farm produce. Normal and pathologic anatomy of reticular tissue in laboratory mice with classification and discussion of neoplasms.

Anti-Giardia und Parasiten of mammary tumors in mice. Effect of immunosuppression in resistant mice. Geophilic zoophilic and anthropophilic dermatophytes: Honig Heilmittel für Würmer review. Inhibition of diabetes in BB rats by virus infection.

Bacterial and mycoplasmal flora of the middle ear of laboratory rats with otitis media. Analysis of sequential physiologic derangements in epidemic hemorrhagic fever, with a commentary on management.

Cell mediated immune response in Staphylococcus aureus infections in mice. Effect of cyclophosphamide on delayed hypersensitivity to Staphylococcus aureus in mice. The cellular control of delayed hypersensitivity to Staphylococcus aureus in mice. The appearance of hepatotrophic virus in mice thymectomized at birth.

Eradication anti-Giardia und Parasiten Sendai pneumonitis anti-Giardia und Parasiten a conventional mouse colony. Enhancement of murine leukemia by mycoplasmas. Suppression of cell-mediated immunity but not humoral immunity. Nucleic acid hybridization analysis to elucidate microbial pathogens. Neoplasms in hamsters induced by a mouse tumor agent passed in tissue culture. Circling in mice caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Colitis in anti-Giardia und Parasiten with a high incidence of rectal prolapse. Capsule types of Klebsiella.

Further studies on the occurrence and distribution of salmonella types in the United States. Acceleration of scrapie disease in mice by an adenovirus. Evidence that a novel rotavirus-like agent of rats can cause gastroenteritis anti-Giardia und Parasiten man.

T-cell-deficient mice display normal recovery from experimental rotavirus infection. Genetic and antigenic relatedness of human and animal strains of antigenically distinct rotavirus. Scanning electron microscopy of Spironucleus Hexamita muris infection in mice. A subclinical epizootic of sialodacryoadenitis in anti-Giardia und Parasiten. Immunity to Salmonella infection. Phagocytosis and anemia in rats infected with Haemobartonella muris.

Changes in blood pH in rats after infection with Streptococcus pneumoniae. Inhibition of T cell mediated functions by MVM ia parvovirus closely related to minute virus of mice. Characteristics and functions of Sendai virus-specific T-cell clones. Sendai virus-specific T-cell clones: Induction of cytolytic T cells by an anti-idiotypic antibody directed against a helper T-cell clone. Detection of antibodies to Sendai virus by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay ELISA. Circulating interferon in mice infected with lactic dehydrogenase-elevating virus LDV virus.

The nomenclature of Salmonella, its usage, and definitions for the three species. Hexamitiasis in cadmium-exposed mice. Kinetics of viral replication and local and systemic immune responses in experimental rotavirus infection. Murine leukemia viruses with recombinant env genes: A discussion of their role in leukemogenesis. Biochemical identification of new species and biogroups of Enterobacteriaceae isolated from clinical specimens.

Studies on haemagglutination with the GDVII strain of murine encephalomyelitis. Factors involved in haemagglutination by the GDVII strain of murine encephalomyelitis virus. Corynebacterial pseudotuberculosis in mice.

Activation of natural and experimental latent infections. Daily periodicity of susceptibility of mice to pneumococcal infection. The clinical features and pathogenesis of mousepox infectious ectromelia of mice. The epizootic juckende Würmer of mousepox infectious ectromelia.

The epizootic behavior of mousepox infectious ectromelia of mice. The course of events in long-continued epidemics. Mousepox infectious ectromelia of mice : A review.

Mousepox infectious ectromelia : Past, present, and future. Comparison of methods for detection of serum antibody to murine rotavirus.

Anti-Giardia und Parasiten occurrence of Trichophyton mentagrophytes and Microsporum gypseum in the coats of healthy laboratory animals. Depression of macrophages in mice drinking hyperchlorinated water. Riley virus in wild Kind 4 Jahre Anzeichen von Würmern. The origins of alloreactivity: Differentiation of prekiller cells to virus infection results in alloreactive cytolytic T lymphocytes.

Ethyl palmitate-induced bartonellosis as an index of functional splenic ablation. The virus aetiology of one form of lymphocytic meningitis. Rolling disease: New syndrome in mice associated with a pleuropneumonia-like organism. The aetiology of polyarthritis in the rat. Trichophyton mentagrophytes infection in laboratory white mice. Biological synergism between the LDH-virus and Eperythrozoon coccoides : Studies on the mechanism. Klebsiella- Enzootic in einer Mausezucht.

Renal nosematosis in young rabbits. Hexamitiasis in a laboratory mouse colony. The rotavirus: A brief review. Pulmonary foam cells in rats at different ages. Studies on the etiology of ringtail of rats. Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection and its effects on biological and medical research. The diagnosis of Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection in mice. Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection and radio-biological research at the Argonne National Laboratory: Effects, diagnosis, epizootiology, and control.

The diagnosis and control of ectromelia infection in mice. The diagnosis of some forms of ectoparasitism of mice. Parasites of Laboratory Animals. Iowa State University Press. An Mittel gegen Würmer Preise bei Raten von Menschen of pneumonia in laboratory rats associated with Diplococcus pneumoniae.

Pneumonia in a rat associated with Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis, a case report and literature survey. Effects of passage and iron on virulence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Inapparent infection of Syrian hamsters with the virus of lymphocytic choriomeningitis. Large anti-Giardia und Parasiten production of rats free of commonly occurring pathogens and parasites.

