Tambov Gang - Wikipedia Malyshev von Würmern Symptome der Krankheit der Wurmer Malyshev von Würmern

Tambov Gang - Wikipedia Malyshev von Würmern

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Malyshev von Würmern Von Würmern des süssen und salzigen Wassers (Book, [dostthaler.de]

Smithsonian Libraries FEDLINK US Genealogy Lincoln Collection Additional Collections. American Libraries Canadian Libraries Universal Library Community Texts Shareware CD-ROMs Project Gutenberg Biodiversity Heritage Library. Children's Library Library of the Printed Web. Malyshev von Würmern Archives Democracy Now! Occupy Wall Street TV NSA Clip Library. Old School Emulation MS-DOS Games Historical Software Classic PC Games Software Library.

Community Software MS-DOS Software Malyshev von Würmern APK Tucows Software Library Vintage Software Vectrex. Flickr Commons Occupy Wall Street Flickr Cover Art USGS Maps. NASA Images Solar System Collection Ames Research Center. Full text of " Bibliographia zoologica ". Die Entwicklung eines bestimmten Organs findet man untef. Die Histologie eines bestimmten Organs. La typhlite verruqueuse des Faisans et son parasite Heterakis iso.

Paraflitologische Studien aus Kamerun. A Microfilaria Microfilaria rosenaui n. Ground Squirrel Citellus beecheyi. Fact and Fancy about the Hookworm. A Case of Infestation Malyshev von Würmern Anzeichen von Würmern und Katzen americanus in Wie wird man von Würmern in der Kinderheilkunde befreien Native of Ma.

Nodular Disease of the Intestines of Cattle. The Occurrence of Oesophagostomum apiostomum as an Intestinal. Parasite of Man in Nigeria. OncJiocerca gibsoni: The Cause of Malyshev von Würmern Nodules in Australian. Sydney, Commonwealth Australia, W. Sur les parasites de l'appendice malade. Osservazioni anatomo-pathologiche riguardanti una nuova specie. Ueber Spiroptera strongylina Rud. Trichinosis bei der Katze. Report of a Case. Paris et Lyon, Maloine Ed.

Trichodes crassicauda specifica, eine Causa directa in der Aetio. Two New species of Parasitic Nematodes. A Further Report of a Case. Register der Acanthocephalen und parasitischen. Plattwiirmer, geordnet Malyshev von Würmern ihren Wirten. Malyshev von Würmern den GoLGi-Kopscnschen Apparat der Nervenzellen bei den. Zur Neurologie der Hirudineen.

Befunde im Gegensatz zur Neurontheorie. Materialien Malyshev von Würmern Erforschung der Seen Livlands. Contributo alla conoscenza degli Irudinei italiani. Ein Beitrag zur Biologie der Clepsinen Hirudinea. Altitude and Animal Development. The Distribulion of British Annelids. A Contribution to cur Knowledge of the Oligochseta of Travan. Wie Würmer beim Menschen zu züchten de Malyshev von Würmern, Lnigi. Nuove specie dei generi Pheretinia e Dichogaster Diagnosi preli.

The reactions of earthwoi-ms to dry and to moist surfaces. Materiali per la Fauna Alpina del Piemonte. Malyshev von Würmern Wimpertrichter der Lumbriciden. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis. On the Spermatophores in Earthworms of the Genus Pheretima. Description of a New Speeles of the Genus Folytoreutus. Note on the Early Larvas of Nephthys and Glycera.

Reports on the Results of Dredging, under the Supervision of. Alexander Agassiz, in the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea, and. Survey Steamer "Blake", Lieut. Notes from the Gatty Marino Laboratory, St. On some Irish Maldanidae. Polychseta of the Coasts of Ireland. Polycbaeta of the Port Erin District. The Polychaetous Annelids dredged by the U. Further Experiments on the Methods of Egglaying in Amphi.

Nephridial sacs filled with eggs. An Account of Arenicola lovent Kinbkrg. The Formation of the Spermatophore in Arenicola and a Theory. Preliminary Account of the Early Development of Cirratulus gran. The Palolo Worra, Etimce viridis Gray. Die Glyceriden der Nordsee. Sur le dimorphisme sexuel chez les Capitelliens.

Experiments on the control of de-Entwurmung für Katzen gutes Werkzeug in the development of. Gulf of California, in Charge of Alexander Agassis, carried on by the U. On tlie Structure of Magelona, Ann. Studies of fertilization in Nereis. The cortical changes in the. Zur Naturgeschichte von Nereis dumerilii Aud.

Studies on a Phosphorescent Bermudan Annelid, Odontosyllis mopla. A Preliminary Note on the Formation and Arrangement of the. Opercular Chaetae of Sabellaria. L'accroissement et les Malyshev von Würmern sexuelles et asexuelles de Salmacina. Methods of Reproduction in the Syllids. Organs at period of repr. Upper Cretaceous Terebelloids from England. Priapulids and Sipunculids dredged by the Swedish Antarctic Ex. Gepityraeen des Kola-Golfes und zwei neue Speeles von Phascolosoma.

