Oceanography and Marine Biology Volume 39 | Fertilisation Zwischen mal aire und Malaria - Medizinischer Pluralismus bei den N... Würmer Cues Analyse

Zwischen mal aire und Malaria - Medizinischer Pluralismus bei den N... Würmer Cues Analyse

Part of the series Springer-Lehrbuch. Entsprechend kommt es zu einer stetigen Zunahme der von einer akuten oder degenerativen neurologischen Krankheit Betroffenen. Gerade bei diesen Erkrankungen stehen den Patienten jedoch bereits heute eine Vielzahl von Methoden zur Verfügung, mit denen sie selbst Einfluss auf das Geschehen nehmen können.

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PubMedCentral CrossRef PubMed Konrad, C. Long-term cognitive and emotional consequences of mild traumatic brain injury. CrossRef PubMed Wie Kühe von Würmern zu behandeln, J. PubMedCentral CrossRef PubMed Kotchoubey, B. Negative potential shifts and the prediction of the outcome of neurofeedback in the therapy of epilepsy.

CrossRef PubMed Kubler, A. A thought translation device: a neurophysiological approach to communication in total motor paralysis. CrossRef PubMed Kübler, A. Severity of Würmer Cues Analyse symptoms and quality of life in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

CrossRef PubMed Leplow, B. Parkinson und Dystonie: Verhaltensmedizin der Basalganglienerkrankungen. Primäre Dystonien — zwischen Botulinum Toxin-Behandlung, Neuropsychologie und Tiefer Hirnstimulation. Verhaltensmedizin Würmer Cues Analyse der Neurologie: State of the Art. Psychotherapie in der Würmer Cues Analyse. Medizinische und nicht-medizinische Begleitbehandlungen zur Botulinum-Toxin-Therapie bei Würmer Cues Analyse spasmodicus Patienten.

Würmer Cues Analyse PubMed Liepert, J. Treatment-induced cortical reorganization after stroke in humans. CrossRef PubMed Lillo, P. The efficacy of an educational treatment program for patients with epilepsy MOSES : Results of a controlled, randomized study. CrossRef PubMed von Matthes-Cramon, G.

Verhaltenstherapie in der Neuropsychologischen Rehabilitation. Effects of constraint-induced movement therapy on patients with chronic motor deficits after stroke: a replication. CrossRef PubMed Okai, D. Trial of CBT for impulse control behaviours affecting Parkinson patients and their caregivers. Psychological treatments for depression and anxiety in dementia and mild cognitive impairment.

Psychological wellbeing and quality of life in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: a review. CrossRef PubMed Pulvermüller, F. Constraint-induced therapy of chronic aphasia after stroke. CrossRef PubMed Rabkin, J. Prevalence of depressive disorders and change over time in late-stage ALS. PubMedCentral CrossRef PubMed Rabkin, J. How common is depression among ALS caregivers? CrossRef PubMed Schüpbach, M. Neurosurgery in Parkinson disease: A distressed mind in Würmer Cues Analyse repaired body?

CrossRef PubMed Secker, Würmer Cues Analyse. PubMedCentral CrossRef PubMed Silverberg, N. Cognitive-behavioral Würmer Cues Analyse of postconcussion syndrome in at-risk patients: a pilot randomized controlled trial. Reduction in seizure frequency following a short-term group intervention for adults with epilepsy. CrossRef PubMed Sproesser, E. The effect of psychotherapy in patients with PD: A controlled study. CrossRef PubMed Starkstein, S.

Verhaltensmedizinische Schlaf schlich Wurm beim Morbus Parkinson. Deactivation of brain areas during self-regulation of slow cortical potentials in seizure patients. CrossRef PubMed Tan, G.

Meta-analysis of EEG biofeedback in treating epilepsy. CrossRef PubMed Taub, E. The behavior-analytic origins of constraint-induced wie man die Würmer in die Leber bekommen therapy: an example of behavioral neurorehabilitation. PubMedCentral PubMed Telschow, A. Einzelfalluntersuchungen von Problemverhaltensweisen bei Alzheimer-Patienten.

Unveröffentlichte Diplomarbeit am Institut der Martin-Luther-Universität zu Halle-Wittenberg. CrossRef PubMed Van Zomeren, A. Residual complaints of patients two years after severe head injury. Behavioral therapy to test urinary incontinence in Parkinson disease. CrossRef PubMed Von Cramon, D.

Recovery of higher-order cognitive deficits after brain hypoxia or frontomedial vascular lesions. Cognitive behavioural therapy for depression and anxiety in adults with acquired brain injury. What works for whom? Alzheimer-Krankheit: Ein neuropsychologisch-verhaltenstherapeutisches Manual. Evaluation of cognitive-behavioral group intervention for family caregivers of persons with dementia. Gruppenarbeit mit Angehörigen von Demenzkranken.

Supported cognitive-behavioral self-help versus treatment-as-usual for depressed Behandlung von Würmern Krankheit carers of stroke survivors CEDArS : study protocol for a feasibility randomized controlled trial.

PubMedCentral CrossRef PubMed Woods, B. Cognitive stimulation to improve cognitive functioning in people with dementia. Psychologisches Institut, Universität Zürich.

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The Würmer Cues Analyse of MiFID on Market Quality. International Business Research Conference. The Impact of Millisecond: Measuring Latency Effects in Securities Trading. Increasing the Global Reach: Using Social Network Sites for Employer Branding. What determines user attitudes? A meta-analytic structural equation modeling Würmer Cues Analyse. Service Productivity: A Literature Review and Research Agenda. Proceedings of the XXI. Graph Sparsification for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows.

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Dealing with Communication and Information Overload: An Example from the Financial Services Industry. Privacy by Sustainable Identity Management Enablers. Privacy respecting targeted advertising for social networks. Investigation of the Network Construction Behavior on Social Networking Sites. Assessing Language Quality in the Information Systems Development Process — A Theoretical Approach and Its Application. Measuring Application Würmer Cues Analyse Knowledge: Results from a Preliminary Experiment.

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Evolutionary Quantum Game Theory and Scientific Communication. Enhanced Privacy and Identity Management for Community Services — Demo of the PICOS project. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. A Methodology to Assess the Benefits of Smart Order Routing. The Future of the European Post-Trading System - A Delphi Study on the Future of the European Post-Trading System in the Light of Globalization and the Financial Crisis.

Social Influence in Information Systems Research - Reflections on Impact, Theory, and Measurement Diss. How to Enhance Privacy and Identity Management for Mobile Communities: Approach and User Driven Concepts of the PICOS Project. Identity Management Infrastructure Protocols for Privacy-enabled SOA. Open Service-Oriented Computing for Logistics: A Case in Courier, Express and Parcel Networks. Diagnosing and Redesigning a Health y Organisation: an Action Research Study.

International Journal of Information Technologies and the Systems Approach. The Transformed Environment of the Derivatives Industry after Recent Market Turmoil. Focus, World Federation of Exchanges. Order Handling of Institutional Investors. Der Kampf um Millisekunden. The Economic Value of Smart Order Routing in European Equity Trading. Algorithmic Trading Engines versus Human Traders - Do they Behave Different in Securities Markets? The Implementation of European Best Execution Obligations - An Analysis for the German Market.

A New Basic Law for Securities Trading in Europe. Bala Bharathi Y, Lingisetti Würmer Cues Analyse Eds. Regulation and Technology in Equity Trading — The Impact of Regulatory and Technological Changes on Order Execution and the Trading Venue Landscape Würmer Cues Analyse Europe.

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Designing IC Structures by Variety Engineering. Vertrauen und Kontrolle in Mobilen Contentumgebungen. Prozessgestaltung in der Würmer Cues Analyse. Capital Markets in the Gulf: International Access, Electronic Trading and Würmer Cues Analyse. Books on Demand, Norderstedt. Enabling Privacy of Real-Life LBS: Würmer Cues Analyse Platform for Flexible Mobile Service Provisioning. Würmer Cues Analyse Information Security Conference of the IFIP.

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On the Role of Conceptual Models in Information Systems Research - From Engineering to Research. Privacy-Friendly LBS: A Prototype-supported Case Study. Umsetzung der MiFID in Deutschland. Governance im Business Process Outsourcing. Towards a Unified Interface for Privacy Regulation-conformant Location-based Services. DIN Workshop Ortsbasierte Dienste unter Nutzung verschiedener mobiler Infrastrukturen, u. Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation.

Transportplanung der Zukunft: Prozess- und Kostenanalyse, Optimierungspotenziale und Outsourcing. Mobile Systeme und Anwendungen - Editorial zum Schwerpunktheft. Trusted Computing in Mobile Platforms - Players, Usage Scenarios, and Interests. Mobile Brokerage Infrastructures - Capabilities and Security Requirements.

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Verlag Recht und Wirtschaft. Inviting New Players Würmer Cues Analyse the Multimedia M-Commerce Arena. Potentiale und Sicherheitsanforderungen mobiler Finanzinformationsdienste und deren Systeminfrastrukturen. International Common Criteria Conference ICCC. Identity Management in Mobile Applications. Informationstechnische Voraussetzungen von E-Government am Beispiel des Katastrophenschutzes mittels Mobilkommunikation.

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A MixDemonstrator for teaching Security in the Virtual University. Sicherheit, auch das noch!?! Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik HMD. Sicherheit in der Informations- und Kommunikationstechnik — Ein neues DFG-Schwerpunktprogramm. Das Erfahrungsfeld im "Erreichbarkeitsmanagement" im Kontext mehrseitiger Sicherheit — Simulationsstudien als didaktisches Instrument.

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