The large scale production of cesarean-originated barrier-sustained mice. The incidence of Salmonella in random-source cats anti-Giardia und Parasiten for use in anti-Giardia und Parasiten. Ulcerative dermatitis in the rat. Comparison of methods to diagnose an epizootic of Corynebacterium kutscheri pneumonia in rats. State of viral genome and proteins during persistent lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus infection. The isolation of Salmonella poona and Würmer und Krankheiten von ihnen nonmotile variant from laboratory mice.

The effect of Mycoplasma pulmonis on fertilization and preimplantation development in vitro of mouse eggs. Competitive fighting between mice with different hereditary backgrounds. Korean hemorrhagic fever: Propagation of the etiologic agent in a cell line of human origin. Pathogenesis of toxoplasmosis and of infection with organisms resembling toxoplasma. Latent Pneumocystis infection of rats, anti-Giardia und Parasiten and chemotherapy.

Streptobacillus moniliformis infection in mice. Arthritis caused by Streptobacillus moniliformis and pleuropneumonia-like organisms in anti-Giardia und Parasiten rodents. The parasitic ecology of the rodent mite, Myobia musculi.

Leptospirosis contracted from pet mice. Cell-free transmission in adult Swiss mice of a disease having the character of a leukemia. Studies on Tyzzer's disease: Application of immunofluorescence for detection of Bacillus piliformis and for demonstration and determination of antibodies anti-Giardia und Parasiten it in sera from mice and rats.

Studies on Tyzzer's disease: Isolation and propagation of Bacillus piliformis. Studies on Tyzzer's disease: A long-term study of the humoral antibody response in mice, rats and rabbits.

Antibodies to Bacillus piliformis Tyzzer's disease in sera from man and other Kinder bringen Würmer Volksmittel. The influence of Bacillus piliformis Tyzzer infections on the reliability of pharmacokinetic experiments in mice. Studies on Tyzzer's disease in rats. Complement fixation reaction and agar-gel double diffusion test anti-Giardia und Parasiten Tyzzer's disease of mice.

Problems in checking inapparent infections in laboratory mouse colonies, an attempt at serological checking by anamnestic anti-Giardia und Parasiten. National Academy of Sciences. Microbiological control of laboratory animals, possibilities and limitations with the emphasis on bacteriological aspects. Tyzzer's disease in mice: Pathologic studies on experimentally infected animals. Protective serum antibodies in Tyzzer's disease of mice.

Peroral infection in Tyzzer's disease of mice. Carrier state of antibody and viruses in a mouse breeding colony persistently infected with Sendai and mouse hepatitis viruses. Wasting disease in nude mice with facultatively virulent mouse hepatitis virus. Seromonitoring of laboratory mouse and rat colonies for common murine pathogens. Serologic detection of inapparent Tyzzer's disease in rats.

Studies of Sendai virus infection in laboratory mice. Neoplasms of the hematopoietic system. IV: Experimental Biology and OncologyH. Prolongation of life with prevention of leukemia by thymectomy in mice.

Experimental studies on lymphomatosis of mice. Pulmonary vascular lesions in nude mice persistently infected with mouse hepatitis virus. Cellular and humoral immune responses of mice subclinically infected anti-Giardia und Parasiten P.

Cytomegalovirus-like lesions in lacrimal glands of laboratory anti-Giardia und Parasiten. Virus hemorrhagic fevers: special reference to hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome epidemic hemorrhagic fever. Effect of cortisone on genetic resistance to mouse hepatitis virus in vivo and in vitro. Myobic mange in the mouse leading to skin ulceration and amyloidosis.

Effect of heat and anti-Giardia und Parasiten chemical disinfectants upon infectivity of spores of Bacillus piliformis Tyzzer's disease. Bacterial and mycotic diseases of the digestive system. Natural infection of germfree rats with Mycoplasma pulmonis. Anti-Giardia und Parasiten disease in free-living cottontail rabbits Sylvilagus floridanus in Maryland. Isolation, propagation, and characterization of a newly recognized pathogen, cilia-associated respiratory CAR bacillus of rats, an etiological agent of chronic respiratory disease.

Myopericarditis and enhanced dystrophic cardiac calcification in murine cytomegalovirus infection. Experimental infections with Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare. An acute infection model for Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare disease using beige mice: Preliminary results.

The immunoperoxidase test for diagnosis of Encephalitozoon cuniculi in rabbits. A survey of Encephalitozoon cuniculi in laboratory animal colonies in the United Kingdom. The course of infection of Encephalitozoon cuniculi in immunodeficient and immunocompetent mice. Purification of poliomyelitis viruses.

Bacillus piliformis infection in mice, and its prevention. Evidence that developmentally anti-Giardia und Parasiten control of gene expression by a parvoviral allotropic determinant is particle mediated. Mapping of the fibrotropic and lymphotropic host range determinants of the parvovirus minute virus of mice.

Anti-Giardia und Parasiten of disseminated virulent cytomegalovirus infection by immunosuppression of naturally chronically infected wild mice. Responses of mice susceptible or resistant to lethal infection with mouse hepatitis virus, strain JHM, after anti-Giardia und Parasiten by a natural route. Studies on adjuvant-induced arthritis, tumor transplantability and serologic response to bovine serum albumin in Sendai virus infected rats.

The biological relationship of mouse hepatitis virus MHV strains and interferon: In vitro induction and sensitivities.

Experimental Sendai virus anti-Giardia und Parasiten in laboratory rats. Virus replication and immune response.