The -Suclcers" of the Myzostomidae. Some African Rotifers: Bdelloida of Tropical Africa. Bdelloid Rotifera of South Africa. South African Rotifera : Collected by the Shacklkton Antarctic Ex. Canadian Rotifera: Collected by the Shackleton Antarctic Expedi. On Three New Speeles of Rotifera. Rotifera of New Zealand: Collected by the Shackleton Antarctic.

Australian Rotifera: Collected by the Shackleton Antarctic Expe. Notes on the Rotifers or Wheel Animaculse of Brisbane. Malyshev von Würmern List of Victorian Rotifers, with Description of Two New Species.

Rotifera Malyshev von Würmern some Pacific Islands: CoUected by the Shackleton. On the Identity of Habrotrocha bidens Gosse. The Proportion of Male-Producers in Hydatina senta as Affected.

Studies in the life cycle of Hydatina senta, II. The Problem Malyshev von Würmern Sex Determination in Dinophilus gyrociliatus. Drei neue Gattungsnamen in Arthropoda. Les colorations homochroraes individuelles. Ueber die Wanderung des Irispigmentes im Facettenauge. Ueber Fluorescenz an den Augen von Insekten und Krebsen.

Malyshev von Würmern Behavior of Certain Arthropods in Relation Malyshev von Würmern Golor Environ. Ueber die Gliederung und Gelenke der Malyshev von Würmern Crustaceen im. Vergleich mit den Insekten. Bilder aus der Insektenwelt.

Zur Faunistik der Brennessel Urtica sp. Field Observations on the so-called "Anemone" Pulsatilla hirsu. Insects and Spiders in Spanish Moss. Random Notes on Entomological Field Work. Erbrechen und Würmer cas de momification. Tenth Report of the State Malyshev von Würmern of Connecticut for the. A List of Insects affecting Stored Cereals.

Basswood or Linden Insects, IV. Oriontal Sore in Malyshev von Würmern, together with Observations on a Gre. Winter Würmer Diseases and their Treatment. Fortsetzung des Nachtrages zu dem Verzeichnisse der schlesi. Zoocecidien aus der Umgegend von Kiel. Terzo contributo alla conoscenza delia. Cecidi della valle del Brenta. Die Fauna des Schilthorns. Stenobracon, Microgasfer, CJialcis, Pyroderes.

Reports on Insects of the Year. Hope District, by F. Ueber Gallen und Gallentiere aus Chile. Gallen und Gallentiere aus Argentinien, p.

Contributo alla connoscenza dei Mirmecofili del Messico. LimulodeSj Myrmecodesmus, Laelaps, Apolaelaps n. Deila Trigona cupira Smith Malyshev von Würmern di due ospiti del suo nido nel Messico. Types of Crustacean Blood Coagulation. Chemische Konstitution und physiologische Wirksamkeit von Al. Note OD the Dispersai of Marine Crustacea by Means of Ships. Jamaica Fish and their Parasites. On some Rare Fossils from the Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire. Exotische Crustaceen im Malyshev von Würmern Garten zu Basel.

The Crustacea of the Keimadec Islands. On some Freshwater Entomostraca from Egypt and the Soudan. A short Account o f Malyshev von Würmern on Pycnogonida done Malyshev von Würmern June. Ueber den Bau Malyshev von Würmern Pantopodenaugen. Les Pycnogonides du Pourquoi-Pas? List of Pycnogonida Malyshev von Würmern in the CJyde Area.

Observations sur les Pycnogonomorphes et principalement Malyshev von Würmern le. Reactions of Branchipus serratus to light, beat and gravity. Wm Howland, Malyshev von Würmern B. Migration of Malyshev von Würmern pigment in the eyes of Branchipus gelidus. Distal pigment not influenced by variation in. Chirocephalus grubii Dybowsky bei Celle. Description of a New Speeles of Eubranchipus from Wisconsin. Aveise, Aufbau des Scheitelorganes.

Zwei noue Artennamen in Cladocera. Biologische Studien an Lyncodaphniden und Chydoriden. Die Biologie der litoralen Cladoceren. Fauna des Hirschberger Grossteiches. Zur Cladocerenfauna des Nowgorodischen Gouvernements Wal. On a Collection made by Mr. Hewitt and the Rev. Some Manitoba Cladocera, with Description of one New Species.

Descriptions of recently discovered Cladocera frora New England. A New Species of Daphnia, and Brief Notes on other Cladocera. Beitrag zur Analyse der Vererbung erworbener Eigenschaften :.

Monographie der Leptodora kindUi Focke. Zur Kenntnis der Spermatogenese der Ostracoden. Notes on Marine Ostracoda from Madeira. Ueber die Differenzierung der Keimbahnzellen bei den Cooepo. An Account of the Crustacea of Norway. Calanoid Copepoda from the Bermuda Islands. Contributions from the Laboratory of tlie Marine Biological Asso. Third Report on the Copepoda of the. Some Victorian Copepoda New to Science.

