Weltmeisterschaft im Würmer-aus-dem-Boden-Locken Befreit die Weide von Würmern und Wurmhügeln, um sie für das Kuhrennen vorzubereiten. Typ Event Stufe 17 Region Ascalon Gebiet Diessa-Plateau Gegend.

Grippe von Wurmern

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Weltmeisterschaft im Würmer-aus-dem-Boden-Locken

Feeding mastitis milk to organic dairy calves: effect on health and performance during suckling and für Broiler von Würmern udder health at first calving. Tiere reagierten unterschiedlich auf Kraftfutterreduktion. Mussel shells as für Broiler von Würmern environment enrichment and calcium source for floor-housed laying hens. The Journal of Applied Poultry Researchpp.

Does organic farming face distinctive livestock welfare issues? Phyto-oestrogens in herbage and milk from cows grazing white clover, red clover, lucerne für Broiler von Würmern chicory-rich pastures.

Effect of dried chicory roots für Broiler von Würmern host immune responses against Oesophagostomum für Broiler von Würmern infections in pigs.

Medicinal plants-prophylactic and therapeutic options for gastrointestinal and respiratory diseases in calves and piglets? Presence of Salmonella and Campylobacter spp. Jeder Betrieb muss sein eigenes Zuchtziel haben. Bapst, Beat and Spengler Neff, Anet. Resistance to Spiele Würmer of Staphylococcus aureus isolates from cows with high somatic cell counts in in den Heim Würmer Kontrolle and conventional dairy herds in Denmark.

Reducing use of antimicrobials — Experiences from an intervention study in organic dairy herds in Denmark. Bestman, Monique and Wagenaar, Jan-Paul. Farm level factors associated with feather pecking in für Broiler von Würmern laying hens. Für Broiler von Würmern and Welfare in Dutch Organic Laying Hens. Reduced likelihood of bovine coronavirus and bovine respiratory syncytial virus infection on organic relative to conventional dairy farms in Sweden.

Mission possible: Bio hat Zukunft. Für Broiler von Würmern to pasture borne nematodes affects individual milk yield in Swedish dairy herds. Effect of daily environmental temperature on farrowing rate and total born in dam line sows.

The influence of the rearing period on intramammary infections in Swiss dairy heifers: A cross-sectional wie behandelt für Würmer Volksmedizin werden. Mastitis in dairy heifers: Prevalence and risk factors. Studies on preventive strategies and alternative treatments against roundworm in organic pig production systems. Evaluation of three tools for assessing infection by gastrointestinal parasites in pasture-fed organic lambs.

Intensify pastures for livestock production: vermicompost use, an agro-ecological practice. Brasil, Daniel de F. Internal ambience of bee colonies wie einen Einlauf mit Würmern zu tun to strengthening management by adding für Broiler von Würmern. Treatment of Clinically Diagnosed Equine Sarcoid with a Mistletoe Für Broiler von Würmern Viscum album austriacus.

Für Broiler von Würmern of four tanniferous plant extracts on the für Broiler von Würmern vitro exsheathment of third-stage larvae of parasitic nematodes. The effect of concurrent infections with Pasteurella multocida and Ascaridia galli on free range chickens.

Airborne biological hazards in different pig fattening systems. Traditional homemade herbal remedies used by farmers of northern Switzerland to treat skin alterations and wounds in livestock. Ethnoveterinary herbal remedies used by farmers. Thurgau, Appenzell Innerrhoden and Appenzell. Effect für Broiler von Würmern bioactive compounds from Sainfoin Onobrychis viciifolia Scop. Clonal stability of Pasteurella multocida in free-range layers affected by fowl cholera.

Investigation on the influence of nematophagous fungi as feed additive on nematode infection risk of sheep and goats on pasture. Osteochondrosis, but not lameness, is more frequent among free-range pigs than confined herd-mates. Effects of free-range and confined housing on joint health in a herd of fattening pigs. Fall, Nils and Emanuelson, Ulf. Milk yield, udder Ascaris Würmer und Giardia and reproductive performance in Swedish organic and conventional dairy herds.

Reproductive performance, general health, and longevity of dairy cows at a Swedish research farm with both organic and conventional production. An Observational Study on Early-Lactation Metabolic Profiles in Swedish Organically and Conventionally Managed Dairy Cows. Udder health at a Swedish research farm with both organic and conventional dairy cow management. Fall, PhD-student Nils and Emanuelson, Professor Ulf. Fatty acid content, vitamins and selenium in bulk tank milk from organic and conventional Swedish dairy herds during the indoor season.

Contributions to variability of Clinical Measures for use as Indicators of Udder Health Status in a Clinical Protocol. Using the statistical method of Free Choice Profiling to für Broiler von Würmern Health in Dairy. Journal of agricultural, biological and environmental statistics. Veterinary Medicine, Series App. Und es geht doch: Arbeitspferde in Gruppen halten.

Description of organic pig production in Europe. Use of plants in novel approaches to control of gastrointestinal helminths in livestock with emphasis on small ruminants.

Gi kalven mer melk! Prevalence of Anaplasma phagocytophilum infection and effect on lamb growth. Differences in receptivity to gastrointestinal infections with. Interactions between nutrition and gastrointestinal. Mastitis and related management factors in certified organic dairy herds in Sweden. Tanniferous forage plants: Agronomic performance, palatability and efficacy against parasitic nematodes in sheep.

Indoor Air Quality and Biological Impacts on the Workplace in Housing Systems for Fattening pigs. Effect of sainfoin Onobrychis viciifolia silage and hay against gastrointestinal nematodes in lambs. Individual administration of three tanniferous forage plants to lambs artificially infected with Haemonchus contortus and Cooperia curticei. Sainfoin — new data on anthelmintic effects and production in sheep and goats. Heckendorn, Felix and Simonnet, Xavier.

Futterpflanze hilft gegen Parasiten von Schaf und Ziege. Developing a welfare assessment system for use in commercial organic egg production. Heid, Astrid and Hamm, Ulrich. Determinants of consumer acceptance of alternatives to piglet castration without anaesthesia Würmer im Blut von Katzen a review. Animal welfare versus food quality: Factors influencing organic consumers' preferences for alternatives to piglet castration without anaesthesia.

Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics- --. Weidemanagement beugt Parasitenbefall vor. Biologische Helminthenkontrolle bei Weidetieren mit nematophagen Pilzen.

Wurm-Befall bei Jungrindern unter trockenen Weidebedingungen. Tiergesundheit im biologischen Landbau. Hirt, Helen and Zeltner, Esther. Wie biologisch für Broiler von Würmern der Weg vom Tier zum Fleisch? Knowledge transfer regarding the issue of animal health. Die Ebermast wird kommen. Group composition for fattening entire male pigs underenriched housing conditions - Influences on behaviour,injuries and boar taint compounds.

In vitro screening of six anthelmintic plant products against larval Haemonchus contortus with a modified methyl-thiazolyl-tetrazolium reduction assay. The anthelmintic efficacy of five plant products against gastrointestinal trichostrongylids in artificially infected lambs. Non chemical control of helminths in ruminants: Adapting solutions for changing worms in a changing world. Animal Health Plans für Broiler von Würmern Organic Livestock Farms.

Animal health and welfare in organic livestock production in Europe— current state and future challenges.

Robustness in the mineral supply from temporary grasslands. The development of the gut microbiota in rainbow trout Für Broiler von Würmern mykiss is affected by first feeding and diet type. Diet type dictates the gut microbiota and the immune response against Yersinia ruckeri in Blutwürmer aus dem Anus trout Oncorhynchus mykiss.

Datenbanksystem zur Bestandesbetreuung von Milchviehherden mit Schwerpunkt auf der Eutergesundheit. Management factors affecting udder health and effects of a one year extension program in organic dairy herds. Herd management for Dairy Farms. Effect of human-animal relationship and management on udder health in Swiss dairy herds. Impact of animal health and welfare planning on medicine use, herd health and production in European organic dairy farms.

Livestock ScienceXXX, pp. The effect of a diet with fructan-rich chicory roots on intestinal helminths and microbiota with special focus on Bifidobacteria and Campylobacter in piglets around weaning.

Effects of feeding finisher pigs with chicory or lupine feed for one or two weeks prior to slaughter with respect to levels of Bifidobacteria and Campylobacter. Survival of weed seeds and animal parasites as affected by anaerobic digestion at meso- and thermophilic conditions.

Waste Management. Survival of Ascaris suum and Ascaridia galli eggs in liquidmanure at different ammonia concentrations andtemperatures.

Transmission dynamics of Für Broiler von Würmern suum in Danish organic pig farms. Development and survival of Ascaris suum eggs in deep. Erfolg mit der Bio-Junghenne. Animal-friendly production systems may cause re-emergence of Toxoplasma gondii. Aize and Eijck, Drs. Animal health in organic livestock systems: a review.

The role of rodents and shrews in the transmission. Can traditionally administered home remedies be recommended? Using Viscum album extracts Für Broiler von Würmern for successful management of neoplasms of the skin in horses and cats in consideration of aspects relevant to human medicine. Safety and efficacy of mistletoe extract Viscum album Iscador R P in the treatment of equine sarcoid - a prospective, randomized, controlled, double-blind study. Klocke, Peter and Maeschli, Ariane.

Klocke, Peter and Spengler Neff, Anet. Tierwohl - Biolandwirte leisten Pionierarbeit. Koesling, Matthias and Henriksen, Britt I.

Welche Tiere einer Herde sollen entwurmt werden? Koopmann, Regine and Epe, Christian. Langhout, Jos and Für Broiler von Würmern, Ton. COREPIG - Voneinander lernen. Performance of commercial laying hen genotypes on free range and organic farms in Switzerland, France and The Netherlands.

Treating clinical mastitis in dairy cows with essential oils. Wie Wurmeier zu zerstören Regelungen im Tierarzneimittelrecht. Antioxidant effects of ryegrass phenolics in lamb liver and plasma. Natural living — a precondition for animal welfare in organic farming. Effects of organic plant oils and role of oxidation on nutrient utilization in juvenile rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss. Use of homeopathic preparations in experimental studies with healthy plants.

Poultry litter as a source of gastrointestinal helminth infections. Effects of paddock management on vegetation, nutrient accumulation, and intrnal parasites in laying hens. In vitro efficacies of oils, silicas and plant preparations against the poultry red mite Dermanyssus gallinae. Maurer, Veronika and Zeltner, Esther. Treatment of Organic Livestock with Medicinal Plants: A Systematic Review of European Ethnoveterinary Research. The ethics of rodent control.

Towards sustainable management of rodents in organic animal husbandry. Controlling risks of pathogen transmission by flies on organic pig farms - A review. Meerburg, Dr BG and Kijlstra, Prof dr A. Role of rodents in transmission of Salmonella and Campylobacter. Mejer, Helena and Roepstorff, Allan. Ascaris suum infections in pigs born and raised on contaminated paddocks. Oesophagostomum dentatum and Trichuris suis infections in pigs born and raised on contaminated paddocks. Ikke-medicinsk kontrol af indvoldsorm i grise.

The effect of Cichorium intybus on helminth infections in pigs. Mejer, Helena and Roepstroff, Allan. Non-midical control of parasitic worms in pigs.

Long-term survival and infectivity of porcine helminths on paddocks in relation to ploughing. Control methods for Dermanyssus gallinae in systems for laying hens: results of an international für Broiler von Würmern. Do organic farmers feel happier than conventional ones?

Organic livestock production in Uganda: potentials. Cattle management practices and milk production on mixed smallholder organic pineapple farms in Central Uganda. Tropical Animal Health and Production ,? Cheese liking and consumer Prävention Behandlung Wurm to pay as affected by information about organic production.

Effect of information about organic production on beef liking and consumer willingness to pay. Animal health strategies in organic für Broiler von Würmern conventional meat sheep production. Welfare, health and product quality in organic beef production - a Danish perspective. Breast blisters in groups of slow-growing broilers in relation to strain and the für Broiler von Würmern and use of perches. Immunological effects of feeding macroalgae and various vitamin E supplements in Norwegian white sheep-ewes and their offspring.

Peracetic Acid Products Expand Sanitizing, Organic Water Treatment Options. Global Aquaculture Advocate AllianceMay, pp. Sesquiterpene lactone containing extracts from wie viele Würmer gehen nach Pille cultivars of forage chicory Cichorium intybus show distinctive chemical profiles and in vitro activity against Ostertagia ostertagi.

Anthelmintic effects of forage Ferkel von Würmern, die geben Cichorium intybus against gastrointestinal nematode parasites in experimentally infected cattle. Parasitology, pp. Cryptosporidium and Giardia in organic pig farms: a longitudinal study of seasonal- and age-related variation in species, genotypes and excretion levels.

Animal Health and Welfare in Organic Agriculture. Relationship between stress-related exsanguination blood variables, vocalisation, and stressors imposed on cattle between lairage and stunning box under conventional abattoir conditions.

Schweizer Bauer, p. Bauernzeitung, p. Zuwendende Behandlung beruhigt Mastrinder. Gentle touching in early life reduces avoidance distance and slaughter stress in beef cattle. Warum Streicheln wichtig ist.

Influence of gentle touching applied bringen den Hund Bandwurm weeks für Broiler von Würmern slaughter on avoidance distance and slaughter stress in finishing cattle. Moderhinke-Empfindlichkeit und Therapie bei unterschiedlichen Fleischschafrassen. Rahmann, Gerold and Seip, Hannah. Alternative management strategies to prevent and control endo-parasite diseases in sheep and goat farming systems - a review of the recent scientific knowledge.

Tierschutz ist ein zentrales Ziel. Group management of young dairy cattle in relation to animal behaviour and welfare. Warum sich Bio Weide-Beef so gut verkauft. Chicory roots improves the taste and odour of organic pork. Helminth parasites in pigs: New challenges in pig production and current research highlights. Physical properties of synthetic bedding materials for free-stall dairy cow. Sekkin, Selim and Kum, Cavit. Possible Natural Toxins in Organic Livestock Farming.

Sethi, Kumar and Chouhan. Homeopathy Myth Or Medicine: A Clinical Study. Organic Agriculture Programming for Sustainability in Primary sector of India: Action and Adoption. Konstitution und arttypische Eigenschaften. Evaluation of the constitution of dairy cows related to their principal species typical characteristics.

Spengler Neff, Anet and Ivemeyer, Silvia. Tierzucht muss das Wesen des Tieres achten. Verhaltensprobleme in alternativen Legehennenhaltungen. Organic selenium supplementation increased selenium concentrations in ewe and newborn lamb blood and in slaughter lamb meat compared to inorganic selenium supplementation. Contribution of feeds from range in organic broiler production.

Close relationship between pre- and post-calving reticuloruminal pH levels in dairy cows. Serie Tiergesundheit: Behandeln und warten. Serie Tiergesundheit: Tiersignale bewusst erkennen. A comparative study of clinical manifestations, haematological and serological responses after experimental infection with Anaplasma phagocytophilum in two Norwegian sheep breeds. Divergent selection on feather pecking behavior in laying hens has caused differences between lines in egg production, egg quality and feed efficiency.

Organic livestock farming — a critical review. Animal Welfare as One among Several Values to be Considered at Farm Level: The Idea of an Ethical Account for Livestock Farming. Performance and diarrhoea in piglets following weaning at seven weeks für Broiler von Würmern age: Challenge with E.

Assessing a treatment on the basis of für Broiler von Würmern individual or a group. An example: the homeopathic treatment of digestive-tract strongyles in sheep. Thamsborg, Für Broiler von Würmern Milan and Roepstorff, Allan. Parasite problems in organic livestock and options for control. Relative ovicidal effect of soil microfungi on thick-shelled eggs of animal-parasitic nematodes.

Biocontrol Science and Technology. Influence of grouping strategy on welfare measurements of organic entire male pigs. Auslaufgestaltung in der Legehennenhaltung. Reducing milk induced cross-sucking of group housed calves by an environmentally enriched post feeding area.

Effects of the repeated distribution of sainfoin hay on the resistance and the resilience of goats naturally infected with gastrointestinal nematodes. Effects of condensed tannins on goats experimentally infected with Haemonchus contortus. Effects of sainfoin hay on gastrointestinal infection with nematodes in goats. Animal Health and Welfare during transition to organic dairy production: problems, priorities and perspectives.

Development and Daily Management of an Explicit Strategy of Nonuse of Antimicrobial Drugs in Twelve Danish Organic Dairy Herds. Danish Stable Schools for Experiential Common Learning in Groups of Organic Dairy Farmers. Concepts of Animal Health and Welfare in Organic Für Broiler von Würmern Systems. Animal health and welfare planning in organic dairy cattle farms. Vainio, Annukka and Kauppinen, Tiina. Utilitarian and moralistic farmers take equally good care of animal welfare in Finland.

Herd health and health management in organic versus. Effects of condensed tannins on established populations and on incoming larvae of Trichostrongylus colubriformis and Teladorsagia circumcincta in goats.

Effect of production system, alternative treatments and calf rearing system on udder health in organic dairy cows. Mehr Geld dank weniger Mastitis? Pro-Q sucht lokale Kerngruppen. Influence of the herbal component of a commercial feed additive on serum parameters, fertility and longevity of dairy cows. Zum Wesen der Ziege.

Walkenhorst, Michael and Vincenz, Erwin. Mastitisprojekt Vrin - Alp Ramosa. A herbal feed additive shows potential to improve metabolic situation in early lactating dairy cows. Walkenhorst, Michael and Ivemeyer, Silvia.

Nematode control in 'green' ruminant production systems. Integrated control of gastrointestinal nematodes in lambs. Effect of sainfoin Onobrychis viciifolia and faba bean Vicia faba on the periparturient rise in ewes infected withgastrointestinal nematodes. Management Practices for Disease Prevention and Treatment Choices by Für Broiler von Würmern Organic Dairy Farmers.

Running head: Health Management on Organic Dairy Farms. Journal of Dairy Science. Bovine respiratory syncytial virus and weiße Würmer in Fischen coronavirus in Swedish organic and conventional dairy herds.

Younie, David and Walkenhorst, Michael. Zeltner, Esther and Hirt, Helen. Effect of artificial structuring on the use of Prävention von Wurmeiern hen runs in a free-range system. Organic fishfarming requires robust fish.

Antibiotikafreie Milchproduktion - Erfahrungen aus der Praxis. Mindre antibiotika med samme celletal. Resultaten onderzoek bio ook interessant voor gangbaar.

Bestman, Monique and Vogel, Tessa. In grasland meeste risico. Fremtidens udfordringer i svineproduktionen. Für Broiler von Würmern snijmais goed voor welzijn varkens. Silage feed advice for pig farmers: Farmers Weekly report on ICOPP feeding trial at FAI Farms.

Forage feeding for pigs could be beneficial. NO CAST - det handler om hangrise. Warum Demeter-Betriebe Tiere halten. Welser-Abferkelbucht: Abferkeln im Aussenklimastall. Superfruchtbare Sauen: Segen oder Fluch? Aufstockung in der Zuchtsauenhaltung. Worauf der Biohalter achten sollte. Ebermast - schon heute realisiert! First feeding behavior: A potential tool für Broiler von Würmern select robust trout for organic aquaculture.

Neues Angebot: FiBL geht Rinderparasiten an den Kragen. Slik vil kalven ha det. Organic rainbow trout — does the diet composition influence the fish health? Ingerslev, Hans-Christian and Madsen, Lone. Lupin og cikorie gavner tarmsundhed hos slagtesvin. Jensen, Martin and Canibe, Nuria. Boosting the quality of organic trout fry. Danish focus on organic trout fry.

Für Broiler von Würmern shells as a source of occupation in laying hens. Klocke, Peter and Fidelak, Christian. Organic pig farmers and researchers working in eight European countries on animal Health, welfare and Nutrition to reduce environmental impact. Leeb, Christine and Winckler, Christoph. Participatory breeding system for. Organic diets are equally good for rainbow trout fry as conventional diets. Korn og cikorie reducerer skatoltal hos hangrise.

Comment für Broiler von Würmern juguler les verminoses? Bio-Weide-Beef - die Migros startet durch.

Bio-Weide-Beef - Die Migros startet durch. Meili, Eric and Lombard, Hubert. Bio Weide-Beef - Die Migros startet durch. Es geht auch mit weniger Kraftfutter! Ergebnisse einer Praxiserhebung zum Wesen und zur Bedeutung der Schweine.

Was positives Handling bei Rindern in den ersten Lebenstagen bewirkt. Varme virker mod spolorm. Samme lov - forskellig tolkning. Hamonie der horntragenden Herterenherde. Sanfte Eingliederung in die Laufstallherde. Wichtig: Wahl des Fressgitters. In der Not kann die Kuh ihre Liegeboxe vorne verlassen. Serup, Tove für Broiler von Würmern Rangstrup-Christensen, Lena. Er grisens spolorm snart en saga blot? Der Andbindestall - ein Auslaufmodell?

Stadtlander, Timo and Gerber, Barbara. Nachhaltige Aquakultur - Kleine, aber feine Aquakultur in der Schweiz. Chickens foraging in the woods. Saugschutz: Vorbeugen ist Würmer, wenn zerkratzt als heilen. Hangrise lugter mere end forventet. Ejerskab over egne planer. Not just any plan. Juiste kip voor uitloop. Waldburger, Beatrix and Spengler, Anet. Tierhalter behandeln für Broiler von Würmern mit pflanzlichen Für Broiler von Würmern. Woodward, Lawrence and O'Brien, Josie.

Zubiaurre, Claire and Pedersen, Lars-Flemming. Linking water treatment practices and fish welfare. HACCP for Parasite Control. Working paper, Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBLCH Frick. HACCP for Reproduction and Farrowing Problems. HACCP for Suckling Piglet Mortality. HACCP for Weaning Diarrhoea. Für Broiler von Würmern Reproduktion und Geburt. How many compromises can organic farming für Broiler von Würmern Working paper, Institute of Food and Resource Economics, University of Copenhagen.

The Für Broiler von Würmern of Fermentable Carbohydrates on Experimental Swine Dysentery and Whip worm Infections in Pigs. The effect of organically grown diets with contrasting carbohydrate composition on the establishment of Trichuris suis in pigs. Thomsen, Rikke and Buus, Marie Lund.

Working paper, Institut for Für Broiler von Würmern, Aarhus Universitet. Promoting neonatal piglet survival in organic pig production through improved management and housing. Challenges for risk management related to emerging animal diseases. Effects of a feeding strategy to increase intramuscular fat content of pork under the conditions of organic farming. Research, values, and ethics in organic agriculture - examples from sustainability, precaution, nature quality, für Broiler von Würmern animal welfare.

Sozialverhalten von Milchziegen in kleinen Gruppen und Folgerungen. IGN-Tagung: Auf dem Weg zu einer tiergerechteren HaltungBio Austria, pp.

Aulrich, Karen and Barth, Kerstin. Untersuchungen zum Vorkommen und zur Persistenz koagulase-negativer Staphylokokken bei Milchziegen.

Barth, Kerstin and Koopmann, Regine. Dry cow therapy in an Bayer de-Entwurmung dairy herd of a milk and a dual purpose breed. Kerstin and Brinkmann, Jan. Kerstin and Franze, Ulrike. Vergleich von zwei Rinderrassen hinsichtlich ihrer Eignung zur.

Informationstage Biologische Vielfalt - Modell- und Demonstrationsvorhaben Tagungsbandpp. Diversity in measures against infection with avian influenza in organic poultry by different European countries. Bestman, Monique and Maurer, Veronika. Health and welfare in organic poultry in Europe: state of the für Broiler von Würmern and future challenges. Bestman, Msc Monique and Wagenaar, Msc Jan-Paul.

Feather pecking in organic rearing hens. Introducing trees wie Sie wissen, wenn Sie Ihren Welpen Würmer Dutch dairy and poultry farms. Organic farming systems as a driver for changeNJF Report, no. Rahmann, Gerold and Godinho, Denise Eds. Dietary Nitrate: Effects on the health of weaning pigs and Antimicrobial activity on für Broiler von Würmern probiotic Bifidobacterium spp.

Entwicklung eines Serum- und Milch-ELISAs zum Nachweis der Infektion mit Magen-Darm-Strongyliden bei Ziegen. Haltung exotischer Rinder in Deutschland. Salmonella Infection Level in Danish Indoor and Outdoor Pig Production Systems measured by Antbodies in Meat Juice and Faecal Shedding on-farm and at Slaughter. Animal health and welfare in organic Euro-pean pig production: Für Broiler von Würmern of the art and challenges for the future, based on a North-western European questionnaire survey.

Animal health and welfare in organic European pig production: State of the art and challenges for the future, based on a Northwestern European questionnaire survey. Strategien zu Umsetzung tierbezogener Kriterien entwickeln.

Einfluss von Laktatonsstadium und Laktationszahl auf die Behandlungsinzidenz klinischer Masttiden. Influence of lactational stage and number of lactations on the treatment inci-dence of clinical mastitis. Verbesserung der Euter- und Stoffwechselgesundheit in. Differences in novel traits between genetic groups of dairy cows in pasture-based production systems.

EAAP scientific commitee, Ed. Exploring the genetic background of parasite resistance in selected lines of black and white cattle. Genotypenvergleich im Hinblick auf Merkmale des Wohl-befindens in Milchviehbetrieben mit Schwerpunkt Weidehaltung. Burke, Dr J and Roderick, Dr S.

Examination of the impact and effectiveness of herd health and welfare assessment in im-proving animal welfare on organic dairy farms, using qualitative interviews. Bussemas, Ralf and Weissmann, Friedrich. Lessons from LowInputBreeds and ProPIG projects for pig and poultry producers. Indicators for internal welche Tabletten von Würmern geben die Katze infections in organic flocks: the diarrhoea score Disco proposal for lambs.

Safety and Efficacy of Mistletoe extract Viscum album. Iscador R P in Equine Sarcoid. Survey of acaricide residues in Italian organic and conventional beeswax. Parasitenkontrolle und Weidemanagement mithilfe eines interaktiven Entscheidungsbaumes am Beispiel der Magen-Darm-Strongyliden bei Rindern in Norddeutschland.

The effect of Cichorium intybus and Lotus corniculatus on nematode burdens and production in grazed lambs. Powell, Jane and et al. Herdengesundheit und —fruchtbarkeit in bayerischen Bio-Milchviehbetrieben. Untersuchungen zur Wirksamkeit von Für Broiler von Würmern bei. Diarra, Moussa and Für Broiler von Würmern, Andrew. Status quo of animal health of sows and piglets in organic farms.

Observers need training for assessing resource as well as clinical parameters. Mounier, Luc and Veissier, Isabelle Eds. Pflanzliche Hausmittel der Nordschweiz zur Behandlung von Haut und Wunden beim Nutztier. Hyperketonaemia risk lower in organic cows housed in free stalls. Ebke, Marlene and Sundrum, Prof. The effect of farming system on dairy cow cleanliness in the UK wenn das Kind hat, um die Würmer fahren implications to udder health.

Emanuelson, Ulf and Fall, Nils. Claw health in organic and conventional dairy herds. Acknowledging the potential role of animal self-medication. Ertl, Paul and Steinwidder, Andreas. Biologische Milchviehhaltung ohne Konzentratfuttereinsatz: Auswirkungen auf Tiergesundheit, Leistung und Wirtschaftlichkeit. Escosteguy, Angela and Bossardi, Melissa. Evaluation of three family farms producing organic eggs in.

O and Showale, A. The role für Broiler von Würmern medicinal plants in traditionally managed cattle für Broiler von Würmern Odeda local government area, Ogun state, Nigeria. Broilers welfare, health and production in organic and conventional systems. Recent experiences in application of homeopathy in farm animals.

Nosoden zum Trockenstellen — eine placebokontrollierte Blindstudie. Group suckling in organic sow units. Cultivating the Future Based on Science. Effect of disinfectants on viability of Ascaris suum and.

Low stress and safe handling of outdoor cattle - effective measures to improve work environment and avoid dangerous situations. Georg, Heiko and Ude, Gracia. Reducing cross-sucking of group housed calves by an environmental enriched building design. Skid resistance and durability of coated and uncoated concrete für Broiler von Würmern in dairy cattle buildings. Gesto, Manuel and Jokumsen, Alfred.

Stress-resilience differences related to emergence time in. Control of bovine sub-clinical mastitis by using herbal extract during lactation. Einsatz von Arbeitspferden in der deutschen Landwirtschaft. Einfluss von Licht im Brutschrank auf das Verhalten von Junghennen.

Can parasitic gastro-enteritis be used as an indicator of welfare in organic sheep? Powell, Jane and et al, Eds. Distribution of infection with gastro-intestinal nematodes in different groups of dairy goats in Switzerland and its influence on milk production. Gutzwiller, Andreas and Gafner, Jean-Louis. Einfluss von mykotoxinbelastetem Streustroh auf die Fruchtbarkeit. Gutzwiller, Andreas and Stoll, Peter.

Apfeltrester im Für Broiler von Würmern reduziert die für Broiler von Würmern das Mykotoxin Deoxynivalenol verursachte Wachtumsreduktion. Consequences of the regular distribution of sainfoin hay on gastrointestinal parasitism with nematodes and on milk production in a dairy goat flock.

Phytotherapeutische Behandlung einer Influenza-Infektion in einem Bioschweinebetrieb - Fallbericht. Orale Eisengabe bei Saugferkel unter den Bedingungen der. Werner and Wlcek, Dr. Parakeratose in einem biologisch wirtschaftenden Schweinemastbetrieb. Salmonella and campylobacter in organic egg production - with special reference to the Finnish situation. Lamb Production:grazing management, breeding policy and parasite control. Teagasc Organic Production Research Conference ProceedingsTeagasc, Ireland, pp.

Welfare assessment as part of welfare planning in organic calf für Broiler von Würmern. Matt, Darja and Peetsmann, Elen Eds. Airborne biological hazards and dust in fattening pig facilities with and without straw.

Tanniferous forage plants with anthelmintic properties: the example of sainfoin Onobrychis viciifolia. Kontrolle für Broiler von Würmern Magen-Darm-Strongyliden bei Schafen. Administration of Silver Fir Abies alba Mill. The genetic basis for the selection of goats resistant to gastrointestinal nematodes. Sainfoin - new data on anthelmintic effects and production in sheep and goats. Heerkens, Jasper and Zähneknirschen bei Kindern Worms, Frank.

Consumer perception and communication on welfare in organic laying hen farming. Tackling the Future Challenges of Organic Animal HusbandryBraunschweig: vTI, pp. And a Welfare Assessment System.

Nordic Poultry Consultant and Veterinary Conference. Measuring fearfulness für Broiler von Würmern organic egg production. Use of range area, plumage condition and mortality. Should hens be kept outside? Albert and Blaha, Prof. Development of an advisory system that supports good animal welfare in organic production in Norway.

Cation-anion balance in organic silage in relation to prevention of milk fever. Fog, Megumi Ohta Ed. Brodin, Janne and Fog, Megumi Ohta Eds. Umfeldanalysen zum Themenfeld Tiergesundheit. KNOWLEDGE TRANSFER REGARDING ANIMAL HEALTH. Different perspectives on animal health and implications for. Farming systems facing global challenges: Capacities and strategiespp.

Hoischen-Taubner, Susanne and Sundrum, Albert. Perceptions and practices of Finnish für Broiler von Würmern producers regarding disbudding of calves. Fattening of entire male pigs under organic conditions — Influences of group composition on injuries and behaviour.

Gruppenzusammensetzung in der biologischen Ebermast - Einfluss auf Verhalten und Verletzungen. Organic egg production in Finland: management of Wie wird man Würmer Menschen befreien welfare and food safety. Assessing welfare of organic laying hens in Finland with resource-related and animal-related methods. Nutzen und Kosten tiergerechter Milchviehhaltung — Versuch einer Bewertung verschiedener Laufstallsysteme anhand des Tierverhaltens und der Jahreskosten.

Von Leit-Bildern zu Leit-Linien. Comparison of animal welfare on conventional and organic dairy farms. Erhard and Andersson, Prof. Comparison of Organic and Conventional Beef-Suckler Farms in Germany. Different standing crops for organic layers. The impact of organic livestock standards on animal welfare — a questionnaire survey of advisors, inspectors and veterinarians. Tackling lameness through animal health and welfare planning in organic dairy farms in Austria.

Influence of amino acid level and production system on performance, health and behaviour in organic growing pigs. Effect of colostrum type on serum gamma globulin concentration, growth and health of goat kids until three months. Parasitic worms in organic laying hens. Illmann, Gudrun and Melisova, Misa.

Studying the gut microbiota using rainbow trout as a model: the dynamics of the microbiota changes after first feeding. Characterisation of the gut microflora in rainbow trout fry Oncorhynchus mykiss using deep-sequencing. DAFINET Workshop " The ontogeny of the immune system in fish". Is the intestinal microbiota in rainbow trout influenced by diet type and challenge by Yersinia ruckeri?

DAFINET WORKSHOP Diagnosis and control of fish diseases. Preliminary studies on the effect of herbs on the growth and health of suckling piglets.

Effects of für Broiler von Würmern and welfare planning on the use of antibiotics and udder health in European dairy farms. Udder Health and Communication - Proceedings of the international mastitis conferenceWageningen Academic Publishers, pp. Effects of milkers' attitudes and behavior on cows' avoidance distance and impacts on udder health in Swiss dairy herds. Ivemeyer, Silvia and Walkenhorst, Michael. Breed comparisons and genetic parameters regarding dairy cattle health and welfare in pasture based production systems.

The effects of organically and conventionally cultivated plant feed on fertility and health in two inbred rat strains. Reducing the risk of food borne pathogens Campylobacter in pre-slaughter piges vis short-time feeding with prebiotics. Hangriselugt, hvad er det? Kan det reduceres i praksis? Anaerobic digestion as a tool to eliminate animal parasites and weed seeds. Waste materials from biogas production - effects on soil fertility and climate.

Calf rearing in organic dairy production. Jokumsen, Alfred and Lembo, Giuseppe. Effect of starch level and roughage intake on animal perfomance, rumen wall characteristics and liver abscesses in intensively fed Frisian bulls.

Nutrient composition and bioavailability of protein and energy in common fruits and vegetables prepared for human consumption. Challenges to food science and technology. Carbohydrate and lipid composition of vegetables, and bioavalability assessed in a rat model: Impact different cultivation systems. First International Conference on Opganic Food Quality and Health ResearchICT Prague Press, Prague, Czech Republic, p.

Antagonistic effect of chitin-degrading microfungi on thick-shelled pig helminth eggs. Farmer's attitudes affect piglet production parameters. Production animal welfare - farmers' attitudes and practices. Developing parasite control strategies in organic systems. The effect of different paddock rotation strategies for organic sows on behaviour, welfare and the environment.

Die Verhaltensentwicklung von Legehennen in verbesserten Aufzuchtsystemen. A comparison of labour demands between conventional and organic rearing systems of laying hens. No difference in paratuberculosis seroprevalence between organic and conventional dairy herds in the Netherlands. Challenges for avoiding and handling disease problems in organic herds.

Kijlstra, dostthaler.de Aize and Bos, Dr. Animal welfare and food safety: danger, risk and the distribution of responsibility. Welfare state of dairy cows in three European low-input and organic systems. Incidence of anthelmintic resistance in cattle farms in Northern Germany — first results. Für Broiler von Würmern homeopathics able to replace antibiotics in the therapy of bovine mastitis? A placebo controlled randomized double-blind trial. Effects of homeopathic and antibiotic mastitis treatment considering mediumterm parameters in an organic dairy herd.

Analyse der Fruchtbarkeit und ihrer Kontrolle in biologisch. Zielgerichteter Einsatz von Antibiotika in der Eutergesundheit von Biobetrieben - Integration von tiergesundheitlichen Erfordernissen und Biorichtlinien. Treatment of bovine sub-clinical mastitis with homeopathic remedies. Handling the dry-off problem in organic dairy herds by teat sealing or homeopathy com-pared to therapy omission.

Einfluss von Kraftfutterreduzierung auf Milchleistung und Tiergesundheit in einem Schweizerischen. Milchviehbetrieb — erste Resultate. Concepts and Actors in Organic Livestock Husbandry in Bolivia. Risk factors for feather pecking in organic laying hens —starting points for prevention in the housing environment.

Kongsted, Anne Grete and Hermansen, John E. Outdoor multi-sire mating system: A feasible way for organic piglet production? Veterinary treatment in organic husbandry. Haemonchus contortus — infestation of sheep and goats in Northern Germany? Koopmann, Regine and Biedermann, Insa. Online decision trees to support the control of gastrointestinal worms in ruminants. Korn, Antje and Hamm, Ulrich. Volker and Pfannenschmidt, Dr. The application of homeopathic preparation as a prevention of diarrhoea of newborn calves.

Sustainability assessment for organic farming - integrating financial, environmental, social and animal welfare benchmarking. Behaviour of dairy cows on organic and non-organic farms. Langhout, MSc, BSc J. Suckling, a natural calf rearing system for organic dairy farms. Langhout, Jos and Wagenaar, Jan-Paul. Suckling as an alternative rearing system for replacement calves on dairy farms. Pathogenic Yersinia and Listeria monocytogenes in für Broiler von Würmern pork production.

Effect of organic diet on biomarkers of health and well-being in rat models. First International Conference on Organic Food Quality and Health ResearchICT Prague Press, Prague, Czech Republic, p. Activities of organic farmers succeeding in reducing lameness in dairy cows. Rahmann, Gerold and Godinho, D Eds.

Assessing the sustainability of EU dairy farms with different management systems and husbandry practices. Presentation at Research Seminar - Farm specific strategies to reduce environmental impact by improving health, welfare and nutrition of organic pigs. Assessment of animal welfare and environmental impact. BEP in die Zukunft! Hopp, hopp, hopp im Schweinsgalopp? Wohlergehen von Bioschweinen und Umweltwirkungen — k ein Widerspruch? Haltungssysteme der Bio-Schweine mit Knoblauch von Würmern Europa im Vergleich.

Husbandry für Broiler von Würmern of organic pigs in Europe - a comparison. Tagungsband der FreilandtagungWien. Search for the ideal laying hen for organic and free range systems.

Potentials and challenges for future sustainable grassland ultilisation in animal production. Leisen, Edmund and Heimberg, Peter. Workshop: Weidehaltung - Einfluss auf Leistung, Gesundheit und Wirtschaftlichkeit. Occurrence of intestinal helminths in two organic pig production systems. Vorbeugende Tiergesundheit: Strategische Behandlungskonzepte. Neue Regelungen im Tierarzneirecht. Umstellung auf Vollweidehaltung mit Kurzrasenweide am Beispiel.

Lodesani, Dr Marco and Costa, Dr Cecilia. Residues in beeswax after conversion für Broiler von Würmern organic für Broiler von Würmern. Use of tanniferous plants against gastro-intestinal nematodes in ruminants.

Mortality in organic free-range chickens and molecular characterization of the involved für Broiler von Würmern. Madsen, Lone and Für Broiler von Würmern, Inger. Infection models with Flavobacterium psychrophilum. Abstracts bookp. Yersinia ruckeri challenge on rainbow trout fed different diet types.

Seventh International Symposium on Für Broiler von Würmern Animal Health. Portland, Oregon, USAAmerican Fisheries Society, Fish Health Section, p. Influence of organic diets and probiotics on an experimental Flavobacterium psychrophilum infection in rainbow trout fry. Habituating Highland Cattle calves to tolerate humans. Dairy health in German organic farming - an intervention study on lameness and the implementation of herd health plans. Activities with male pigs - Power point presentation.

Organic male pigs in Denmark - Power point presentation. Overview - Activities with male pigs in Denmark. Power point presentation at:.

Hangriselugt - reduktion i praksis. Run management for organic layers. Development of prevention and treatment strategies for parasites in poultry. Wirken sich Auslauf- und Einstreumanagement auf den Wurmbefall. Maurer, Veronika and Perler, Erika. Silicas for control of the poultry red mite Dermanyssus gallinae. Parasite impact, transmissions and control.

Survival and development of Ascaris suum and Trichuris suis eggs in deep-litter on an organic pig farm. Transmission and control für Broiler von Würmern the parasite Ascaris suum large round worm in Danish organic farms.

Intercalibration of a concentration McMaster Technique between eight European laboratories. Long-term survival of Ascaris suum and Trichuris suis eggs in relation to pasture management. Antimicrobial effect of dietary nitrate in weaning piglets challenged or not with Salmonella enterica serovar typhimurium. Effect of probiotic inocula on the population density of lactic acid bacteria and enteric pathogens in the intestine of weaning piglets. Gesundheitserhebung bei Legehennen zur Verbesserung der Tiergesundheit.

Effects of silage or probiotics on performance and gut microbial composition of organic growing-finishing pigs. Treatments of honey bee colonies affected by Varroa destructor in organic apiculture. The relationship between breast blisters and the availability and use of perches by organic Mittel zur Vorbeugung gegen Parasiten. The timing and treatment of tail biting in fattening pigs.

Sow and piglet skin, claw and nipple lesions on two concrete flooring materials during lactation period. Eutergesundheit, Antibiotikaeinsatz, Nutzungsdauer und Milchleistung. Aufbau eines antibiotikaminimierten Eutergesundheitskonzeptes. Immunological effects of feeding different sources of vitamin E and seaweed in a sheep herd during the winter season. Locally produced legumes and seaweed. Sustainable protein sources for a für Broiler von Würmern European animal production?

Developing an agro-forestry system for production of a commercial organic chicken flock focusing on profits on a 'Triple bottom Line'. Alternative treatments in the control of psoroptic.

Für Broiler von Würmern of mycotoxins to product quality and animal health in organic farming. Sesquiterpene lactone-containing extracts from two chicory cultivars show different anthelmintic activity in vitro against Ostertagia ostertagi.

Feeding chicory Cichorium intybus selectively reduces Ostertagia ostertagi infection levels in cattle. Sind krank mit Würmern, Birte and TrampenauLea.

Spring Symposium of the Danish Society for Parasaitology. Pitter, Tanja and Vogl, Christian R. Plesch, Gudrun and Wittmann, Margit. Einfluss der Abkalbeperiode auf die Laktation bei Vollweidehaltung mit mobilem Melkroboter.

Podstatzky, Leopold and Wenzl, Wilfried. Fallbericht aus einem Biobetrieb. Case Study für Broiler von Würmern an Organic Farm. Kann bei Rindern Stress bei der Schlachtung durch ein positives Handling in den ersten Lebenstagen vermindert werden?

Can early handling of suckler beef calves reduce their für Broiler von Würmern towards humans? Reduction of slaughterhouse stress in beef cattle by facilitating animal tameness. Stress Reduction in Beef Cattle by Improving Human-Animal-Relationships. KTBLD-Darmstadt, KTBL-Schrift, no. Piglet mortality in organic herds.

Phytoestrogens found in milk inhibit COX enzyme activity in murine macrophages. Purup, Stig and Nielsen, Tina Skau. Cell-based models to test bioactivity of milk-derived bioactives. Do endangered sheep breeds have an advantage in organic farming? The standards, regulations and legislation required for organic ruminant keeping in the European Union. Organic meat and milk from ruminants, Proceedings of a joint international conference organised by the Hellenic Society of Animal Production and the British Society of Animal ScienceWageningen Academic Publishers, no.

Alternative strategies to prevent and control endoparasite diseases in organic sheep and goat farming systems — a review of current scientific knowledge. Piglet mortality für Broiler von Würmern Danish organic herds. Pig welfare - What are the ways forward? Potential risk factors for piglet mortality in Danish organic pig production. Pig welfare - what are the ways forward? Identification of sow level risk factors on early piglet mortality in Danish organic sow herds during different seasons.

Wiesinger, Klaus and Cais, Kathrin Eds. Raussi, Satu and Kaihilahti, Jutta. Cow welfare aspects in automatic milking systems. Intuitive versus für Broiler von Würmern knowledge of cattle behaviour. Helminth parasites in pigs: challenges and current research highlights. Evaluation of animal welfare on organic dairy farms in Finland. Ecological animal husbandry in the Nordic countries : proceedings from NJF-seminar no. Biosecurity in poultry production: a disease classification exercise.

ProPIG — Betriebsspezifische Strategien zur Reduktion der. Umweltauswirkung von Bioschweine Betrieben durch. Verbesserung von Tiergesundheit, Wohlergehen und. ProPIG - Organic pig health, welfare and environmental impact across Europe.

Was erkunden Bioschweine in Freiland- und Stallhaltung? Animal welfare standards in organic farming in The Für Broiler von Würmern. Mobile and stationary systems for pigs — nutrient excretion, distribution on outdoor areas and environmental impact. Akzeptanz von Futterpflanzen mit Vorkommen von kondensierten Tanninen bei Schafen und ihre Gehalte an nutzbarem Rohprotein.

Milchleistung und BCS-Verlust zu Laktationsbeginn bei einer. Milchleistungs- und einer Doppelnutzungsrasse. Behaviour of organic lactating sows given access to poplar trees.

Increase sustainability of organic pig production with more vital piglets. Schmid, Otto and Knutti, Stefan. Repeated gentle handling in beef cattle: heart rate and behaviour. Robust breeds for organic pig production. IGN-Tagung: Auf dem Weg zu einer tiergerechteren HaltungBio Austria. Optimierung des Liegebereichs von abgesetzten Ferkeln.

Costs and benefits of farming fish with selected behavioural and physiological traits. The homeopathy as a possibility for treating inflammations of the mammary gland in dairy cows. Effect of dairy management on quality characteristics of milk. Assessing the public goods provided by organic agriculture: lessons learned from practice. Assessment of skin damages in dairy cows. Influence of brown seaweed on selected. Für Broiler von Würmern eines positiven Handlings von Mastbullen auf die.

Prevention and treatment of parasitic Würmer sind in organic pigs. Performance of organic and low input livestock systems: a matter of sound design? Weidehaltung im alpinen Raum. Hangrise produktion - hvad sker der? Evaluation of soil microfungi as biological control agents against ascarid eggs. Spring Symposium of the the Danish Society for Parasitology.

Organic livestock production - trapped between aroused consumer expectations and limited resources. Tiergerechte Nutztierhaltung [Animal appropriate husbandry in relation to animal welfare]. From a standard to an output oriented ap-proach in organic livestock farming.

Organic Pig Husbandry Systems. Conflicting areas in the ethical debate on animal health and Katze Durchfall, Darmwürmer. Sustainable food für Broiler von Würmern and ethicsWageningen Academic Publishers, pp. Limitations in the implementation of preventive measures and the need of a system-oriented approach.

System approach to improve animal health. Health status in organic pig herds in Europe. Pig Veterinary Society IPVS Congressp. Diagnostic of post-weaning diarrhoea on the farm level.

Sundrum, Albert and Hoischen-Taubner, Susanne. Sundrum, Albert and Werner, Christina. Endoparasite infections and hygiene management in organic fattening herds.

Herd für Broiler von Würmern surveillance and management in an integrated Für Broiler von Würmern based system.

Für Broiler von Würmern of different forages on gastrointestinal namatode infections in grazing lambs. Harrington, Kathleen Für Broiler von Würmern Ed. Options for parasite control using tanniferous forages in livestock in Northern temperate areas.

Sainfoin reduces the establishment of nematode infections in grazing lambs. Evaluation of soil microfungi as biological control agents against eggs of animal parasitic nematodes. A Longitudinal Study of Mastitis on an Experimental Farm with Two Herds, One Managed Organically, the other Conventionally.

Thomsen, Lene and Bonde, Marianne. Potentialer fäkal-Analyse zeigte, auf Würmer forskellige hyttedesign. Could a different management routine that strengthens the mother-offspring bond contribute für Broiler von Würmern a more für Broiler von Würmern organic piglet production?

Beurteilung alternativer Schlachtmethoden im Hinblick auf die Verringerung der Furcht von Rindern. IGN-Tagung: Auf dem Weg zu einer tiergerechteren Haltungpp. Experiences of Veterinarians Using Acupuncture on Farm Animals. Auslaufnutzung von Legehennen und Nahrungsangebot Evalar Würmer. Broiler welfare index based on slaughter-house variables.

Untersuchung mit Thermo-Injektaten bei Ziegen zur Eignung von zwei Applikationsorten, für Broiler von Würmern Vergleich von zwei Messsystemen sowie bei unterschiedlicher Umgebungstemperatur. Unal, Sabiha and Usumus, Ertan. Effects of distribution of quebracho extracts on experimental Haemonchus contortus infections in goats. Development of animal health and welfare planning in organic dairy farming in Europe.

Neuhoff, Daniel et al. Combining Ethological Thinking and Epidemiological Knowledge to Enhance the Naturalness of Organic Livestock Systems. Practical Forage and Livestock Production. Organic concepts for animal health and welfare.

Farmer groups for animal health and welfare planning in Für Broiler von Würmern organic dairy herds. Development of animal health and welfare planning. Enhancing animal health security and food safety in organic livestock production.

Tedje and Beijer, Helen. Herbal folk remedies for animal health in the Netherlands. Vermeer, Herman and Houwers, Wim. Effect of additional heating, floor length, straw quantity and piglet nest accessibility on piglet losses in organic farrowing pens. Farrowing accommodation for organic pigs. Verwer, C and Eekeren, N. Preventive and alternative treatments of helminth parasites in organic dairy goats.

Organic egg für Broiler von Würmern in Finland - animal health, welfare and food safety issues. Monitoring als Bestandteil des Tiergesundheitsmanagements. Volker and Sieglerschmidt, Eike. Suckling systems in calf rearing in organic dairy farming in the Netherlands.

Mastitis incidence and milk für Broiler von Würmern in organic dairy farms. The human-animal relationship and animal health management.

Waiblinger, dostthaler.de Susanne and Gugatschka, Mag. Zwei Jahre pro-Q — Bilanz eines biokonformen Eutergesundheitsprogrammes. Focussing on health promotion on organic farming in practice —. Entwicklung der Erregerbefunde und Zellzahlen aus Viertelanfangsgemelken. Pro-Q: Strategien zur Verbesserung der Eutergesundheit und Minimierung des Antibiotikaeinsatzes in schweizerischen Biomilchviehbetrieben. Organic conform udder health concepts.

How to wie ein Kind Wurm zu heilen therapies. Gabriele and Schaette, Dr. Traditional für Broiler von Würmern of herbs for treatment für Broiler von Würmern farm animals by organic farmers in three Swiss cantons. Herbal Product in Animal Health and Nutrition - Book of Abstracts. Characteristics of organic dairy farm types in seven European countries. Associations between pig leg health and lean meat growth in commercial organic herds.

Audit und Benchmarking zur Optimierung der Tiergesundheit. Sainfoin — New Data on Anthelmintic Effects and Production in Sheep für Broiler von Würmern Goats.

Werner, Christina and Sundrum, Prof. Comparison of homeopathic and chemotherapeutic treatment strategies in the case of bovine clinical mastitis. Klaas and Sundrum, Prof. Werner, Christina and Sundrum, Albert. Promoting good health and welfare in European organic laying hens.

Rats show individual preference for short-term choice of three human diets. Walter and Schmidtko, Dr. Applied research für Broiler von Würmern interplay between farm and group level: What attracts laying hens to the hen run?

Zeltner, Esther and Maurer, Veronika. Welfare of organic poultry. Mittel gegen Würmer Preise bei Raten von Menschen behaviour and heart rate of dairy cows with and without calf-contact during different stimuli in the parlour.

Bio-Institut, LFZ Raumberg-Gumpenstein Ed. Ethical Consideration in Livestock Breeding. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBLFrick, Switzerland. Inter Bio Bretagne, France. Bioforschungstag: Aktuelles zum Biorind. Agroscope, Posieux, und FiBL, Frick.

KTBL, Darmstadt, KTBL-Schrift, no. Future perspective for animal health on organic farms: main findings, conclusions and recommendations from SAFO Network. University of Reading, SAFO - Sustaining Animal Health and Food Quality in Organic Farming. Monique, Bestman and Wagenaar, Jan-Paul Eds. Towards animal oriented rearing methods in organic production systems. Systems development: quality and safety für Broiler von Würmern organic livestock products.

Organic livestock farming: potential and limitations of husbandry practice to secure animal health and welfare and food quality. SAFO Sustaining Animal Health and Food Safety in Organic Farming. A European Commission funded Concerted Action Würmer mit Erbrechen. Socio-economic aspects of animal health and food safety in organic farming systems.

Hovi, Malla and Vaarst, Mette Eds. Hovi, Malla and Baars, Ton Eds. Hovi, Malla and Bouilhol, Michel Eds. Hovi, Malla and Trujillo, R. Factors causing a higher level of liver abscesses in organic compared with conventional dairy herds. Wageningen Academic Publisher, The Netherlands, EAAP Book of Abstracts, no. Lund, Vonne and Mejdell, Cecilie M. Calf welfare in organic herds - planning for the future. Kristensen, Erik Steen and Thamsborg, Stig Milan Eds.

Aanensen, Lise and Henriksen, Britt I. Vaarst, Mette and Roderick, Stephen Eds. The process of minimising medicine use Würmer Bronchitis dialogue based animal health and welfare planning, Workshop report FIBL.

In: CORE Organic project no. Medikamente gegen Würmer bei Katzen College Organic Studies Centre.

Desk study on homeopathy in für Broiler von Würmern livestock farming: Principles, obstacles and recommendations for practice and research. Louis Bolk InstituutLivestock production. Bassler, Arnd and Ciszuk, Paul. Pilot studies in organic broiler production — für Broiler von Würmern and cross-breeds. Centre for Sustainable Agriculture.

Benninger, Tina and Sundrum, Albert. Zelfmedicatie door varkens in de biologische veehouderij: Deskstudie naar een nieuw concept voor diergezondheidszorg. Louis Bolk Instituut Publications, no. Louis Bolk Instituut and Agro Eco ConsultancyLivestock production. Biologische leghennen: gezond, gezonder, gezondst. Bickelhaupt, Christine and Verwer, C. Louis Bolk InstituutDriebergen.

Blaha, Thomas and Sundrum, Albert. Bonde, Marianne and Serup, Tove. Bonde, Marianne and Kyed, Sybille. Brenninkmeyer, Christine and Knierim, Ute. Genetics and welfare in organic poultry production. A discussion on the suitability of available breeds and hybrids. BioforskBioforsk Organic Food and Farming, Tingvoll.

The Virtual fencing system Nofence - Trials dostthaler.deng ability and sheep welfare. The role and management of herbal pastures for animal health. Institute of Organic Training and Advice IOTACraven Arms. Rantsoen en melkvetzuren: Verschillen in melkkwaliteit tussen biologische bedrijven in beeld gebracht. Louis Bolk Publications, no. Knowledge synthesis: Animal Wie wird man von den Würmern zu Hause los and welfare in organic pig production - Final Report COREPIG.

Reduzierung für Broiler von Würmern Keimdrucks für Broiler von Würmern alternative Desinfektionsverfahren. Gauly, Matthias and Kaufmann, Falko. Environmental Enrichment and its effects für Broiler von Würmern Welfare in fish. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FIBLCH-Frick.

Gesche, Kern and Krieter, Joachin. Wageningen UR, Communication Services Ed. Biologisch melkvee natuurlijk gezond. Het stalboekje Melkvee in de praktijk. The stablebook Dairy in practice. Wageningen UR, Communication Services. Biologisch pluimvee für Broiler von Würmern Behandlung von Würmern bei Katzen. Het stalboekje Pluimvee in de praktijk.

The stablebook Poultry in practice. Biologische varkens natuurlijk gezond. Het stalboekje Varkenshouderij in de praktijk. The stablebook Pig breeding in practice. Natural dairy cow health.

Wageningen UR RIKILT Ed. Stalboekje pluimvee: natuurlijk gezond met kruiden en andere natuurproducten. Vurdering av regel om diing i tre dagar. Mattilsynet, Norwegian Food Safety Authority, dostthaler.de. Bioforsk Organic Fod and Farming, Tingvoll. Holle, Romana and Rahmann, Gerold. Vaccine use in organic cattle and sheep systems: Development of a decision support tool based on risk assessment. University of ReadingVeterinary Epidemiology and Economics Research Unit.

Feeding for health and welfare. NAHWOA - Network of Animal Health and Welfare in Organic Agriculture. Humann-Ziehank, Esther and Ganter, Martin. Report for first years results of screening of antibacterial plant products for replacing antibiotica.

Aarhus University, AU -ANIS, Aarhus University, AU -ANIS. Aarhus UniversityAnimal Science, Aarhus University. Control of internal parasites in organic livestock without the use of pharmaceutical anthelminthics.

ADAS Consulting LtdRedesdale. Analysis of black holes in our knowledge concerning animal health in the organic food production chain. Wageningen URAnimal Sciences Group. Kijlstra, Aize and van der Werf, Joop. Effects of the compulsory indoor confinement of organic Sankt Veit an der Glan detoxic 2017 Versand poultry: a dust storm! Animal Sciences Group, Wageningen University and Research CentresAnimal Production Division.

Digestibility of nutrients in novel organic protein feedstuffs for pigs: grass pea seeds, dehulled sainfoin seeds and soybean pulp okara. Ileal digestibility of amino acids in novel organic protein. Ileal digestibility of amino acids in novel organic protein feedstuffs for pigs: Mussel meal Mytilus edulis. Incorporation of conventional animal welfare assessment techniques into organic certification and farming. University of BristolSchool of Veterinary Science.

BEP animal health and welfare. ProPIG - Farm specific strategies to reduce environmental impact by improving health, welfare and nutrition of organic pigs - Final project report. JTI - Swedish Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Engineering, Uppsala, Sweden. Centre for sustainable agriculture.

The process of researching animal health and welfare planning. CORE Organic Project Series. Faculty of Agricultural SciencesDepartment og Animal Health, Welfare and Nutrition. Fibre reducerer skatol i hangrise. McLean, Dr Barbara and Frost, David. Controlling Ectoparasites on Welsh Organic Sheep Farms. Mergili, Susanne and Sthamer, Dirk. Bio-Kaninchenhaltung für Broiler von Würmern Deutschland — derzeitige Situation und Stand des Wissens. Sensory emphasis on pork quality related to the diet content of fermentable fibre-rich feedstuffs chicory and lupine with special emphasis on the effect on boar taint.

University of CopenhagenFaculty of Life Sciences. Bestandesbetreuung und antibiotikaminimiertes Tiergesundheitsmanagement BAT.

FiBLFachgruppe Tiergesundheit. Is Weather temperature Having a Major Influence on the Final Weights of Chickens in Sheepdrove Organic Farm Organic Silvo-Poultry System? Philipps, Lois and Clark, Fergus. Development of Cattle Housing for Sheepdrove Organic Farm. Wageningen UR Livestock Research Ed. Daglichtmanagement bij opfok leghennen. Wageningen UR Livestock Research. Roderick, Stephen and Hovi, Malla.

University of ReadingVeterinary Epidemiology and Economics Research Unit VEERU. Final report for Project no. Prevention of selected diseases and parasites in organic pig hreds - by means of HACCP based management and surveillance programme CorePig.

Wagningen UR, Communication Services. Update welzijnsprestaties biologische veehouderij. Elm Farm Research Centre. Scientific Committee on Animal Health and Animal Welfare. The Welfare of Cattle kept for Beef Production. Optimierung der Haltungsbedingungen von Aufzuchtferkeln im Liegebereich. Beratung Artgerechte Tierhaltung e. Smallholder Farmers' Adaptation to Climate Change in Zenzelima, Ethiopia. Sobry, Luk and Govaerts, Wim. Goede jeugdgroei melkgeiten belangrijk voor de latere melkproductie, invloed van een kruidensupplement.

Spengler Neff, Anet FiBL, FG Tierzucht und Tierhaltung Ed. Studien zur biologisch-dynamischen Rindviehzucht. Stalljohann, Gerhard and Patzelt, Sybille. Bioforsk Organic Food and Farming, Tingvoll. Epidemiological study concerning the characteristics of organic pig farming in selected European countries.

Alveld hos lam - Kan vi forebygge sjukdommen? Management of trace elements and vitamins in organic ruminant livestock nutrition Welpen für Würmer beheben the context of the whole farm system. Mussel shells as a für Broiler von Würmern occupational- and Ca source in floor kept laying hens. Tusche, Karsten and Schulz, Carsten. Det Jorbrugsvidenskabelige FakultetInstitut for Husdyrbiologi og -sundhed. Participatory Common Learning in Groups of Dairy Farmers in Uganda FFS approach and Danish Stable Schools.

DJF De-Entwurmung Tabletten für Kinder Prävention Science, no. Aarhus University, Faculty of Agricultural SciencesInst. Minimising medicine use in organic dairy herds through animal health and welfare planning. Familiekudde State of the Art. Wageningen URLivestock research.

Familiekudde State of the art. In vivo testing of alternatives for conventional treatment of Ascaris suum in pigs. Reports of Animal Sciences Group of Wageningen UR, no. Animal Sciences Group of Wageningen UR. Effect of rooting area and drinker in für Broiler von Würmern outdoor run für Broiler von Würmern behaviour and Ascaris infection of organic pigs. QLIF final report, no. Animal Sciences Group of Wageningen University and Research Centre.

Wagenaar, Jan-Paul and Verwer, C. Louis Bolk Instituut publications, no. Louis Bolk Instituut, Driebergen. Atkinson, Chris and Neale, Madeleine. Animal Health Welche Würmer können Allergien auslösen and Animal Health Plans - Concepts, principles and practicalities.

CORE Organic project nr. HealthyHens: bevorderen van gezondheid en welzijn bij bio-leghennen in Europa. De Cock, Lieve and Van Waes, Johan Eds. NO-CAST - Reduktion af ornelugt hos hangrise. Sonderheft Landbauforschung [vTI Agriculture and Forestry Research]. Farmer opinion für Broiler von Würmern the process of health and welfare planning in Austria, Denmark, Germany, Norway and Switzerland.

The process of minimising medicine use through dialogue based animal health and welfare planning. Workshop report - The process of researching animal für Broiler von Würmern and welfare planning.

CORE Organic Project Series, no. Aarhus Universitet - Faculty of Agricultural SciencesDepartement of Animal Health and Bioscience, pp. Alternativ kontrol af indvoldsorm hos svin. Nicholas, Phillipa and Jasinska, Aleksandra.

Animal Health and Welfare Planning - A Review. Animal Health and Welfare Planning - Identifying key principles and approaches. Gesundheit erhalten statt Krankheit kurieren. Core Organic project Series, no. Learning and empowerment in farmer groups as one way of creating a healthy process für Broiler von Würmern animal health für Broiler von Würmern welfare planning.

Vaarst, Mette and Kristensen, Erik Steen. ANIPLAN — not just "any plan". Vaarst, Mette and Roderick, Stephen.

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