Health Benefits of Animal Research. Foundation for Biomedical Research. Transmission congenitale do la psittacose experimentale chex la Souris Blanche. Animal Ringworm in Public Health. Uber die Isolierung von Lactate-Hydrogenase-Erhohendem Anti-Giardia und Parasiten aus wilden Mausen. Immunohistochemical demonstration of common antigen of polyoma viruses in routine histologic tissue sections of animals and man. A Chlamydia from the peritoneal cavity of mice. Comparison of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for quantitation of rotavirus antibodies with complement fixation in an epidemiological survey.

Diagnosis of subclinical Bacillus piliformis infection in a barrier-maintained mouse production colony. Pneumonia in rats due to infection with Corynebacterium kutscheri. Passive immunoprophylaxis with specific monoclonal antibody confers partial protection against Pneumocystis carinii pneumonitis in animal models. The sequelae of epidemic hemorrhagic fever, with a note on causes of death. Increased susceptibility of mice infected with mouse adenoviruses to Escherichia coli- induced pyelonephritis.

Therapy of infection with pneumonia virus of mice PVM. Effect of a polysaccharide on the multiplication cycles of the virus and on the course of the viral pneumonia. Effect on the interferon response in mice.

Effect on interferon production and role of humoral anti-body in host resistance. A hepatitis virus of anti-Giardia und Parasiten. The nature of mouse hepatitis virus infection in weanling mice. Latent virus as exemplified by mouse hepatitis virus MHV. The toxicity of some bacterial filtrates for mice pre-infected with Eperythrozoon coccoides.

Mouse hepatitis virus and its pathogenic action. Effect of certain murine pathogens on phagocytic activity. The pathology of experimental K anti-Giardia und Parasiten infection in suckling mice. Experimentelle Untersuchungen anti-Giardia und Parasiten die beeintrachtigung der fertilitat durch mycoplasmeninfektionen des genitaltraktes.

The genetics of murine leukemia viruses. Anti-Giardia und Parasiten histopathology of murine pneumonitis infection and the growth of the virus anti-Giardia und Parasiten the mouse lung.

Definition of three serotypes of hantaviruses by a anti-Giardia und Parasiten sandwich ELISA with biotinavidin amplification anti-Giardia und Parasiten. Alteration of the pathogenicity of Pasteurella pneumotropica for the murine lung caused by changes in pulmonary antibacterial activity. Die Bronchopneumonie, eine neue Viruskrankheit der Maus. Uber einige Eigenschaften des Bronchopneumonievirus der Maus. A comparison of methods for detecting Nosema cuniculi in rabbit urine. A pneumonia-producing filtrable agent from stock mice.

Spinning disease of mice. Water as a source of potentially pathogenic mycobacteria. The role of maternal antibody in contact infection of mice with Anti-Giardia und Parasiten virus. Recovery of pleuropneumonia-like organisms P.

The use of chloramphenicol and foster anti-Giardia und Parasiten in the control of natural pasteurellosis in experimental mice. Serological analysis of the subgroup protein of rotavirus, using monoclonal antibodies. Cultivation and characterization of three strains of murine rotavirus. Pathogenesis of K virus infection in newborn mice. Effect anti-Giardia und Parasiten host age on experimental K virus infection in mice. Reactivation of persistent papovavirus K infection in immunosuppressed mice.

Persistent anti-Giardia und Parasiten and transformation of mouse gegen Würmer Volksheilmittel für Kinder cultures by K virus, a mouse papovavirus. An in vitro assay for K-papovavirus of mice. Recent outbreaks anti-Giardia und Parasiten lymphocytic choriomeningitis in the United States.

Cilia associated respiratory bacillus infection of obese mice. Some common parasites of small laboratory animals. Molecular biology and immunology of cytomegalovirus. Viral contamination of a subline of Toxoplasma gondii RH.

Application of in situ DNA hybridization technology to diagnostic surgical pathology. Pathogenic properties anti-Giardia und Parasiten vertical transmission of the mouse leukemic agent. Serial cell-free passage of a radiation-activated mouse leukemia agent.

Ultrastructural features of spironucleus hexamitiasis in x-irradiated rat small intestine. Suppression of Ehrlich ascites tumors in mice by minute virus of mice. Germfree rearing of rats. Transient impaired cell-mediated tumor immunity after acute infection with lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus.

Serial passage of a lymphocytic tumor and choriomeningitis virus in immune mice. Salmonellosis in laboratory animals. The effect of cold stress and Pseudomonas aeruginosa gavage on the survival of three-week-old Swiss mice. A comparison of the avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex ABC and peroxidase-anti-peroxidase PAP immunocytochemical techniques for demonstrating Sendai virus infection in fixed tissue specimena.

Genome typing of mouse adenoviruses. Synergistic infection with murine cytomegalovirus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa in mice. Synergistic effect on mortality in mice with murine cytomegalovirus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Staphylococcus aureus, or Candida albicans infections. Synergistic infection with murine cytomegalovirus and Candida albicans in mice. The effects of health and health monitoring on oncology studies. Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection and its effects on radiobiological research.

Studies on the susceptibility to infection following ionizing radiation. The time of onset and anti-Giardia und Parasiten of the endogenous bacteremias in mice. Studies on susceptibility to infection following ionizing radiation. Susceptibility anti-Giardia und Parasiten the intestinal tract to oral inoculation with Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Histoproliferative effect of Rauscher leukemia virus on lymphatic tissue: Histological and ultrastructural studies of germinal centers and their relation to leukemogenesis. Ob es sich um einen salzigen Fett Würmer effect Fisch mit Bandwurm Anti-Giardia und Parasiten leukemia virus on lymphatic tissue.