Zur Copepodenfauna Deutschlands: Canthocamptus pilosus n. A Revision of the North American Species of Cyclops. The Vertical Distribution of Eucalanus elotigatus in the San Die. North American Parasitic Copepods, Descriptions of New Genera. North American Parasitic Copepods. Ein neuer parasitischer Copepode auf Coregonen, Achtheres core". Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der. Plankton from Ghiistmas Island, Indian Ocean. North American Parasitic Copepods belonging to the Family Er. Un cas de parasitisme exceptionnel chez la Sardine.

Sur un Ascidicole Malyshev von Würmern du genre Ophioseides Hbsse, Ophioseides. On the Nomenclature of Cirripedia. Sur la position du muscle adducteur des scuta dans les Oirrhi. Notes on Cirripedia Pedunculata in the collection of the University.

Report on the Cirripedia Pedunculata collected by Dr. Romarks on New Cjrripedes. Some Barnacies of the Genus Sealpellum from Irish Seas. Description of an Undescribed Barnacle of the Genus Scalpellum. Algunos animales marinos de las islas Sandwich. Malyshev von Würmern Amphipoda collected by the "Huxley" from Malyshev von Würmern North Side. Diagnoses d'Amphipodes nouveaux provenant Malyshev von Würmern Campagnes de.

Reports on the Scientific Results of the Expedition to the Eastern. Campagnes de la Melita. Note on the Amphipodan Genera Bircenna, Kuria, and Wandelia. The Fresh-water Amphipoda of Xew Zealand. A New Subterranean Freshwater Amphipod. On an Amphipod from the Transvaal.

Part IL Notice of a Freshwater Amphipod from South Africa. Notes on Jossa falcata Moxt. On the Amphipod Genus Leptocheirus, Proc. A New Amphipod Speeles, Tryphosites alletti. Die Isopoden der Nordsee. Cleantis, Janiropsis, Jolella, Epipenaeon. The Woodlice of Ireland Malyshev von Würmern their Distribution and Classification.

On Two Exotic Speeles of Woodlice found in Ireland. Dublin and Wicklow du. Marine Isopods collected in the Piiilippines by the U. Additions to the Terrestrial Isopoda of New Zealaud. Isopodes du Sandwich du Sud. Description of a New Species of Aega from the Atlantic Coast of. Note on Agarna carinata Schioedte and Meinekt. Notes sur les Arcturus. Morphologische und experimentelle Studien an Asellus aquaticus. RegeDeration des Nerven und des Muskels.

A Lange transparente Würmer Subterranean Freshwater Isopod. Descriptions of a Malyshev von Würmern Genus and Species of Isopod Crustacean of. Isopodes Malyshev von Würmern de la famille des Dajides provenant des cam. On an Isopod inhabiting Ants' Nests in New Zealand. Campanhas de pesoa do ''Annie". Rio de Janeiro Toi. On New or Rare Crustacea of the Order Cumacea from the Col.

On JoHx Vaughan Thompson and his Polyzoa and on VauntJiomp. Adriatische Stomatopoden und deren Larven. Revision of the New Zealand Stomatopoda. On some Crustacea of the Division Svncarida from the English. The Genera and Speeles of the Order Euphausiacea, with Account.

Schizopodous Crustacea from the North-east Atlantic Slope. On a large form of uinthrapalcenion from the Clayironstone Nodules. On Pleio'ocat'is, a new Crustacean from the English Coal-measures. Report on the Larval and later Stages of Portioius holsatus Fabr. Mesmerising Lobsters and other Crustaceans. Decapod Crustaceans collected in Dutch East India and elsewhere. Ueber Geruchsorgane bei decapoden Krebsen aus der Gruppe der. Reports on the Marine Biology of the Sudanese Red Sea, from.

Collections made by Cyril Crossland, M. Galvanotropism in the Crayfish. Forward but not backward. Attraction due to carrying electric charges. Sur les Alpheidae du genre Athanas Leach, provenant des collec.

Nachtrag zu CalUanassa burckhardti J. Ueber die Krabben, denen Kamerun seinen Namen verdankt. Notes on the Anatomy and Position of Cambaroides.

The digestive gland of the crawfish. The Chimney Crayfish, Fäkale Würmer und Protozoen News Brooklyn Inst. Note on a Crayfish from New Guinea.

Malyshev von Würmern a New Speeles of Eryon Malyshev von Würmern the Upper Lias. Ein roter Hummer im Aquarium des Zoologischen Gartens zu. The Casting Malyshev von Würmern Moulting of the Lobster. Malyshev von Würmern on the Number of Genital Apertures and on the. Neue Paguriden aus den Ausbeuten der deutschen Tiefsee-Ex. Palaemon Eupalaemon dux Lenz und paucidens Hilg. Ueber die Entwickelung des Facettenauges der Malyshev von Würmern, Biol. Gaillard de la Mission Tilho.

A propos des genres Astaconephrops Nobili et Cheraps Erichson. On the Habits of Thalassina Malyshev von Würmern Herbst. New Crustacea from the Lower Green. Ueber den Geruchsinn bei Wassertieren. The Mating Habits of Four Speeles of Brachyura. Notes on the Life-history of Callinectes sapidus. Instance of a New Speeles of Crustacean Apparently in Process.

Cambrian Geology and Palaeontology. Notes Malyshev von Würmern Two Arthropods from the Lancashire Goal measures. The blood Malyshev von Würmern of Limulus polyphemus. Ueber die Blutgerinnung bei Wirbellosen. Staff, Hans, und Hans Reck. Ueber die Lebensweise der Trilobiten. Note sur l'hypostome de VHomalonotus rhenanus Koch.

Notes on some Arachnids from Ohio Valley Caves. Arachniden von der kanarisehen Insel Gomera, gesammelt von. Zur Scorpionen- und Solifugen-Fauna. Scorpions and Solifugae coUected by Captain S. Pedipalpi, Scorpiones, Solifugae, Chelonethi. The Araneae, Opiliones and Pseudoscorpiones.

Tetragnatha, Selenops, Bhacocnemis, Thomasettia n. Spinnentiere aus Neuguinea Opiliones, Psechridae und Ciubioni. A Note on the Occurrence of Pentastomes in Australian Cattle. Nouvelles notes sur des larves d'Acariens Prostigmata.

Nuovi Laboulbeniomiceti parassiti di Acari. An Experiment in Fumigation of Ticks. On Symptoms following Tick-bites in Man. On a Disease in Man following Tick-bites and occurring in Lou. Diseases, Ticks, and their Eradication. Further Investigations into Anaplasmosis of South African Cattie. Director veterinary Research Pretoria p.

Ueber Zecken und die von denselben verbreiteten Krankheiten. Note on Eradication of Welche Vorbereitungen von Darm-Würmern bei Kindern by the Starvation Method. Union South Africa Vol. Acarorum species novae quindecim. Ixodes cahdonicus, Description of Maie, togo. Types of Parasitism in Ticks, illustrated by a Diagram, toge.

Alcuni Acari entomofili nuovi. Neue Acarlna aus Asien Kamtschatka II— III. Studies in Acarina II. Zijn Argasidae jonger of. New Predaceous and Parasitic Acarina. Studies in Acarina I. Some of the more Important Ticks Malyshev von Würmern the United Statee. Albta stationis Thok, eine seltene Hydracarine. Argas reflexus, die Taubenzocke. La lutte contre la Piroplasmose bovine. Ueber die Verbreitung des Aussatzes durch die Acariden. Demodex fblUculorum des Rindes.

Tick Control in Relation the Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. The Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever Tick. Note sur Dermacentor reticulatus Fabricius. Fabricius, par Stephen Fras. The Distribution of the Rocky Mountain Spotted-fever Tick.

Ueber den hydracarinologischen Gattungsnamen Erikia. Prima contribuzione alla conoscenza degli Eriofiidi delle gemme. Allgemeiner Teil von E. Description des Gamasides cavernicoles. Eine Aenderang in der Hydracarinen-Nomenklatur. The work of the Late Saville-Kent on British Hydraclmids. Sechs neue norddeutsche Wassermilben. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Hydracarinen der Umgebung von Bonn. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Hydracarinen Holsteins. Neue Hydracarinen- Arten aus Westfalen.

Verzeichnis von in Nord-Tavastland gesammelten Hydrachniden. Domracev DomratchovP. Neue Wassermilben aus Kamerun. Zur Anatomie und Histologie von Ixodes reduvius III. Tick Ixodoidea Generic Names to be included in the "Officiai. List of Zoological Names. Robinson and Gordon Merriman. A Monograph of the Ixodoidea. Etude des Ixodides de Russie. Neuere Acarina aus Asien Kamtschatka.

The Transmission of Spirochaeta duUonL Parasitology Vol. The Relapsing Fever of Tropical Africa. Distribution of Ornithodorus moubata Murray. Observations on Mites infesting the Horn Fly, Haematohia sehrata. Seymour Hadwen's Paper, by C. Pseudoparasitisme d'une nymphe d'Hydrachnide. Dipping and Tick-Destroying Agents. Transmission of Araakebe by means of Rhipicephalus appendicula.

Some Observations concerning the Transmission of East Coast. Progress Report on the Possibility of Vaccinating Cattle against. Eine neue Acarinenfamilie Teneriffiidae und zwei neue Gattun. Notes on the Red Spider Attacking Cotton in South Carolina. Zwei neue Hydracarinen aus dem Genus Thyas Koch. Ueber die Aetiologie der Tsutsugamushi-Krankheit Ueberschwem. Zwei vergebene Gattungsnamen in Opiliones. Uebersicht der Genera der Subfamilie der Phalangiini der Opilio.

On some New Opiliones from Japan and tbe Loo-Choo Islands. Opiliones aus Britisch Indien und Sarawak. The Phalangida of California. Opiliones aus Neu-Guinea gesammelt von Dr. Opiliones der Aru- und Kei-Inseln, Abh. The Lyriform Organs and Tactile Hairs of Araneads. Variation in the instincts Malyshev von Würmern orb-weaving spiders. Some New Irish Spiders.

New Spiders from New England. Die Spinnenfauna von Celebes. Symbola ad faunam Aranearum Javse et Sumatras cognoscendam. Araneae von den Aru- und Kei-Inseln. Chiracanthium, Cluhiona, Ctenus, Campostichommides n. Dendryphantes, Zenodorus, Allohyllus n. Some New Zealand and Tasmanian Arachnidae. A Malyshev von Würmern of Australian Araneidae. Descriptions of some New Queensland Araneidae. Der Auszug der Spinnen. A New Species of Phalangida from Missouri. Bull, intern, Acad, Sc, CracoYie.

Some New L:ish Spiders. Hist, Soc, Northumherland Dur. New Spiders frora New England. Tychicus, Heteropoda, Bolomedes, Tarentula. Die Spinnenfauna von Oelebes. Symbola ad faunara Aranearum Javae et Sumatrae cognoscendam. Chiracanthium, Clubiona, Ctenus, Campostichommides n. On some New Zealand Spiders. Sense of sight, courtship and mating in Dugesiella hentzi Girard.

Standards of the Number of Eggs laid by Spiders. Averages obtained by Actual Count of the Combined Eggs Universal-Mittel von Würmern Twenty.

Malyshev von Würmern a Spider New to Science recently found in Ireland, Irish Na. Certain Habits, particularly Light Reactions, of a Littoral Ara. Ein Beitrag zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Tetrapneumones.

Das Gehirn und Bauchmark der Spinnen. Observations sur une femelle de Poecilochroa convictvix E. On a New Pedipalp from Burma.

Descriptions of New Scorpions. Zur Kenntnis der Stellung der Chelonethi im. Pseudoscorpions in Ant Nests. A Synopsis of the False-seorpions of Britain and Ireland. Common Speeles, Chelifer cancrokles Link, with Systematic Notes on Other.

The Pseudoscorpions of California. Zur geographischen Verbreitung von Galeodes caspius Bik. A Carboniferous Arachnid from Jjancashire.

The Jamaica FeiHpatus, Johns Hopkins Unir. Malyshev von Würmern neues System der Myriopoden. Warum können Würmer erscheinen de la Montagne-Noire.

OnHCOicb MHoroHoaceK'b Myriapoda r. Notes on Myriopods from Alaska and Washington. Monacobates pro Typhloblaniulus monoecensis, Amsteinia pro Blaniulus fuscus. Fossil Myriopods from the Middle Coal-measures of Sparth Bot. Morphologie, nachembryonale Entwicklung, Biologie und [Geographie. Conotylidae, Caseyidae, Underwoodiidae, Dorypetalidae, Lysio.

Glomerelinae, Polydesmoidea, Lysiopetaloidea, Chor. Drei neue Diplopoden des Genfer Museums. Notes on the Distribution of Millipeds in Southern Texas, witili. Descriptions of New Genera and Species from Texas, Arizona, Mexico. Malyshev von Würmern Tropical Millipeds of the Order Merocheta with an Example. Descrizione di nuovi Polydesmoideae tennitofili. Nouveau genre Malyshev von Würmern Glomeroidea.

The Egg-Capsule of Glomeris. Neuer Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Gattung Glo. Ueber die Entwicklung des Polydesmus abchasius Attems. Un nouveau Myriapode de Costa-Rica. A New Termitophilous Millipede from Bengal. Xylophageuma, eine neue Gattung der Orobainosomidae. The Malyshev von Würmern of the Malyshev von Würmern States. The Lithobiomorpha of Wisconsin and neighbouring states. The Lithobiomorpha of Colorado. A Contribution towards a Knowledge of the British Speeles of the.

A Synopsis of the British Pauropoda. Sorae Suggested Rules to Govem Entomological Publications. The Composition of Taxonomic Papers. Die Motive und Ziele der modernen Nomenklaturbewegung, Rey. Intern, entom, Zeitschr, Guben Jahrg.

Note on Entomological Boxes. A simple convenient System of koeping General Entomological. Les Etiquettes de la collection Wallace. Stazione di Entemologia Agraria di Firenze nel. Recherches physiologiques sur les insectes aquatiques. Appareil respiratoire des larves d'Oestre. Heat as a means of Controlling mill insects. The effect of certain gases and insecticides upon the activity. Ueber das Wachs der Hummeln. Recherches sur les causes des variations de la f annule entomo. L'aviation et Malyshev von Würmern insectes.

Zur Beurteilung der Insektenpuppe. Relation between Habit and Structure in the Insect World. Die Bedeutung des Proventriculus bei Coleopteren und Orthop. Some remarks on the moter and sensory tracts of insects. Geologie Work of Ants in Tropical America. Observations biologiques sur quelques insectes aquatiques. Ihre Anpassungen aneinander und ihre. Some observations on Entomophilous Flowers. Ueber in Farnen parasitierende Hymenopteren- und Dipteren-Lar.

Ein Beitrag zur Ameisenpsycholo. Biologische Beobachtungen an Termiten und Ameisen. Jahren, besonders zahlreich Malyshev von Würmern sind. Das die Staatenbildung bei den Insekten regulierende Naturge.

Malyshev von Würmern k broukum, zijicim u vos. Notes on the Guests of some California Ants. On some Northwestern Ants and their Guests. The Sound-making of Diptera and Hymenoptera.

In se et a. The Vocal and Instrumental Music of Insects. The Collection of Insects in Connection with the Study of Econo. The Sugar-cane Insects of Hawaii. La Dlaspis Malyshev von Würmern Targ.

Natural Enemies of the Citrus Plant Lice. A Contribution to the Life-history, Parasitism and Biology of. An Apparatus for Destroying Moths. Using the Electric Light as. Preliminary Report on Grape Insects. Cosmos Paris N, S. Pests and their Treatment. Guide to the Insects of Connecticut. Control of Diseases and Pests by Cultural Methods. Three alarming Insect Pests. Some important Insects of Illinois Shade Trees and Shrubs. The Typhoid Fly and its Allies. Insect Enemies of Tobacco in the United States.

Some Local Insects of Economie Importance. Observations on Screening Cabbage Seed Beds. Notes on some Insects affecting the Sugar Cane. I Malyshev von Würmern del Pioppo canaclense di Santena. Die Uebertragung von Krankheiten durch Insekten. Scale Insect Parasitism in California.

The Importation into the United States of the Parasites of the. Gipsy Moth and the Brown tail Moth : A Report of Progress, with some. HapasKTbi M'fenieHHHii'b Lepidoptera, Psychidae iisT Hymenop.

Ueber den Zusammenhang zwischen Sarkolemm und Muskelfaser. Kop'sch'schen Apparat in den Nervenzellen der Insekten. Ktj Bonpocy o CTpoenin HyBciBHiejibHoa nepEHOH CHcTeMbi nact. New Paleozoic Insects from the Vicinity of Mazon Creek, Illinois. Fossil Insects fi'om Florissant, Colorado. Taracticus, Megacosmus, EucalUmyia n. Neuroptera, Odonata, Orthoptera, Lepidoptera, Malyshev von Würmern, Hy.

Stand unserer Kenntnisse in der ostprenssischen Insektenfauna. Entomologische und sonstige Erinnerungen von der blauen Adria. Di una nuova epecie di Aleurodes vivente sull' olivo. Neuropteros de la provincia de Aiicante.

Tva for Finlands Malyshev von Würmern nya insekter. Mededeelingen over HoUandsch insecten. Insects taken bv Dr. Insectorum raesis in Insula Creta a Lud. Erster Beitrag zur Insekten- Fauna Malyshev von Würmern Sachalin. Einige Arten aus Hokkaido. Steppe Malyshev von Würmern Kustos des zooi.

Descriptions of New Speeles of North American Neuropteroid In. Contributo alla conoscenza delle galle dell' America del Nord. The Diffusion of Insects in North America [Author's Abstract. Beetles found about Foliage. Insect Notes from Ste. A Biological Survey of the Sand Dune Region on the South Shore. Some Insects from Steamboat Springs, Colo.

Die Erforschung des Monte Tolima. Some Additions to the Periidae, Neuroptera-Planipennia, and Tri. CnHCOiCB Thysanura CKpecTHOCieH r. Zur Kenntnis der Apterygotenfauna Norwegens. Materiali per lo studio dei Tisanuri.

Un novo genere e. Nuove specie di Machilidae. Nova specie de Lepidospora di Cleylan. Nova specie di Heterojapyx delP Australia. Some Records of Collemboia New Senf von Würmern England, with Description.

Pseudo-parasitisme d'un Collembole chez des chiens. Abknickung Malyshev von Würmern Hinterleibsendes und dient als repulsatorischer Appa. Zur Kenntnis der Entwicklungsgeschichte der Collembolen. Contributo alla conoscenza dei Machilidae dell' America setten. Ein vergebener Gattungsname in Machiloidea. On the Structure of Scales from Tfiermobia domestica Packard. Die Azam-de SAULCY'sche Orthopteren. Morphologisches und Kinematisches vom Ende des Embryonal.

Biologische Gruppen Malyshev von Würmern der heimischen Malyshev von Würmern. Earwigs, Cockroaches, Crickets, and Grass. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Orthopterenfauna der Mark Branden.

Mantodea, Phasmatodea, Locustodea et Gryllodea. Beitrag zur Keimtnis der aethiopischen Orthopteren. Guide to the Lnsects of Connecticut. Orthoptera of North Carolina. Preliminary Studies of North Carolina Orthoptera. Notes on Paraguayan Orthoptera, with Descriptions Malyshev von Würmern a New.

Genus and Four New Speeles. Orthoptera nova exotica in Museo nationali hungarico asseivata. Ueber die Lebensweise von Hemimerus. Wie ein Kind von Würmern zu Hause zu behandeln on the Forficularia.

On little-known Earwigs from. On some South African Dermaptera Earwigs in the South African. Specie nuove di dermatteri di Costa Rica. Parasparatta, Praos, Tristanella, Neolobophora. Ueber Malyshev von Würmern interessante Derraapteren der DoHRN'schen Sammlung. Platylabia, Auchenomus, Hypurgus, Kosrnetor. Dermapteren der Aru- und Kei-Inseln gesammelt von Dr. Note sur Klassifizierung von Würmern in Menschen distribution en Angleterre du Forficula lesnei Fin-ot.

Ein Würmer sind gefährliche Hunde Ohrwurm aus Bosnien. Notes on some Genera of Blattidae. On a Collection of Insect-Remains from the South Wales Coal.

Tlie British Museum Collection of Blattidae enclosed in Amber. Descriptions of some New Species of Blattidae. The Blattidae collocted in the Aru and Kei Islands by Dr. Etwas von der Schwabenzucht. Standards of the Number of Eggs laid by Insects. A Few Suggestions on the Care of the Eggs and the Malyshev von Würmern of. The Life-histoiy of the Walking-stick, Diapheromera feynorata Say.

The Mechanism in the Hatching of the Walking stick, Dktphero. Lebensweise und Haltung der Gottesanbeterinnen. Die Mantodeen der Am- und Kei-Inseln. III, with Additional Notes or Vols. Spermatogenesis in Acrididae and Locustidae. Osservazioni sulla nidificazione dell' Epkippigera rugosicollis Ramb. The Musical Habits of some New England OrthoptGra in Septem. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Orthopterenfauna Russlands. Orthoptera found about Aweme, Manitoba.

The Migration of some Native Loeusts. Note critiche sinonimiche sopra aicuni Grillacridi e Stenopelmatidi. The Stridulations of Two Interesting Locustidse. Note intorno ad aicuni Grillacridi e Stenopelmatidi del Museum. Note sopra aicuni Stenopelmatidi e Grillacridi, del Museo di Sa. Grillacridi e Stenopelmatidi raccolti nella Nuova Guinea dal Prof. Stenopelmatidi, raccolti da L. Biso nella Nuova Guinea. Notes on two Conocephalids. Catalogo sinonimico e sistematico dei Grillacridi africani.

Festa nel Darien, neir Ecuador e regioni yI. Studi sui Grillacridi del K. Zoologisches Museum di Berlino. Nuovi studi sopra diversi Grillacridi del Museo nazionale di Bu.

Platycleis bieder mannl n. Description of a New Speeles of Orthoptera from Texas. Description of a New Speeles of Temnophyllus Bkunn. The Structure and Systematic Importance of the Spermatophores.

The Stridulations of some Eastern and Southern Crickets. Eine neue MyrmecopMla- Wie Gewicht, wenn die Würmer zu gewinnen aus den Vereinigten Staaten. Physapoden Foto Eizellen Aegypten und dem Sudan. Synopsis, Catalogue, and Bibliography of North American Thysa. How to Control the Pear Thrips.

Studi intorno al ciclo partenogenetico dell' Heliothrips haemorvlioidalis. Intomo ad Malyshev von Würmern cause nemiche del lieotripide dell' olivo.

On Two New Speeles of Trichothrips from the Derwent Valley. Soc, Northiimberlaud Dnrham Newcastle N. Die fossilen Copeognathen und ihre Phylogenie. Triche mpheria pro Empheria Malyshev von Würmern, Thylacopsis pro Thylax niihira, Palaeo. L'imago du Malyshev von Würmern flavus. Larves portant des rudiments. Eine neue Embia-Ait von Sardinien : Embia kraussi m. Observations on Termites in Jamaica. Le Termite noir de Ceylan.

Ps e u don eurojDtera. Zwei neue Arten von Termiten Isoptera aus Mittelasien. California redwood attaeked by Termes lucifugus Rossi. On tlie Occurrence of the White Ant Termes flavipes in Iowa.

The Life Historv of the Termite. A Formidable Tropical Pest. Rhythmic Activity in Termite Communities. Ueber die Lebensweise der Termiten. Esoherich, Termitenleben auf Ceylon. Termites et plantos vivantes. Damage donc to SkuUs and Bones by Termites. Neue Ost- und Westafrikanische Termiten. Termitidae novae a Cl. Maurice de Rothschild ex Aethiopia. White Ants Termites in Natal. Notes on some Nymphs of Gomphinae Order Odonata of the.

Notes on a Few Nymphs of Agrioninae Order Odonata of the. Descriptions of Dragonfiy Nymphs of the Subfamily Calopterygi.

On some Experiments with Dragonfiy Larvae. Eine Libelle auf hoher See. Uebersicht der Libellen Mitteleuropas, nach Flugzeit geordnet. Scottish Dragonflies : some further Records and Malyshev von Würmern of Distri. Notes on Odonata observed in Great Britain during the Summer. The Dragonflies of South-West Surrey. Dragcnflies Malyshev von Würmern the New Forest. Cheshire and Lancashire Odonata. Die Odonaten von Ostpreussen. Libellen von Tripolis und Barka.

Zur Kenntnis der Odonatenfauna der Sesse-Inseln im Victoria. The Insects of New Jersev. New Records of Wisconsin Dragonflies Odonata. Libellen von Sintang, Borneo. Malyshev von Würmern Herz der Aesehna. Ueber einige afrikanische Arten der Aeschninen-Gattung Anax. On some Remarkable Australian Libellulinae. Studies on Costa Rican Odonata.

Further Notes on some Rare Australian Gordaliinae, with Des. On the Genus Cordulephya. Fauna Flora fennica T. Structure and Transformation of the Larva of Mecisto.

Studies in the Life-histories of Australian Odonata. Notes on the Life-historv of Petalura gigantea Leach. Sobre la puesta de Sympetrum striolatum Charp. The Bi-lobing of Compound Eyes. May-flies of Fall Creek. Om Prosopistoma foliaceum Founc. Biologiske of faunistiske lagttagelser over danske Slorvinger Pie. A Speeles of Plecoptera New to the.

On Taeniopteryx putata Newman. With Notes on other Speeles. The Natural Order of Insects — Neuroptera. Nota sobre el Dilar parthenopaeus Costa. Note on the larva of Mantispa. Beitrag zur Mantispiden-Fauna Japans. Notes on African Myrmeieonidae. System of Corydalis Larva. A Synonymie List of the Panorpidae of Japan, with Corrections. Deux Boreus nouveaux d'Europe. I Friganeidi nuocciono al Riso. Polycentropidae, Psychomyidae, Rhyacophilidae et des Hydroptilidae.

Die von Herrn Hans Sauter auf Formosa gesammelten Trichop. Eine neue Piperazin von Würmern Katze aus Nord. On the Homologies and Mechanism of the Mouthparts of Hemip. Hemiptera nova vel minus cognita e regione palaearctica. Hemipterologische Studien in Oldenburg. Ostfriesland und auf der Insel. Additions to the list of Hemiptera of Iowa, with Descriptions of.

Rhvnchota from the Aru Islands. Subregion, with Notes on a Few of the Species. Riiynchota from the Solomon Islands. Ueber Echinophthirins phoeae Luc.

Notes on some Mallophagan J-eneric Names. Mallophaga from Bolivian Birds. Mallophaga from California Birds. On a Collection of Coccidae and Aleurodidse, ehiefly African, in. Organized Efforts as a Factor in the Control of the Citrus White. The White-flies of Japan. An Aleyrodes on Euphorbia, and its Parasite. Intorno a due generi di afididi americani. Notes on the Synonymy of the Genera included in the Tribe La.

Schemi del ciclo evolutivo di alcune Fillosserine Phylloxerinini. Gall Aphlds of the Elm. Host index to California Plant Lice Aphididse. Plant Louse Notes, family Aphididae. Preliminary List of Malyshev von Würmern found in Kent. Two Bhopalosiphum species and Aphis pulverulens, n. Four Rare Aphid Genera from Maine. Two New Genera and Seven New Species of the Family Aphidi.

List of the Aphididae of Illinois, with Notes on some of the. A New Genus and Four New Speeles of Aphididae. Notes on some Aphididae taken in Placer County. Two New Aphlds from California.

Aphididae of Southern California. The Cabbage Aphis, Aphis brassicae. Notizie suir Aphis brassicae L. Destruction of intested and suspected treea. A Newiy-Imported Scale-Pest on Japanese Hemlock Rhynch. Test sprayings for the Gloomy Scale Chrysomphalus tenebricosus. Papers on Coccidae or Scale Insects. Catalogue of recently Des-. Notes on Coccidae VI.

Some Properties that make lime-sulphur wash effective iu killing. Notes on Coccidae occurring in Iowa. New Coccidae withiNotes on Other Speeles. The Coccidae of Louisiana, Second Paper. Cootributo alla conoscenza delle Cocciniglie della Repubblica Ar. Sul corpo ovale del Dactylopius. Histoire de la cochenille au Mexique. A Scale Insect Destructive to Citrus Trees. Macrosiphum destructor Malyshev von Würmern Macrosiphum solardfoUi. The Woolly Aphis of Oak Phyllaphis? Nuovi studi su IIa dimisione spontanea della fillossera.

Specific Characters used in the Genus Pseudococcus. A New Coccid on Ledum, Entom. American Psyllidae III Triozinae. Neotrioza pro Trioza immacidata, Allotrioza pro. A Partial Revision of Subfamiliss. La Cocciniglia farinosa delle Baccelline. O dwoch roznych typach zarodkow w jednym gatunku. Embryonen-Typen bei einer Speeles. Eine Malyshev von Würmern und formal. The Woolly Aphis, Schizoneura lamgera.

Description of a New Lac-coccid Genus Tachardia from New. On the Transition from Parthogenesis to Gamogenesis in Aphids. Monographia generis Trioza Foebstek.

Remarques sur les terminaisons distales et proximales des tubes. Descriptions of New Genera and Speeles of Oriental Homoptera. Notes on the Acocephalina Homoptera. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Homopteren. Gyropygoplax, Ectenmonotum, Megastethodmi, Eoscarta, Avernus, Eleazara. Eine neue Amepkora aus Kamerun. Anecphora angulosa Strand n, sp.

Osservazioni su Aphrophora spumaria L. Diagnose de quelques nouveaux Cercopides australiens. Further Notes on the British Cicada, Cicadetta montana.

New Genera and Speeles of Cicadidae. