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The book of fishes. By an officer, late of the Deposit Analyse auf helminth Eier Rifles. Descriptive catalogue of the Japanese fishing industry, prepared for the World's Fair, St. Louis, by the Imperial Fisheries Bureau, Department of Agriculture. Extraordinary growth of a pike. Feeding cattle on fisb. The fish supply of London. Incubazione boccale dei pesci. A new system of the natural history of quadrupeds, birds, fishes and insects.

De zeevischvangst in Oost Indie. Salmon in the Clackamas river. Guide to the study of animal ecology. Ten thousand miles through Canada.

An idler in the neat east. See also Lyman, T. Commemorative notice of Louis Agassiz. Reprinted from the "Recherches sur les poissons fossiles. Sketch of the geology of Moray. Twelve lectures on comparative embryology, delivered before the Lowell Institute, in Bostcin. An essay on classification.

The structure of animal life. Fishes and reptiles In Garman, S. Exploration of Lake Titicaca Bull. Numerous references in both volumes, but no fishes named. I, fishing with nets, p. Notes on oral gestation for several unnamed Deposit Analyse auf helminth Eier of Guiana. On a specimen of Regalecus glesne Asean. Der Fischfang im Wolgabassin oberhalb von Saratov. Allen, Joel Asa ph. Numerous references to fish and fishing in Vol. For biography, see Vol.

Bacteriological Deposit Analyse auf helminth Eier as to the cause of an outbreak of disease among the fish at the marine laboratory, Bay of Nigg.

A monograph of the yellow sandstone and its remarkable fossil remains. Modes of fishing, p. On the cod and ling fisheries of Ireland. A number of fishes are included among the admirably drawn animal figures.

Annin juniorJames. Poachers or destructive visitors to fish ponds. Poisoning by fish and fish poison [Text in Russian Vrach, St. Atmospheric and other influences on the migration of Deposit Analyse auf helminth Eier. Arnold juniorIsaac " Gringo ", pseudon.

How do blackbass spawn? Cichlosoma bi maculaI um. Ein alter Bekannter mit neuem Namen im neuen Kleide. Die Gattung Xiphophorus Heckel, etc. Die Gattung Gambuaia und die Gattung Heterophalus Regan. Cio pea aprottua fishing during the summer at Rymotyla village and its environs. Acara portale grensis Reg. Ein Myxobolus im Kopfe von Gadus aeglefinus. On some of the fishes of the St. Some Deposit Analyse auf helminth Eier landmarks, with a consideration of the neuropore, nose, hypophysis and rnoutb.

Du repeuplement des cours d'eau. Michigan grayling Thymallus tricolor Trans. Fishing with Guiacan or remora. For biographical sketch see Stieda, L.

Alcune esperienze di fisiologia dei sensi negli animali marini olfatto e senso tattile. Eliminazione del senso visivo. Sensi olfattorio e tattile squisiti. Note on the Rev. Gordon's list of Deposit Analyse auf helminth Eier fisbes. Fish and their food. Suckley's Deposit Analyse auf helminth Eier on the North American species of salmon and trout. A rain of fishes. Om de fiskearter, som findes ved kysterne af det nordlige Fynen og i Odense Fiord. L'osso sfenotico dei pesci teleostei Parker nell' Ovis aries, L.

The incipiency of the menhaden oil business. Earliest demonstration of guanin in integu, ment of fishes. Story of the fishes. For biography and list of his works see D'Erasmo, G. A list of the parasitic Copepoda of fish obtained at Plymouth. Sense of touch Deposit Analyse auf helminth Eier the rockling Motella Journ. Bonanno, nunc vero nova methodo distributa, notis illustrata, in tabulis reformata, nouisque obseruatt.

The work of the United States Fish Commission. Fish and game department of the Universal Exposition of St. Beaufort, Lieven Ferdinand de. Die Anatomie und systematische Stellung desgenus Kurtus Bloch. Trolling for bonito with pearl shellhooks. Deep sea fishing, p. Much interesting data on habits of fishes and on modes of fishing in the South Seas. Notes from my south sea log. Method of fishing Deposit Analyse auf helminth Eier Ruvettus, the purgative fish. Habits of sharks and other fishes.

Seine Zucht und Pflege im Zimmer Aquarium. Die filtesten Urkunden der Anklamer Fischerinnung. The inland waters of Massachusetts. Bell juniorRobert. On the natural history of the gulf of St. Serum of Ophichthys less so. De l'emploi des fiItres en Deposit Analyse auf helminth Eier. Osservazione fatte sulla colliz ioni ittiologica del civico museo di storia naturale, in Milano.

Utilizing water by fish culture. La vie et l'ouvre d'un zoologiste. Deux cestodes nouveaux de Lamna cornubica. Cryptogamous parasite on gold fish, p. For biographical and bibliographical notices, see Vol. Vergleichende Anatomie und Physiologie. Pancreas of Raia, II, p. For biography and Deposit Analyse auf helminth Eier of works see Rendic.

Die elektrischen Fische, warum, wenn Würmer Juckreiz. English translation by F. Ueber die Natur der in der Schwimmblase enthaltenen Luft. Fishing apparatus poison, nets, spears, etc. Hubotter of Bischoff, T. Fish and men in the Maine islands. For memorial notice, see Vol. Angler's complete guide to the rivers and lakes of England. A French translation of Blocker, P. Syngnathus tapeinosoma, cene nieuwe soort van Solor.

Contains a list of all the species of fichez known at that time in the group of islanda ol which Madagascar is the chief. Peber die Fortpflanzung des Aales. Abstracts in: Jena Gel. The most extensive bibliography of natural history ante Agassiz. Zur Entstehung der Goldfischlinge. Catalogue of ancient and modern books in all classes of natural history.

Ein Seehund im Schweriner See. Articles cited under Boudouy, Th. La pesca nel Trentino. Ein einfaches Netz zum Fischen von Plankton bei schneller Fahrt.

Borne, Max von dem [c. Sopra un ittiolito deih calcarea tenera leccese. Articles cited undei this author, vol. The buccal nursing habits of certau fishes. Descriptions of three new fishes from South Cameroon. Descriptions are given of three new species of Myomyrus, Mormyrus and Barilius.

Descriptions of two new fishes from Northern Rhodesia. Two new species are described of Barbus and of Mastacembclns. The fisheries of Alaska. The United States Fisheries Steamer " Albatross " and her work. Life in the ocean. Preliminary report on the food of the cod. Fishing with hooks, pears, nets, traps, kites, etc.