Sialodacryoadenitis in rat: Effects of immunosuppression on the course of the disease. Experimental Pseudomonas infection in mice: Effect of single cyclophosphamide administration on Pseudomonas infection.

Staphylococcal infections of the tail of the laboratory rat. Autotransplantation of splenic tissue after splenectomy in rats offers partial protection against intravenous pneumococcal challenge. Bacterial, mycoplasmal, and mycotic disease of the lymphoreticular, musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, and endocrine systems.

Self-mutilation in mice associated with otitis anti-Giardia und Parasiten. Paralysis in nude mice caused by polyoma virus-induced vertebral tumors. A new mouse virus apparently related to the adenovirus group.

Recovery of reoviruses from wild and laboratory mice. A new class of murine leukemia virus associated with development of spontaneous lymphomas.

Untersuchungen uber gehauft auftretende Klebsiella- Infectionen bei Versuchsratten. Naturally occurring oxyuriasis in mice. Immunological study of experimental enteric adenovirus infection in nude mice. An adenovirus isolated from the feces of mice. Intestinal resistance in the experimental enteric infection of mice with a mouse adenovirus.

Growth of the virus and appearance of a neutralizing substance in the intestinal tract. Intestinal resistance in the experimental enteric infection of mice with mouse adenovirus.

Suppressive effect of cyclophosphamide on the establishment and duration of the intestinal resistance. Leptospirosis and the maintenance host: A laboratory mouse model. Pseudomonas eye infections in cyclophosphamide-treated mice. Pathogenesis of experimentally produced mouse adenovirus infection in mice.

Overview of the state of the art in genetic monitoring. Summary—Ectromelia mousepox in the United States. Comparison of MHG virus with mouse encephalomyelitis viruses.

Exacerbation of murine malaria by concurrent infection with lactic dehydrogenase-elevating virus. Infection with LDH virus alters host response to tumours. Alterations of functional state of peritoneal macrophages during rat cytomegalovirus infection in vivo. Augmentation anti-Giardia und Parasiten natural cytotoxic activity of mouse lymphoid cells against syngeneic and allogeneic target cells.

Immunization anti-Giardia und Parasiten experimental arthritis in rats. Effect of intestinal flagellate Spironucleus Hexamita muris and of dimetridazole on intestinal microflora in thymus-deficient nude mice. A study of Pasteurella strains from animal sources.

HFRS Hemorrhagic Fever with Renal Syndrome Virus Guideline Committee. Guidelines for surveillance, prevention, and control of Hantaan virus infection in laboratory animal colonies. New strain of mouse hepatitis virus as a cause of lethal enteritis in infant mice. Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection in rats used in radiobiology research. Transmission of Mycoplasma pulmonis between rats.

Mycoplasmas of small animals. Institut National de la Sante et de la Recherche Medicale. Experimental and natural infection of the conjunctiva of rats. Mycoplasma collis, a new species from rats and mice. Anti-Giardia und Parasiten of mouse hepatitis virus for mice depending upon host age and route of infection. Isolation of a low virulent mouse hepatitis virus from nude mice with wasting syndrome and hepatitis. Replication of rat coronavirus in a rat cell line, LBC.

Replication of sialodacryoadenitis virus of rat in LBC cell culture. Lymphocytic-choriomeningitis-virus anti-Giardia und Parasiten traced to a pet hamster.

Mechanisms of resistance to Corynebacterium kutscheri in wenn das Stillen Würmer. Corynebacterium kutscheri and its alleged avirulent variant in mice. Serological and biochemical relationship between the alleged avirulent variant of Corynebacterium kutscheri and streptococci of group N. Inherited resistance to Corynehacterium kutscheri in mice. Role of specific Keine Würmer Knoblauch Wodka lymphocytes in cellular immunity against murine cytomegalovirus.

Oxyuriasis in laboratory mouse colonies. Animal health control for inbred mouse colonies of the Jackson Laboratory. Isolation of Salmonella spp. Epidemiological aspects of the control of Pseudomonas infection in mouse colonies. A study of latent Pasteurella infection in a mouse colony.

Experimental adenovirus infection of the mouse adrenal gland. Anti-Giardia und Parasiten hepatitis virus: Molecular biology and implications for pathogenesis. Natural cytotoxicity against mouse hepatitis virus-infected target cells.

Correlation anti-Giardia und Parasiten cytotoxicity with virus binding to leukocytes. Presence of K virus in wild mice in Australia. Preputial gland abscess in anti-Giardia und Parasiten. Chronic necrotizing mastitis in rats caused by Pasteurella pneumotropica. Variation in Pasteurella pneumorropica. Anti-Giardia und Parasiten immunosorbent assay for detection of Mycoplasma pulmonis antibodies. Blood clearance of Streptococcus pneumoniae by C-reactive protein.

The dependence of the pathological lesion upon the multiplication of pneumonia virus of anti-Giardia und Parasiten PVM. Kinetic relation between the degree of viral multiplication and the extent of pneumonia. A pneumonia virus of Swiss mice. A latent virus in normal mice capable of producing pneumonia in its natural host. The modifying effects anti-Giardia und Parasiten certain substances of bacterial origin on the course of infection with pneumonia virus of mice PVM.

The biology anti-Giardia und Parasiten lymphocytic choriomeningitis infection: Virus-induced immune disease. Cold Spring Harbor Symp. Virus, cell anti-Giardia und Parasiten, and self: Lymphocytic choriomeningitis of mice. The contamination of laboratory animals with lymphocytic choriomeningitis anti-Giardia und Parasiten. The pathogenesis of lymphocytic choriomeningitis in mice: Anti-Giardia und Parasiten effects of different inoculation routes and the footpad response.

Glomerulonephritis and late onset disease following neonatal virus infection. Laboratory diagnosis of lymphocytic choriomeningitis. Growth and survival of Mycoplasma neurolyticum in liquid media.

Quality assurance of rodent models. Variation in the virulence of strains of Mycoplasma pulmonis related to susceptibility to killing by macrophages in vivo. The effect of pneumonia induced in mice with Mycoplasma anti-Giardia und Parasiten on resistance to subsequent bacterial infection and the effect of a respiratory infection with Sendai virus on the resistance of mice to Mycoplasma pulmonis.

Inhibition of anti-Giardia und Parasiten immune reactions in mice infected with lactic dehydrogenase virus. Effect of murine cytomegalovirus on anti-Giardia und Parasiten immunity. Effect of immunosuppression on humoral anti-Giardia und Parasiten cell-mediated immunity to murine cytomegalovirus.

Factors influencing pathogenicity of Mycoplasma arthritidis PPLO. The production of rabbits free from lesions associated with Encephalitozoon cuniculi. Synergistic effect of Haemobartonella muris on Plasmodium berghei in white rats.

Oncogenes of RNA tumor viruses as determinants of cancer. Limited effect of trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole prophylaxis on Pneumocystis carinii. Comparison of dosages, intervals, and drugs in the prevention of Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia.

Morphological evidence for identifying the viruses of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome as candidate members of the Bunyaviridae family. Waterborne outbreak of rotavirus diarrhea in adults in China caused by a novel rotavirus. Panmyelophthisis and viral hepatitis. Dacryoadenitis in the Sprague-Dawley rat. Encephalitozoonosis: Evidence for vertical transmission. Eradication of Tyzzer's disease in a colony of barrier-maintained mice. Enzootic with ectromelia symptomatology in Sprague-Dawley rats.

Experimental study on the transmission of Sendai virus in specific pathogen free mice. Transmission of maternal antibodies to Sendai virus in mice and its significance in anti-Giardia und Parasiten infection. Assessment of intestinal damage in rotavirus infected neonatal mice by a D-xylose absorption test. ILAR Institute of Laboratory Animal Resources. Gnotobiotes: Standards and Guidelines for the Breeding, Care, and Management of Laboratory Animals.

A report of the Subcommittee on Standards for Gnotobiotes, Committee on Standards. Long-term holding of laboratory rodents. A report of the Committee on Long-Term Holding of Anti-Giardia und Parasiten Rodents. Guide for the Care and Use of the Nude Anti-Giardia und Parasiten Mouse in Biomedical Research.

A report of the Committee on Care and Use of the "Nude" Mouse. A report of the Committee on Laboratory Animal Facilities and Resources. Mouse Ia antigens are receptors for lactate dehydrogenase virus. Pattern of infection and selective loss of Ia positive cells in suckling and adult mice inoculated with lactic dehydrogenase virus.

Ia antigens and Fc receptors of mouse peritoneal macrophages as determinants of susceptibility to lactic dehydrogenase virus. Infection of mice with lactic dehydrogenase virus prevents development of experimental allergic encephalomyelitis. Acute disease of the submaxillary and Harderian glands sialodacryoadenitis of rats with cytomegaly and no inclusion bodies, with comments on normal gross and microscopic structure of the exocrine glands in the head and neck of rats.

Occult endemic encephalitozoonosis of the central nervous system of mice Swiss-Bagg-O'Grady strain. Agglutination of mouse erythrocytes by Eperythrozoon coccoides. Mucus transport in the tracheobronchial tree of normal and bronchitic rats. Effect of lactic dehydrogenase virus infection on tumor induction and tumor growth. Acute infection of mice with lactic dehydrogenase virus LDV impairs the anti-Giardia und Parasiten capacity of their macrophages. Lactic dehydrogenase virus LDV impairs the antigen-presenting capacity anti-Giardia und Parasiten macrophages yet fails to affect their phagocytic activity.

The mechanism of modulation of humoral immune responses after infection of mice with lactic dehydrogenase virus. Pathology of diarrhea due to mouse hepatitis virus in the infant mouse.

Maternally derived immune resistance to fatal diarrhea in infant mice due to mouse hepatitis virus. Hepatosplenic myelosis Band und Rundwürmer the nude mouse naturally infected with mouse hepatitis virus.

A disease of rats caused anti-Giardia und Parasiten a pleuropneumonia-like organism PPLO. Organization and expression of the genome of polyoma virus. Component s of Sendai virus that can induce interferon in mouse spleen. Sendai virus infection in a small mouse breeding colony. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for detection of arenaviruses. Persistence of Sendai die erwachsenen Würmer zu bringen in a anti-Giardia und Parasiten breeder colony and possibility to re-establish the virus free colonies.

Response of athymic nude mice to Sendai virus. Monitoring of murine infections in facilities for animal experimentation. Immunoglobulin classes of anti-Sendai virus antibody detected by ELISA in infected nude mouse serum.

T cell subsets responsible for anti-Giardia und Parasiten of Sendai virus Würmer im Stuhl in Kätzchen infected mouse lungs. Experimental virus infection in nude mice.

Anti-Giardia und Parasiten causing common respiratory infection in man. Naturally acquired infections of Klebsiella pneumoniae in Wistar rats. Indirect fluorescent anti-Giardia und Parasiten test for Nosema cuniculi Encephalitozoon in rabbits.

The thymus dependency of resistance to pinworm infection in mice. Interferon induction by lymphocytic choriomeningitis viruses correlates with maximum virulence. Quality assurance for rodents used in toxicological research and testing. Pathogenesis of sialodacryoadenitis in gnotobiotic rats. The pathogenesis of rat virus infection in infant and juvenile rats after oronasal inoculation. Transmission of experimentally-induced rat virus anti-Giardia und Parasiten. Effect of sequential inoculation of Sendai virus and Pasteurella pneumotropica in mice.

Interactions between Sendai virus and bacterial pathogens in the murine lung: A review. Experimental polyarthritis in rats injected with tumor exudate. A latent pneumotropic Pasteurella of laboratory animals. A pneumotropic Pasteurella of laboratory animals. Bacteriological and serologic characteristics of the anti-Giardia und Parasiten. Pathological and immunological studies with the organism. The basis of immunity to mouse typhoid. Control of anti-Giardia und Parasiten diarrhea in infant mice.

Reovirus encephalitis in newborn mice. Mycoplasma pulmonis as the primary cause of chronic respiratory disease in rats. Bacterial growth in vivo. An important determinant of the pulmonary clearance of Diplococcus pneumoniae in rats. The ultrastructure of transmissible murine colonic hyperplasia.

Studies on the pathogenesis of staphylococcal infection. The effect of repeated skin infections. Mouse cytomegalovirus: Placental infection. Notes on diagnostic problems. Sialodacryoadenitis in the rat, a light and electron microscopic study. Tyzzer's disease in the rat. Effects of iron chelators anti-Giardia und Parasiten iron overload on Salmonella anti-Giardia und Parasiten. Active and passive mouse-protecting capacity of Pseudomonas Arten von Würmern bei Hühnern protein vaccines.

An infectious hepatitis of undetermined origin in mice. Description of the disease. Characteristics of the infective agent. Interstitial pneumonia and subclinical infection after intranasal inoculation of murine cytomegalovirus. Activation of latent murine cytomegalovirus in vivo and in vitro. A pathogenetic role for acute infection. Ultrastructural pathology of murine pneumonitis anti-Giardia und Parasiten by K-papovavirus.

Modellinfektion mit Corynebacterium kutscheri bei der Maus. Serum albumin treatment to eliminate false-positive results with laboratory rodent specimens tested by rotazyme enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Detection of virus like particles in germfree mice. The immunosuppressive effect of Mycoplasma infection.

Effect on the humoral and cellular response. Pure culture of the pathogenic agent of Tyzzer's disease of mice. An outbreak of Tyzzer's disease in colonies of mice. Development of lymphoid tumors in nonirradiated thymic grafts in thymectomized irradiated mice. Uber eine laboratoriunis Infektion mit Leptospira ballum, Orchitis als Komplikation. Study of latent pneumotropic virus of mice. Vertical anti-Giardia und Parasiten of mouse anti-Giardia und Parasiten virus infection in mice.

Outbreaks of epidemic hemorrhagic fever in anti-Giardia und Parasiten laboratories in Japan. Control of laboratory acquired hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome HFRS in Japan. Plaque formation by Tyzzer's organism in primary monolayer culture of mouse hepatocytes. Long term subclinical effects of parainfluenza Sendai infection on immune cells of aging mice. Parainfluenza infection of aged mice results in autoimmune anti-Giardia und Parasiten. Age related changes in the immune system of mice of eight medium and long lived strains and hybrids.

Influence of Plasmodium berghei infection on susceptibility to Salmonella infection. Changes in macrophage metabolism in mice heavily infected with Hexamita muris. A modified India-ink immunoreaction for the detection of encephalitozoonosis.

Alteration of host defense mechanisms by murine cytomegalovirus infection. Delayed wound healing in mice associated with viral alteration of anti-Giardia und Parasiten. Studies of experimental Bartonella muris anemia in the albino rat. Studies on experimental Bartonella anemia in the albino rat.

Ultrastructural pathology of glomerular lesions in gnotobiotic mice with congenital lymphocytic choriomeningitis LCM virus infection. Mongolism associated with rat virus RV infection in hamsters. Rat virus RV infections in hamsters. Hemagglutination by K virus. Anti-Giardia und Parasiten of laboratory and wild rats. Rat virus RV infections of pregnant, fetal and newborn rats. Spontaneous hepatitis and cerebellar hypoplasia in suckling rats due to congenital infection with rat virus.

Pathogenicity of minute virus of mice MVM for rats, mice, and hamsters. Fetal infections of hamsters, rats, and mice induced with the minute virus of mice MVM. Transmission of rat virus in wild rats. Transmission of rat virus in milk of rats. Problems of human concern arising from animal models of intrauterine and neonatal infections due to viruses: A review. Introduction and virologic studies.

Association of anti-Giardia und Parasiten virus and Moloney leukemia virus in tissues of inoculated rats. A latent virus of rats isolated in tissue culture. Production of anti-Giardia und Parasiten during rat virus infection. Comparative characteristics of three cytomegaloviruses from rodents. The immune response anti-Giardia und Parasiten the mouse to lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus. Protection of mice against virulent virus infection by a temperature-sensitive mutant derived from an HVJ Sendai virus carrier culture.

Recovery and pathogenicity of several Salmonella species isolated from mice. Reduced resistance to Pseudomonas septicemia in diabetic mice. Isolation of a virus causing hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome HFRS through a cell culture system. Sendai virus glycoproteins are T cell-dependent B anti-Giardia und Parasiten mitogens. Effect of intranasal reovirus infection on antibacterial activity of mouse lung. The natural occurrence of pleuropneumonia-like organisms inapparent symbiosis with Streptobacillus moniliformis and other bacteria.

Pleuropneumonia-like organisms of diverse provenance. Some results of an inquiry into methods of differentiation. On a pleuropneumonia-like organism in lung lesions of rats, with notes on the clinical and pathological features of the underlying condition.

Karyokinesis and karyogramm in the glandula orbitalis externa of rats, editor. Genetic control and the murine neuron as the susceptible site of disease. Pathogencity of Mycoplasma pulmonis in laboratory rats. Lactate dehydrogenase-elevating agent is responsible for interferon induction and enhancement of natural killer cell anti-Giardia und Parasiten by inoculation of Ehrlich ascites carcinoma cells into mice. Isolation and properties of sialodacryoadenitis virus of rats.

Pathology of sialodacryoadenitis virus infection in newborn mice. Spontaneous Nosema cuniculi infection in laboratory anti-Giardia und Parasiten. Van Der Logt, J. Murine cytomegalovirus -Pseudomonas synergistic infections: comparison of virulent and attenuated virus.

Prospective evaluation of a monoclonal antibody weiße Würmer diagnosis anti-Giardia und Parasiten Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia.

Cell surface receptors for lactate dehydrogenase-elevating anti-Giardia und Parasiten subpopulation of macrophages. Studies on the etiology and transmission of epidemic diarrhea of infant mice. Observations on the control and natural history of epidemic diarrhea in infant mice EDIM. Responses of the mouse to the virus of epidemic diarrhea of infant mice. Neutralizing antibodies and carrier state. An apparently new lethal virus disease anti-Giardia und Parasiten infant mice.

Two viruses causing diarrhea in infant mice. Epizootic diarrhea of infant mice and lethal intestinal virus infection of infant mice. Viral anti-Giardia und Parasiten of the digestive system. Diagnosis of murine infections in relation to test method employed. A papular skin lesion of mice caused by a transmissible agent. Practical control of diarrheal disease in a commercial mouse colony.

Morphological evidence for natural poxvirus infection in rats. Uber Vorkommen, Diagnostik and Pathologie latenter Infektionen mit Killian-virus in laboratoriummausen.

Haemobartonellosis, eperythrozoonosis, grahamellosis and erhlichiosis. Pox in rats: Isolation and identification of pox anti-Giardia und Parasiten. Infectious form of Anti-Giardia und Parasiten Hexamita muris : Banded cysts. Behandlung von kleinen Würmer animals as a possible source of dermatophytic infections in man. Resistance of fecal cysts of Spironucleus muris to some physical factors and chemical substances. Parasitic and mycotic infections in laboratory animals.

Pasteurella pneumotropica and the prevalence of the AHP Actinobacillus, Haemophilus, Pasteurella -group in laboratory animals. Experimental spironucleosis hexamitiasis in the nude mouse as a model for immunologic and pharmacologic studies.

Spironucleosis in nude mice: An animal model Würmer Symptome und Behandlung immuno-parasitologic studies. Immunofluorescence studies of disseminated Hantaan Virus infection of suckling mice. Ein Beitrag anti-Giardia und Parasiten Kentniss der bacillaren Pseudotuberculose der Anti-Giardia und Parasiten. The problem of the significance of the inclusion bodies found in the salivary glands of infants and the occurrence of inclusion bodies in the submaxillary glands of hamsters, white mice and wild rats Peiping.

Influence of the mouse hepatitis virus MHV infection on the growth of human tumors in the athymic mouse. Hepatitis in laboratory mice. Nephropathia epidemica in Finland: a clinical, histological and epidemiological study. Clinical and serological diagnosis of anti-Giardia und Parasiten epidemica, the mild type of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome. Hemagglutination with the GDVII strain of mouse encephalomyelitis virus.

Mycoplasma pulmonis infection augments natural killer cell activity in mice. Keratoconjunctivitis associated with sialodacryoadenitis in rats. Nosematosis, a microsporidial infection of rodents and other animals, including man.

Embryotoxicity of Mycoplasma pulmonis infection in rats Abstract No. Paper presented at the Annual Session of the Am. Reduction in contact sensitivity reactions to oxazolone in mite-infested mice.

Group A streptococcal infections in animals—natural and experimental. Recognition, Understanding, and Management, L. Cytomegalovirus replication and the host immune response. Alveolar response to experimental Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia in the rat. Detection of mouse mammary tumor virus in cat kidney cells infected with purified B particles from RIII milk.

Large isolators for rearing rodents. Relationship of phagocytic activity to pathogenicity of mouse hepatitis virus as affected by triolein and cortisone.

Neoplasms in thymectomized mice following room infection with polyoma virus. Infection of laboratory mice with Corynebacterium murium. Genital mycoplasmosis in rats treated with testosterone propionate to produce constant estrus. Epidemiology of hantaan and related viruses. Hantaan-like viruses from domestic rats anti-Giardia und Parasiten in the United States.

Isolation of a Hantaan-related virus from Brazilian rats and serologic evidence of its widespread distribution in South America. Certified cell lines of rat origin appear free of infection with Hantavirus. Wilde III, and J. Production of monoclonal antibody against Pneumocystis carinii by using a hybrid of rat spleen anti-Giardia und Parasiten mouse myeloma cells. Laboratory-acquired infections with Hantaan virusthe etiologic agent of Korean hemorrhagic fever.

Isolation of the etiologic agent of Korean hemorrhagic fever. Etiological relation anti-Giardia und Parasiten Korean hemorrhagic fever and epidemic hemorrhagic fever in Japan. Intraspecific transmission of Hantaan anti-Giardia und Parasiten, etiologic agent of Korean hemorrhagic fever, in the rodent Apodemus agrarius. Isolation of Hantaan virus, the etiologic agent of Korean hemorrhagic fever, from wild urban rats.

Pulmonary response to inhaled hexamethylphosphoramide in rats. Induction of nasal tumors in rats exposed to hexamethylphosphoramide by inhalation. Propagation of Korean hemorrhagic fever virus in laboratory rats. Antibody to Korean hemorrhagic fever virus in man in parts of the world where hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome is not known.

The effect of diet on the susceptibility of the mouse to pneumonia virus of mice PVM. Influence anti-Giardia und Parasiten pyridoxine in anti-Giardia und Parasiten period after inoculation of the virus. Immunopathologic alterations of lymphatic tissues of mice infected with lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus. A persistent inapparent infection of L cells with the virus of lymphocytic choriomeningitis. Lymphocytic choriomeningitis of the mouse.

Depression of the allograft reaction. Serologic diagnosis of human infections with lymphocytic anti-Giardia und Parasiten virus: Comparative evaluation of seven methods. Persistent infection of mice with the lymphocytic choriomeningitis anti-Giardia und Parasiten. The emergence of pseudotuberculosis in rats given cortisone.

Isolation of Actinobacillus lignieresii and Actinobacillus equuli from laboratory rodents. A report of anti-Giardia und Parasiten outbreak of Salmonella oranienburg in a hybrid mouse colony.

Existence en France du virus murin de la choriomeningite lymphocytaire. Experimental infection of rats with Streptobacillus moniliformis. The pathogenesis of anti-Giardia und Parasiten and joint infections produced by Streptobacillus Würmer in Behandlung Drogen Katzen. Increased susceptibility of splenectomized rats to infection with Diplococcus pneumoniae.

Modification of susceptibility to Klebsiella pneumonia during murine cytomegalovirus infection. L'agent etiologique de l'encephalite epizootique du Lapin Encephalitozoon cuniculi. L'etiologie de l'encephalite epizootique du lapin, dans ses rapports avec l'etude experimentale de l'encephalite lethargique Encephalitozoon cuniculi nov. La rhumatisme infectieux spontane de la souris provoque par le Anti-Giardia und Parasiten moniliformis.

Protozoan Parasites of Domestic Animals and of Man. Diseases of laboratory animals—Parasitic. The Coccidian Parasites Protozoa, Sporozoa of Rodents. University of Illinois Press. Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus in hamster tumor: Spread to hamsters and humans. Effects of microwave exposure and temperature on survival of mice infected with Streptococcus pneumoniae.

Mammalian type C RNA viruses. Leukemogenic activity of filtrates from radiation-induced lymphoid tumors of mice. Active and passive immunization with Pseudomonas aeruginosa anti-Giardia und Parasiten vaccines and antisera in the burned rat model.

Pathology of lymphocytic choriomeningitis in mice. Genetic wenn es rot ass Würmer anti-Giardia und Parasiten murine type-C viruses and their hosts in oncogenesis. Genetic control of murine viral leukemogenesis. Prevalence of viral and mycoplasmal infections in laboratory rodents.

Experimental Mycoplasma pulmonis infection in pathogen free mice. Models for studying mycoplasmosis of the respiratory tract. Murine chronic respiratory disease. Significance as a research complication and experimental production with Mycoplasma pulmonis.

Physical, chemical and microbial factors affecting biologic response. Diseases due to mycoplasmas and rickettsias. Mycoplasmal and other bacterial diseases of the respiratory system. Mycoplasma pulmonis- host relationships in a breeding colony of Sprague-Dawley rats with enzootic murine respiratory mycoplasmosis. Animal anti-Giardia und Parasiten in toxicological research: An appraisal of past performance and future prospects. Rederivation of MHV and MEV antibody positive mice by cross-fostering anti-Giardia und Parasiten use of the microisolator caging system.

Theiler's virus infection in mice: An unusual biphasic disease process leading to demyelination. The relationship of Theiler's mouse encephalomyelitis virus plaque size with persistent infection. Characterization of the TO strains of Theiler's mouse encephalomyelitis virus. Persistent Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis virus infection in mice depends on plaque size.

Theiler's virus-induced demyelination: Prevention by immunosuppression. The TO strains of Theiler's viruses cause "slow-virus-like" infections in mice.

Susceptibility of inbred mice to chronic central nervous system infection by Theiler's anti-Giardia und Parasiten encephalomyelitis virus. The pathogenesis of rat virus infection in the newborn hamster. The Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis viruses. Enteric transmission of parvoviruses: Anti-Giardia und Parasiten of rat virus infection in adult rats.

Mechanically self induced muzzle alopecia in mice. Pathogenesis of rotavirus infection in mice. Murine encephalitozoonois: The effect of age and mode of transmission on occurrence of infection.

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