Anecdotes of the animal kingdom, etc. Er ster Abschnitt, Die Skeletlehre de: Fische, Lief. Beitrag zu: Kenntnis von Macrones vittatus. Structure and classification of fishes dealt with. Ricerche sugli adattamenti alla vita planctonica I Gobidi planctonici. Decorso rettilineo del]' intestino. Of the special senses of fishes, in relation to the art of angling.

In Gresham Angling Society. Methods in aquatic photography. A tour through Deposit Analyse auf helminth Eier, Malta, etc. Spawning of spring herring near Norway. Bcstandtheile des Fleisches von Lachsen und Heringen im Vergleich zu dem von Rindfleisch. Experiments in rearing black bass.

Refers to development of fish culture and maintenance of fisheries. Fossil faunas of the Olean quadrangle. Improvements necessary in the hatching of salmon. Fishes and fishing In Fowier, G. Herbert, Science of the sea, Deposit Analyse auf helminth Eier. Grayling and Loch Leven trout in salt water. A study of three fish received as "mended male keits.

Results of salmon marking in rivers. The spawning mark on salmon scales. Fishes and shells of the falls of the Ohio In Johnston, J. Stoddard editor Memorial History Tabletten von Würmern für Kinder 2 Jahre Louisville.

Fishing with fioating flies. A fish which makes and lives in a tube in the bank under water. The swordfish Xiphius gladiw, L. A German version appeared. Histoire des animaux d'Aristote. A synonym of Stenops MoCI. Della pietra leccese e di alcuni suoi fossili.

Urbani, similibus ranarum Surinamensium, panter in pisces degenerantibus. Deposit Analyse auf helminth Eier a specimen of Labrus maculatus Bl. Temperature in relation to fish. Earliest figure of egg of Ginglymostoma Wodka trinken mit Würmern of uterine embryo of Centrina.

Sulla formazione delle crypte intestinali negli embrioni del Salmo salar. A histological Deposit Analyse auf helminth Eier wenn sie Welpen von Würmern gegeben sensory ganglia.

La retina dei pesci e degli anfibi. Twins in fish, one with a cyclopic deformity. Capture of RMneodon typus, the whale shark, in bay of Panama. Zur Geschichte des Angelhakens. Fishing with hooks and tuba, p. Where the trout hide.

The game fishes of America. La blennie cagnette Blennius cegnotta Valene. Hunting and fishing, p. Croissance de la plie. Fish ova not eaten by the water ouzel. Zoologist, Cobb, Eben W. Commercial trout hatcheries and their influence on public hatcheries. Fishing with the remorg, vol. Su di alcuni nuovi pesci del mar di Messina. EI Lago Titicaca y sus resursos Bol. Lecture on the Deposit Analyse auf helminth Eier sensory canal system of fishes. Remarks upon some oewnic forms of hydrozoa observed at sea.

Complete reference for Configliachi, P. Ein neuer Cichiide aus Afrika. A list of the most common fishes, etc. Catalogue of Eocene shells and fish from Shark river. In Geological Survey of the State of New Jersey, appendix A.

Edestus and Pelecopterus, etc. Describes Orthodon condamyi, n. Notes on fishes of Tignish, Prince Edward island. Notes on the trematoda genus Clinostomum. Una grande "Conserva" per i pesci. See Darboux, Stephan, etc. Biological action of the salts contained in sea water from the point of view of maintenance of marine animals.

Extension of the list of New Brunswick fishes. Historie van Groenland, etc. The history of Greenland, etc. Deposit Analyse auf helminth Eier lithographic stone quarries of Bavaria, Germany. Correlations of Präparate von Würmern für Tiere Liste, length and other body measurements in the weakfish, Cynoscion regalis. Les couleurs des poissons.

Or the reproductive elements in Myxin glutinosa, L. Growth of fishes in the aqua num. The species, the sex, and the in dividuai. Consists of extracts from Hannover. Cells of the same origin as the motor cells of anterior horn.

The habits of Astroseopus and the development of its electric organs. Daldorf's Dagbog paa en Reise fra Kiobenhavn til Tranquebar. The anatomy of Heterodontus francisci. New South Wales, Davidowsky, F. Some random notes by an old angler on fishes of the Lea. On Heterolepidolus grandis, a fossil fish from the Deposit Analyse auf helminth Eier. Catalogue of the collection Deposit Analyse auf helminth Eier fossil fishes in the Science and Art Museum, Dublin.

Fossil fisbes of the Chalk. On the temperature of some fishes of the genus Thynnus. The osseous systern of Ophiocephalus striatus Bloch. Habits of Barbus p. Brief notes on oral gestation in some Indian Siluridae. Some fishes of the district. L'arc mandibulaire et l'arc hyoidien. Notice sur les labres d'Europe. For memorial notice see Porter, C. Zalm, schotje en fore! Die Fischerei der Sa moaner. Eine Zusammenstellung de: bekanntesten Methoden des Fanges de Seetiere bei den Eingeborenen.

Im An hang: Die samoanisehen und zoologi soben Namen der Seetiere. Exhaustive treatise Deposit Analyse auf helminth Eier fishing with hooks nets, baskets, etc. In Festgabe des Fischerei. The blood and urine of Deposit Analyse auf helminth Eier. A statistical survey drawn up.

Translated from the French by V. Ciguatera or poisoning by eating fish, I, p. De Vis, Charles W. On three new fishes from Queensland.

On a now form of the genus Therapon. Translated from French by R. March, June dv Sept. On the capture of a specimen of Labrus maculotus Bl. Butterflies eaten by bream. Notes by an angler. Revised by Sir P. To replace Dohrn, A. La vie au sein des mers. Social life of the Chinese.

The cabinet of natural history and American rural sports. Notice of a viviparous fish Anableps dowi from the bay of La Union, state of San Salvador. Migrations et frai des poissons de ruer en eau douce. Description of a new species of Hippocampus. Food of sea fishes. Some habits of the picked dogs, herrings and pilchards on the coasts of Devon and Cornwall. Facts in the life history of the Motella and some flat fisbes. Relative life in the sea. Does the flying fish fly? Ponds, pond fish, and pond fisb culture.

Fishing with baskets, p. Brain structures of fossil fishes from the Caney shales [Abstracti Bull. Fossil fishes in the collection o! An album of the weapons, tools, ornaments, articles of dress of the natives of the Pacific Ocean.

Figures of fish hooks, spears, traps, nets, kites, Tabletten Hund Würmer, shark rattles Deposit Analyse auf helminth Eier nooses, etc. A View of the. Fishes of Zetland, vol. Observations on the nature and extant of the cod fishery, carried on off the coasts of the Zetland and Orkney islands.

An observation made by him in opticks. Necrologie [Orations delivered at his funeral] Ann. See also Berthelot in Ann.

For biography see Smiles, S. For bibliography see Taschenberg, E. Percensuit et regis iussu et impensis. Descrizione di nuove specii di leptocephali dello stretto di Messina. Contrattilia muscolare nei pesci. Nye Samling Norske Selsk. On the cause of the disappearance of young trout Report on the sprat fisheries of the coast of Galicia.

It may be replaced by the new name, Verater Jordan, orthotype Oligo pus ater Risso. Outlines of the natural history of Europe. The natural history of the European seas. The first food Deposit Analyse auf helminth Eier the common whitefish. Notes on the food of the fishes of the Mississippi valley. Freshwater fishes and their ecology. L'action destructive du cygne sur les poissons.

TT Fishes from the Rupununi river, British Guiana. Coeur de la tor. Giftfische und giftige Fische, p. Falconry, its claims, history and practice. To which are added remarks on training the otter and cormorant, by Captain Salvin. Fishing with cormorants, pp. Notes on the menhaden fishery.

Translation of Frisch, J. Die Fische der Elbe und ihrer Altwasser bei Podicbrad, p. Fishing among ancient Egyptians, p. Modern metliods of fishing among primitive peoples, p.

Fishing with the board, p. Researches on the electric discharge of the isolated electric organ of Astrape by means of the oscillograph. Deposit Analyse auf helminth Eier of fuga Tetro.

Galard de Terraube, Louis Antoine. La pesca de] tonno a Trapani. Guide to the angler. The relation between light and pigment formation in Cremlabrus and Hippolyte. Smoking herring in Denmark. Fortleben eines in die Milz innplantierten Embryo. Prävention Medikamente für Darmwürmer bei Erwachsenen Describes Pleuracanthusfrossardi n. Das Hyobranchialskelet der Wirbelthiere. Amphioxus, cyclostomes, selachians, ganoids, teleosts, dipnoans, p.

An epidemic of cancer in the thyroid of brook trout in a fish hatchery. I of the above work which reads in part: scritta dal celebre Professore Giovanni Seraphino Volta in Mantova. The origin of the Deposit Analyse auf helminth Eier limb. Life of Sir R. Fish and fishing i, p. Delete rest o title erroneously inserted. For biography see Flourens, M. P Eloge historique d'E.

Bemerkung eine Reise im Russischen Reiche. Eine indische Bart grundel. Vielleicht danebe auch SinnesfunlctioneD. A synonym of Centrodus. Gibt es konstante Bastarde? List of parasitic worms found in fish from the Moscow market. Histoire naturelle des drogues simples. Products obtained from fishes, vol. The larva of the eel. I of Die drei Reiche der Natur. Description of three new South African fishes.

Destruction of fish and fisb spawn by netting in the Berg river and at Knysna. The first reference contains a bibliography of Theodore Nicholas Gill, p. Pisciculture with reference to American waters. Caribbean sea and of Europe. On the affinities of the great swallower, Chiasmodon niger. From Jobnson's Encyclopmdia, under the title "Morphology," by Gill. On the survival of fish embryos. Faunal discussion of Colonibia, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia. Palsooniscus, Amlypterus macropterus, and Orthacanthus.

Die deutsche Seefischerei in ihrer Gegenwart und die Mittel zu ihrer Hebung. This is the first edition. There have been many since then. Two only are listed. An abridgment of A history of the earth and animated nature. Structure of Deposit Analyse auf helminth Eier of various fishes studied.

For biography and Deposit Analyse auf helminth Eier see in Vol. The identity of Rhinonemus caudacula Storer Gill, with Gadus cimbrius Linn. The color of fishes. Fishing with the cormorant, p. The romance of natural history.

Electric organ in fishes. Refers to Raja baus, Gymnotus, Torpedo anc Malopterurus. Experiments on color discrirnination among fishes, pp.

Graelis, Mariano de la Paz. Probranchia pseudobranchia equivale ad un foglietto branchiale. I pesci dei Deposit Analyse auf helminth Eier di Ganzirri e Faro. Hodgson to the British Probably indicating a new group of Echinodermata. China, a history of the laws, manners and customs of the people. Sulla presenza del Dogger inferiore ijurassici al Monte Foraporta presso Lagonegro. Describes Gsbius bustamarstei, n.

Thomas Island, Gulf of Guinea. Oral gestation described for catfishes of Surinam. For biographical sketch, See Trans. Where, when, and how to catch fish on the east coast of Florida. Origin of the elastic fibres in the heart and aorta of the Axolotl and the salmon trout.

Are sharks man eaters? Ein Beitrag zui Anatomie des Darmes. Animalium in Belgio habitan tium. Description of carp ponds and water gate.

The structure distribution, and variation of the thy. Contains an extensive bibliography. Structures and habits of the nurse shark Ginglyrnostoma cirratum. Gestation uterine in the nursE shark, Ginglymostoma cirralum. Journ Elisha Mitchell Sci. For an obituary, see Smith, E. The voyage of the " Vettor Deposit Analyse auf helminth Eier. Fishes In Aitcheson, J. Zoology of the Afghan delimitation commission Trans.

La nourriture de la sardine. Records Dioden scilla Ag. Sur les bourgeons musculaires des nageoires paires du Cyclopterus lumpu.

Drying codfish at Bordeaux. A catalogue of the. Fishing methods, kite, float, spear, nets, spider's web, hooks, poison, p. Fish eating large snails, p. On the classification of the Myxosporidia, a group of protozoan parasites infesting fishes. Effects of eating poisonous flesh of various fishes.

Fishing with the remora in Torres Straits, p. These volumes are full of references to fishes showing what a great part they play in the lives of the people of Torres Straits.

Fishing with the remora, p. Hammerhead shark myth, p. Magie in connection with fishing, p. Fishes in decoration, p. R Totemism In Repts. Review of general anatomy and physiol ogy. Einpfundige Das wirksamste Mittel Parasiten befinden sich bereits Deposit Analyse auf helminth Eier iO. The red Canadian trout ,S'alvelinus marstoni Deposit Analyse auf helminth Eier. Geology of New York.

De cerebro avium et piscium. Over de Hersenen der Vogelen en Visschen. Zur Anatomie und Histologie [Muskulatur, Verdauungsapparat, und Gehirni In Krukenberg, C. Von der Natur und Eigenschaft der Fische, und welchen Leuten sie gesund sind.

Angler's guide and reference book. The Susquehanna river lamprey. Field problems on Medikamente gegen Würmer Welpen fishes for secondary classes. Distribution of fish in streams about Charleston, Deposit Analyse auf helminth Eier. Description of two species of Cephalaspis.

Notice anatomique sur le squale bleu. Reisen und Forschungen in Afrika, Asien und Amerika, etc. Recreations of a naturalist. The oldest book on fishing, p. Fishes caught by bladderwort, p. Les fles blanches [des archipels Gilbert et Deposit Analyse auf helminth Eier des mers du sud. Diodon skins used as belmets, p. On manufactured food for trout and carp. Descriptions are given of four new species of Corvina, Boleophthalmus, Eleotris and Copidoglanis.

Note on the claspers of Heptanchus. Note on Urolophus testaceus. On a cestode of Cestracion. Ueber Atemversuche mit einigen Giften. Notes on thi edible fishes of New Zealand. Fishes of Ne Zealand.

Gives native names of maniy fish. Critical notes on Mr. Davis' paper: [On the fossil fish remains o New Zealandi. General account of the atoll of Funafuti. Implements for fishing, p. Palu Ruvettus hoolcs, p. Zur Kenntnis des Herings. Untersuchungen am Herzen von Elasmobranchiern. Wechselseitige oder gekreuzte Zirkulation zwischen zwei Selachierherzen zur Entscheidung der Frage, ob Vagushemmung des einen Herzens Verlangsamung oder Deposit Analyse auf helminth Eier der Funktion des anderen durch Leitung des Blutes von "A" nach" B "verursachen kann.

Herzen derselben Spezies verlangsamt oder zum Stillstand gebracht werden kann. De la ligne primitive des poissons osseux. Records Lepidofuo minor Ag. Gemeinfassliche Mittheilungen aus den Untersuchungen der Kommission zur wissenschaftlichen Untersuchung der deutschen Meere.

Favourite fish and fishing. Gesichtsinn In Winterstein, Hans. Handbuch der vergleichenden Physiologie, Bd. Lichtsinn bei Fischen, p. Das Sehorgan der Wirbeltiere, p. Akkommodation bei Fischen, p. Untersuchungen zur Physiologie des Gesichtsinnes der Fische. Verhalten sich wie ein total farbenblinder Mensch. Das Sehorgan des Amphioxus. UTeber den Bau und die Funktion der Fischblase.

Geography and geology of the Block and Grand Prairies, Texas. Injuries to the fisheries of the Baltic by Deposit Analyse auf helminth Eier. Fischgalle ein Mittel wider die Blindheit.

Ueber die Fischsterben in der Lindauer Ach und dessen Ursache. Die Infektion der Fische mit Myxosporidien. Die Schlaifsucht des Karpfens. Facsimile reproduction of one of the books planned and ordered written by Maximilian I. Executed by Wolfgang Hohenleiter, from material provided by the Imperial Master of Fisheries, Martin Fritz. Marvels of animal life. Some interesting accounts of fishes, p. The fishes of the Pacific coast. De la Rochei Journ.

Included in HoIt, E. Die Atmung der Fische. Die Fortpflanzung der Fische. Two years in the jungle. The experiences of a hunter and naturalist in India, Ceylon, the Malay Peninsula and Borneo.

Marine fisb farming for India. Fishing with hooks, nets, traps, wires, with tuba, "tickling," ets. Gleanings from the natural history of the ancients.

The effect of water pressure upon the form Deposit Analyse auf helminth Eier fishes. Aanmerkingen over de voortteling der Hayen en der Hayan Tasjes. Injuries caused by gill nets to whitefish.

Contributions to a bibliography of the " Gibt es Würmer mit Erbrechen serpent. Ambloplites rupestrts, Micropterus dolomieu, Perca flacescens studied. Kruipende Dieren en Vissehen. The amount of fat in different fisbes. Memoirs of the life and doctrines of the late John Hunter. The life of J. I of the Works für die Würmer, die Analysen J.

Hunter, edited by J. Observations anatomiques sur la torpille. Deposit Analyse auf helminth Eier latter forms vo[. Hunter edited by J. A statement of facts and explanations. Twoyears in Peru, with exploration of antiquities. On Cephalaspis and Pteraspis. On the anatomy and affinities of the genus Pterygotus. In Figures and descriptions illustrative of British organic remains.

On the theory of the vertebrate skull. On the classification of the animal kingdom. Echinorhyncus, an internal fish parasite. Deposit Analyse auf helminth Eier Lagoa dos Patos. The poisonous alkaloid in Deposit Analyse auf helminth Eier Anguilla japonica, or Japanese eel itext in Japanesci Tokio Med. Saggio sulla fauna termale italiana. Die Hiiringsfischerei auf Island. Fish and shells from lake Superior [Notei Proc. Scenes, incidents and adventures in the Pacific ocean.

Fishing with hooks, p. Translations, from the German, of various short articles. Das Leben im Wasser und das Aquarium. Trugen thalassia fossiUs, n. Of the government of health. A treatise in French in four parts on health and Wie viele Tage tun fäkale Wurmeier, dating from abotit the Deposit Analyse auf helminth Eier of the xv century. Among the finely drawn illustrations 's one fol. Cows, horses and sheep fed on fish in Persia [Quotation from Fraser's Travelsi Edinburgh New Phil.

The climbing catfish [Arges marmoratusi. A fish that prefers climbing to swimming. The magnitude and scope of the work of the U. Description of a new species of fish [Lophotes guntheri] caught near Emu bay, Tasmania. Notes with respect to the fresh water fishes, and the land and fresh water molluscs of King's Island. Recherches sur la torpille —leo trique. Notes on the nomenclature of certain North American fishes. State Board Fish Comm. Description of the golden trout of Kern river.

With the assistance of B. Scientific results of explorations by the U. A contribution to the stability of scientific nomenclature. For subsequent parts, see Jordan, David Starr, above. Arnphioxus, Petromyzon, and Teleosts also studied.

Toxic action of electrolytes upon fishes. Translation of Kahienberg, L. Parasites on the fishes zerstören Würmer the Moscow market [Text in Russiani Bull.

Researches concerning the motor nuclei of the nervus facialis and nervus abducens Deposit Analyse auf helminth Eier Lophius piscatorius L. Vergleichendes Studium der Organisation von Plectognathi.

Zur Kenntnis des Deposit Analyse auf helminth Eier Baues und der Entwickelung des Knochens bei Teleostiern. Burcev [Text in Russian] Bull. Der Taunusquarzit von Katzenelnbogen. Die Castrulation und die Keimblattbildung der Wirbeltiere. Fishing with the poisoi creeper Pauliinia pinnata L. Deposit Analyse auf helminth Eier certain crustaceous parasite of freshwater fishes.

An annotated catalogue of Deposit Analyse auf helminth Eier fishes of Maine. Deposit Analyse auf helminth Eier and records, p. Food qualities of the tarpum Megalops Bull. Ein Beitrag zur Parasitenlehre.

Report on the fishes. For a translation of the introductory portion revised by the author, see Deposit Analyse auf helminth Eier, H. Describes Dimcrocanlhus cencestricus n. Game fishes of the United States.

The segmentation of the head. Loconiotive and prehensory organs of fishes, p. A new edition, with notes by. On the species of Amphioxus. Fishes of Ohio Ir The family visitor. Cestoden aus Fischen, aus Varanus und Hyrax. Erinnerungen aus meinem Leben als Naturforscher und Arzt zu Koseir am Roten Meere. Fiskeri i gamle Dage. Deposit Analyse auf helminth Eier meddelelser af Thestrup i Rind Herreds histoirefra e. See also Ehlers, E. Piscium ranionum descniptiones continuata Nov.

Translation from Russian Journal Rural EcoDomy and Forestry, Deposit Analyse auf helminth Eier, pt. Ethnographie: Fishing apparatus and methods, p. A very authoritative work. For frequent references to fishes and methods of fishing, see his index.

Vergleichende Studie als Beitrag zw Geschichte des Fischereiwesens. Die Entwickelung der Haut und ihrer Nebenorgane. Die Goldorfe Cyprinus orfus, L. In his Vergi Physiol.

Die Durchfiuthung des Isthmm von Suez in chorologiseher, hydrogra phischer und historischer Deposit Analyse auf helminth Eier In his Vergl. Influence of Suez Canal on intermigrations of Mediterranean and Red Sea faunas. La reproduction naturelle et artifieielle du saumon. On the Chondrostei of China [Text in Japanesei Journ. Local names of some Japanese fishes [Text in Japanese, Cyogaku Zasshi [Journ. Ueher den Bau des Rtickenmarks von Neunauges. Mortalidad de peces en el Rio de la Plata.

Die Geschichte der Fischerei in Deposit Analyse auf helminth Eier Hessen. Is sawdust injurious tothefisheries? Candiru, pirarucu, piranha and other fishes, p. Stomach of Gasterosteus, Journ. Acclimatation du poisson rouge Garassius auratus dans le Rio Mapocho de Pe—aflor. Foul fist, and fiIth fevers.

On the methods used in the herring investigations. Species of Victorian lampreys. Structure of the scales of Lepidotus and Lepidosteus. See Fage on the voracity of the kelp fish. Observations sur le Gedinnien aux abords du massif Cambrien Deposit Analyse auf helminth Eier Serpont.

Ueber organe eines sechsten Sinnes. A short account of the various trypanosomata found to date in India in the blood of some of the lower animals and fish. Issued with Museum Ludoviem Ulriew Regime. Natuurlyke historie der visschen.

Ueber den Bau und die Entwickelung von Temia longicollis, Rud. Preliminary report on animal parasites. Helminth fauna of the Dry Tortugas. Das Cloakenepithel der Rochen. Fishes in Zanga river, p. Fishing welche Tabletten von Würmern für den Menschen Prävention trap, hooks, and poison in Central Africa, pp.

Numerous incidental references to fishes. Narrative of an expedition to the Zambezi and its tributaries. Habits of catfish, p. Native names of fishes below fails Zambesi, p. Habits of Periophthalmus, p. Poisoning fish with Busungu plant, Dirca palustris, p. Fishing Behandlung von Würmern und dekaris Vermoxum Schema weirs and baskets in Lake Nyassa, p.

Ueber die Anlage Von Fischwegen. Osservazioni sopra pezzi del viaggio in Dalmatia del Abb. A naturalist on desert islands. List of a collection of fishes formed on the coast of Madeira, and presented to the Society.

The cisco of the deeper water lakes of Indiana. No adipose tissue but resemblance with electrop]axes. Myotome region without electric tissue. Tabular view of the orders and families of fisbes. New edition, with additions from unpublished manuscripts of the author, and notes by T. Animals recently extinct or threatened with extermination as represented in the collections of the U. IV: The coming of vertebrates and the rise of fishes.

Fishes and fishing, p. Weitere Messungen ai nordischen Glasaalen. Report on the Trema tode parasites from the marine fishes o Ceylon. Casi di avvelenamento per ingestione di tonno. Ueber Bau und Entwickelung der Chorda von Amphioxus. Fish out of water. Salmon trout, Sebago lake. De zeevisscherj op Java. On East Indian isinglass, its introduction to, and manufacture for, the European market. Sport with gun and rod, etc. Fishing with remora, vol.

British New Guinea: country and people. The marine invertebrates and fishes of St. Andrews Marine Deposit Analyse auf helminth Eier to the Fishery Board Scotland.

The pelagic fauna of St. Cunningham on the solei. Additional remarks on trawling. Ordered by the Irish Inland Fisheries Comm. Notes on the fishes of Japan. On trematodes and cestodes parasitic in fishes. Species Serranus goldiei, S. Contributions to a knowledge of the fishes of New Guinea, no. Note on Ctenodax wilkinsoni, Mad. Similar components in spinal and cerebral nerves. IJeber genetische Beziehung zwischen Schwimmblase und Lungen. The morphological history of the fishes.

La pesca lungo le coste orientale dell' Adriatico. Account of a phenomenon observed upon the island of Sumatra. Hemoglobin estimations and blood counts in fishes. The effect of some industrial wastes on Deposit Analyse auf helminth Eier. The Potomac river basin.

De natuurlyke phosphorus, of proefneemingen met visch en vleesch, die in't donker licht geeven. In the copy in the Amer. These were designed in China, and finely engraved in Paris by one who signs himself "Martinet Fils. The names are in both Chinese and French. Credited by the catalogue of the British Museum Natural History to E.

See also Savigny, M. Lophius histrio Abstract in Berlin. For biography of, see Schramm, Hugo, C. Aboriginal American harpoons: a study in ethnic distribution and invention. Third edition, reviewed and corrected. Review by von Vintschgau of Masso, A. Changes in pattern and color in fishes, with special reference to fiounders. The fisberies of Galilee. Palestine Exploration Fund, Quarterly Statement, Jan. Oral gestation in Hemichromis sacra, a eichlid fish. Pickerel, pike, and mascalonge. On the freshwater fishes of Japan.

Deposit Analyse auf helminth Eier Versuche Sammlung Natur und Kunstgesch. Handbuch Entwickelungslehre der Wirbeltiere. Additamenta ad historiam molluscorum, piscium et amphibiorum.

History of trout culture in Pennsylvania. The growth of fiatfish. List of fishes kuowuto occur in the waters of Indiana. My home in Tasmania, during a residence of nine years. Observations on the effect of temperature and wind on the movements of minnows. A biological examination of lake Michigan.

Describes Seerne miecen,cua from Turin and Phylledus incertue, from Eocene of Turin Prov. Pisces genannt: Perca flusiatilis L. Deals largely with metabolism and tissue changes in breeding Rhine salmon. Die chorda des Amphioxus lanceolalus. Natural history of the world, with anecdotes illustrating the nature, habits, manners and customs of animals, birds, fishes, reptiles, insects, etc. Poisonous plants used for catching fish.

Three expeditions into the interior of eastern Australia. Sur les ovaires de la baudroie [Lophiusi Bull. Die erste Anlage des Herzens bei den Wirbeltieren. Dipneusti and Cyclostomes, p. The utility and methods of mackerel propagation. Description of an intestinal worm Deposit Analyse auf helminth Eier the duodenum of the white fish of the Canadian lakes. Seven cases of acute poisoning caused by eating the liver and heart?

De l'empoisonnement par le sourdon Cardium edule et par la bonite Scomber pelamys. Ueber Brutpflege bei Amphibien und Fischen. Ueber den Bau der Chorda dorsalis, p. Beschreibung und Abbildung der in den Kalkmergelschichten von St.

Cassian gefunden Versteinerungen In Wissmann, H. Bemerkungen zu den Gattungen Janassa und Dietea. Genus Globulodus, eine neue Gattung Pyenodonteii.

Zur Gattung Coelacanthus, Agassiz. Vischkweekerij en instandhouding van den vischstand. Fishing around New York. The history of the oldest known rocks containing organic remains, etc. Siluria : a history of the oldest rocks in the British isles and other countries, etc.

Fishes possess an audible voice. Fishinig with the kite, p. Great Yarmouth and Lowestoft, chapters on the. Title from catalogue of the British Museum Natural History. Studien ueber protozoische Parasiten Deposit Analyse auf helminth Eier Blute von Meeresfischen.

The Geology of Sussex. New [Secondi edition, etc. List of fishes from the English Chalk. The geology of Sussex, etc. Contributions to the Pleistocene. The Grays Thurrock area. A contribution towards a knowledge of the Deposit Analyse auf helminth Eier of British marine fishes. For frequent Deposit Analyse auf helminth Eier to fishes and fishini methods, etc.

On the devel opment of Engrauliz japonicuz Houtt Noetling, Fritz. Other scattered references to fishes. Papers listed as Nordqvist, O.

For biography see Schneider, O. Artificial propagation of rockfish and eels. Nye juniorWillard. Do snakes catch and eat fish? General sketch of our knowledge of the structure of electric organs [Text in Russiani Russ. The life of Phiiibert Commerson, DM. Various references to fishes. Remora same color above and below, p. Nelson [editorsi Fishing with the fiy. Pioneers in the Paeific codfish industry. Describes Raphiosaurus, new genus p.

Description of the remains of a bird, tortoise, and lizard from the Chalk of Kent. An account of the microscopic structure of certain fossil teeth from the environs of Riga, by which they are determined to belong to the genus Dendrodus of Sauroid fisbes. Owen upon certain Saurians of the Permian rocks. Records Hypterus babil, p. Experiments Deposit Analyse auf helminth Eier Fundulus, Ctenolabrus, and Stickleback.

Avvelenamento per ingestione di tonno. IJeber das Epithel des Mitteldarmes von Cobitis fossilis. Les poissons d'eau douce. On certain distinctions between taste and smell. Sec his good index.

Nuove osservazioni sull' Amphi bdella torpedinis Chatin. Sopra due nuove specii di trematodi ectoparassiti di pesci marini Phylline monticelli e Placunalla valleiAtti Soc. In Iscrizione Veneziane raccolte ed illustrate da E. Nature in eastern Norfolk. Fishing with the kite, p. Structure of the skeleton of the body and tail of the river lamprey Petromyzon fluvietilis itext in Russiani Proc. Fishes of Santa Catharina, I. Dossiers piscicoles des cours d'eau Alpins.

Fish of the Avon [Abstracti In Rastings, Sir C. Sanguinicola armata und S. Ein Deposit Analyse auf helminth Eier Turbellar im Blute von Cypriniden. Der Erreger der " Taumelkrankheit der Salmoniden.

Anatomie, Physiologie und Geschichte. A new sporozoon in Amphioxuls. Kurzgefasste Nachrichten, die Naturhistorie in Dannemark betreffend. Determination of the food value of the most common kinds of fish rText in Russiani Inauq. Estudia cientificos del doctor Andres Posad Pouchet, G. Plant lactones as fish poisons. Recherches sur les vers parasites des poissons. Elasmobranchs and Siluroids of Chalouf, Egypt. The object of a close time for fish. The pearlsides, a luminous fisb new to Canada.

In a German colony, or four weeks in New Britain. Fishing with netsand wiers, p. Oral gestation first made known for cichlid fishes. Remarks on Amphioxus [A. La legislazione sulla pesca in Italia. Testo e commento dei regolamenti per A.

Metamorfosi del Lepidopus caudatvs: Boll. For biographical memoir see Bennett, E. A life of travels and researches in North America and south Europe. Description of a new species of Therapon T. Description of a new Tripterygium [T. Report on the inquiry respecting food fishes and the fishing grounds. Report on the propagation an distribution of food fishes. Deposit Analyse auf helminth Eier the handling of adhesive eggs.

Hausen, Sterlett und Messerkarpfen Pelecus cultratue. UJeber Belonostomus, Aspidorhynehus und ihre Beziehung zur lebenden Lepidosteus. This is the complete reference for Ribeiro, A. Sharks in Rewa river, p. Native names of Deposit Analyse auf helminth Eier. Nar rative of the Arctic land expedition tc the mouth of the Great Fish River, and along the shores of the Arctic Ocean in. Figures o: stomachs of pike and Lophius.

L'aquiculture en Auvergne Bull. Protozoische Parasiten im menschlichen Darm the Guiana forest. These genera are not described, Würmer Gewürze are their species named, but the synonymy is fully given.

Sorne of them had been already used by other authors. Mer mis und Amphioxus. Die Ent der Knochenfisehe im Ei. On the production of isinglass along the coasts of India, with a notice of the fisheries.

The same year it was reprinted as the next number. Production of isinglass on the coasts of India, with a notice of its fisheries. Blood and blood vessels of Cyclostomes, p.

Artificiil propagation of salmon in the Sacramento river. Deposit Analyse auf helminth Eier znachaiu Amphioxus lanceolatus a za nauku razvlca, i o stroiu chorda dorsalis i nervne sisteme kod Amfioksusa. Fish Commission see Dean, B. Der Farbenwechsel der Fische, pt. Deposit Analyse auf helminth Eier Trolling for sharks and "Tangiri" fish, p. VolDeposit Analyse auf helminth Eier Mtisical fish, p. La pisciculture et les chemins de fer. This is the ninth edition. The troller's guide, a new and complete practical treatise on the art of trollihg or fishiiig for jack or pike.

Illustrated with numerous cuts of hooks, baits, tackle, etc. To which is added the bast method of baiting and laying lines for large cals. Deposit Analyse auf helminth Eier kleine Schriften, nach dessen Tode herausgegeben. Numerous kinds of fishes found near Santo Domingo are mentioned by their vernacular names, pp. De venenatis Deposit Analyse auf helminth Eier animalibus.

The development of the pancreas in selachians. Foi fishes see p. Ueber Neubildungen bei Fischen. Ioiu p o uothf np. Von Oppians und Aclians Verdienste um die Naturgeschichte. Materia medica Americana Deposit Analyse auf helminth Eier. Reprint in Lloyd, J. Würmer im Stuhl des Kindes Foto mit Erklärungen o the Lloyd Library of BotaDy. Esox belone L Berlin. Note on an investigation of the movement and rate of growth of the quinnat sal mon fry in the Sacramento river.

A report on the planting of quinnat salmon fry in the short coast streams of Marin county. Nebst einer Fauna und Flora Guiana's nach Vorlagen von J. Fische, bearbeitet von Ob es Anzeichen von Würmern. Pfianzen und Tierwelt des Moritzburger Grossteichen bei Dresden. The encysted stage of a Distomum in the muscles of a sturgeon [Text in Russiani Vrach, St.

Use of the remora in fishing. Sulla presenza nel sangue di sostanze tossiche iniettate nell' organismo. Ricerche su i sieri di anguilla e di tinca. On copepods living in the nostrils of fishes.

On the distribution of pelagic invertebrate fauna of the Firth of Forth and its vicinity during the seven years Scudder, Charles W.

Poisonous fishes of the Philippine islands. Preservation of commercial fishery products in the tropics. On the structure and relations of the deposits contained between the primary rocks and the Oolitic series in the north of Scotland. Fossil fish of Caithness [Devonian] schist, p. The Melanesians of British New Guinea. Ueber den Ursprung Deposit Analyse auf helminth Eier Fischnahrung. Reisen im Archipel der Philippinen.

On the vagus nerve of Anguilla vulgaris [Text in Russiani Naturf. On some clupeoid fish Deposit Analyse auf helminth Eier Fuzan, Corea iText in Japanesei Gyogaku Zasshi [Journ. Further reports on parasites found in connection with the pearl oyster fishery at Ceylon. Ceylon Pearl Oyster Fisheries. Deposit Analyse auf helminth Eier fish [Text in Russiani Trudui Obsh. Two cases of fish poisoning. Pagan races of the Malay peninsula. M any notes on fish and fishing, particularfy included in p.

Digestion of protein in the stomach and intestine of the dogfish. On the poisonous fishes in the Mediterranean Sea. A list of the published reports of the commissioners appointed by rote Würmer im Stuhl of the various states of the United States.

Shower of fishes in Argyleshire. Case of epidemic carcinoma of the thyroid in fishes. The story of the sturgeons In Linthicum, J. Protection of our food fish Congressional Ree. List of fishes with Sicilian and English names. Solger, Bernhard Friedrich [Chiasma of optic nerves in Engraulisi Sitzb. Zur Kenntnis der Seitenorgane der Knoclienfiscbe. The bottom of the sea, translated and edited by Elihu Rich.

A number of fishes are named with their in ternal parasites. Notes on the fauna of th Ceylon pearl banks. Education, Science, Title from Boehmer. Text probably in Ital. Trematodes from Canadian fishes. On the fauna of the Atlantic coast of Canada. Old Samoa or flotsam and jetsam from the Pacific ocean. Neuere Fische, ihre Pflege und Zucht. La malattia de' barbi. Psorospermiosi o myxoboliasi tuberosa de' barbi. Oral gestation in Gateichthys ihtslassinus on p.

Geber die Wirkung des amerikanischen Pfeilgiftes. Experiments on variotis elasmobranchs and teleosts. The art of angling as practised in Scotland. The angler's companion to the rivers and lochs of Scotland.

How to breed and grow them. Notes on the salmon, sturgeon and alewife fisheries. Observations on lhe Deposit Analyse auf helminth Eier layers, of teleost fishes. Le cure parentali nei pesci. Sutton, Sir John Bland. On an exostosis from a fisli. The fungus of salmon disease: its life and function. Data on fisbes of Indiana. I, The food and feeding habits of the pilchard in coastal waters. The scientific and economic aspects of the Cornish pilchard fishery. Jameson in Edinburgh New Phil.

Ueber die Fischerei in dem Szaboleser Morotva. Würmer bei Katzen Husten also in Vol. Sur quelques nouvelles coccidies parasites des poissons.

Fishing with spears, bows and arrows, fences, etc. The biology of the seasons. Oral gestation in Tilapia macroeephala frorr, Bight of Benin. Abstract in Comment Lips. See note under Kasiner, A. Aquatic plants in pond culture. Deposit Analyse auf helminth Eier use of copper sulphate for the destruction of obnoxious fisbes in ponds and lakes.

A manu r of dental anatomy, human and con parative. Wenn das Baby Würmer in 1 Jahr conservation of our rivers and lakes. The curious relationship of the freshwater mussel to fishes. A fine herd of sea horses Eat the New York Aquariumi Bull.

Hatching grayling at the [New Yorkj Aquarium. Notes of interest [on various fishesi Bull. New aquariums in America and Europe. The fishes of Rhode Island. VI A description of two young specimem of squeteague Cynoscion regalis witF notes on their rate of growth. History of research among the fossil fishes of Scotland. Etymology of the names of the menhaden.

In Handbook of Birmingham. Prepared for the members of the Brit. Tumors and sporozoa in fishes, Journ. Ciguatera fish poisonidgp. De zwemhlass der visschen. Life and sport on the Pacifie slope. Poissons [en Khrourniriei In Gadeau de Kerville, Henri.

Voyage autour du monde Sur. Analyse der Eier des Rechtes. La vision dans l'eau. Osservazione intorno alla semina dell anguilline nelle valli Salse. Saggio Deposit Analyse auf helminth Eier critico sul vero elemento vitale che respirano i pesci. Lettre h l'occasion d'une communication Deposit Analyse auf helminth Eier M. The following titles, supplied by the author, have the text in Hungarian. Alampetische und monstrose Fische im Plattensee.

Aus dem Familienleben der Fische. Der Kampf mit einem Weise. Das Leben der Torfmoore. Der Hecht, Esox lucius. Der Rapfen oder Schied. Die Bewegungsorgane der Fische. Beschreibung und Abbildung der Seelerche. Beschreibung des Butterfisches, Blennju. Papers Bernice Pauahi Bishop Mus. Many notes on fish and fishing. Illustration of fishing with tuba root to face p. Sec also Regan, C. Teil, Das Gebiet von Aussee.

Disease among the salmon of many rivers in England and Wales. Franklin [concerning Torpedoi Obs. De aure et auditu homiriis et animalium.

Die Aufzucht der Forelle und der anderen Salmoniden. The reactions and resistance of fishes to temperature. Explorations and adventures in Honduras, cte. List of fishes In Bigelow, H.

Explorations in the gulf of Was sind die Symptome bei Hunden, wenn Würmer. Lawrence, with some remarks on the marine fisheries of the province of Quebec. See also, Wisrzejski, A. Fisheries of the Pacific coast. The taxonomic value of the brain.

Numerous notes and figures of methods of fishing. Porcupine skin helmets, vol. Development of the atrial ehamber of Amphioxiis. Contribution to the natural history of the pearly nautilus. The Mafulu mountain people of British New Guinea. Fishing, oommunistic, with wier nets, p. On the employment of the living electrical fishes as medical shock machines [Abstracti Edinburgh New Phil.

Poisoning by eating fish. Fishing methods employed in southern New Guinea, p. Note on the identification of the [microsporidiaiii parasite. Abstract in Bull Instit. The upper reaches of the Amazon. Native names of fishes, p.

Habits of piranha, p. Note on an abnormal specimen of the dentition of Rhinoptera. On the cretaceous selaehian genus Synedoehus. Notes on Cretaceous fish teeth from the mouth of the Tlmpenyati river, Natal.

II, Note on some fossil fish scales from the coal measures of Somkele, Zululand. Fish culture in North Carolina In Polk, L. Report upon the propagatiol of striped bass at Weldon, N. Numerous references to fish oils and their uses. On a new genus and species dass die Preisgabe de Entwurmung Hühner the family Pandarina.

Contains notes on Rhineodon lypus, the host of the parasite. Report of a committee of the Wyoming Historical and Geological Society on the early shad fisheries of the north branch of the Susquehanna river. Popular treatises on science written during Deposit Analyse auf helminth Eier Middle Ages. On the mode of impregnation of the ova in Pomotis. On the occurrence of eels in the abdominal cavity of the cod. Narrative of a residence on the Mosquito Shore.

Technique de la capture du plankton. Flora, amphibia, reptiles and fish of the Seeberg. Produzione naturali ehe si ritrovano nel Museo Ginanni in Ravenna. Muscoli ioidei dei sauri In Rapporto con i muscoli ioidei degli altri vertebrati. Grimston as cited below. This is the edmtmo princeps. De diversos pescados y modos de pescar de las Indias, lib. Flying fishes are also described.

Historia naturale e morale delle Indie, etc. Deposit Analyse auf helminth Eier naturael ende morael van de Westersehe Indien, etc. IX, [Text in Latin].

Naturall and morall historie of the East and West Indies, etc. The most available English version is the Hakluyt Society reprint in Works, nos. Voyage and discoveries up the river Amazon to Quito Deposit Analyse auf helminth Eier Peru and back again to Brazil, etc.

Voyages and discoveries in South America. Acu—as work is available for English readers in the Hakluyt Society reprint, in Works, no.

Contains a reference to the electric catfish, Malopterurus p. Voyage Deposit Analyse auf helminth Eier Senegal, the Isle of Coree, and the river Gambia. Translated from the Arabic by A. Ejusdem Gyllii liber unus, de Gallicis et Latinis nominibus piscium. Onera et Latine cum priorum intcrprctum et suje animadvcrsionibue cdidit J. Cum sddendis et conjuncturis incditis Deposit Analyse auf helminth Eier. II contains the notes.

See book xv of his history. Furthermore with great costs they made great fisho pooles and pondes full of most pretioue fishes, etc. Opera omnia, edita studio et labore P. FichS are treated in vol. For a modern edition of the works of Albertus, consult: "Opera omnia cora Aug. He has paraphrased the ten books of Aristotle's natural bistories, his four books on Würmer Symptome bei Kindern 7 Jahre parts of animals, and his five books on their generation.

Thus, his work is made up mainly of the ancient written material. Moreover, Albert is kept from a natural view of his subject tbrough the need he feels to measure animals by the standards of human capacity, and learn to know them throu h k. De piscibus libri v, et de cetis liber unus.

Monstrosus sus marinus, p. De glossopetra sharks' teeth Deposit Analyse auf helminth Eier, p. De cerauoia sharks' teethp. Five volumes had been published at the time of his death, and the otber eight were published posthumously under the editorship of Joannes Cornelius Uterveriuc.

Of the manner of the generation of eels. Travels in Egypt In Ray, John] A collection of curious travels and voyages, etc. Alpinus's travels are found in vol. Alpinus's travels are also included in vol. The original edition of his" Travels" is not known. This is the much prized ist ed. Ambrosius, Divas Bishop of Milan. Uit het hoogduitsch verstaalt. Beskrifning ofver famfingers fisken. Clupeoid fishes named Sarda and Harenga are mentioned in connection with canonizing ceremodies.

Piscis ille grandissimus, qui Jonam integrum devoravit. A letter on keeping of small fish in glass jars, and of an easy method of catching fish. The method of catching fish is one adopted at a small country town near Norwich, whereir worms, enclosing a thorn, are attached by threads, in hundreds, to the bushes overbanging a stream, for the purpose of catching the fish. A letter concerning the hearing of fish.

First known reference to fungus parasitic or fish. Untersuchung vom Laichen de Hechtes.

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Analyse auf helminth Eier Katze; Wurmer in Geflugelfleisch; auf Wurmer Katzen pro Person passieren; erwachsenen Wurmer ist; Dinu C. Giurescu; Interviu cu gen. Philip.
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Analysen auf helminth Eier, Richard and Magel, Christopher and Davis, Michael and Hannah, Analysen auf helminth Eier pathway analysis for research planning.
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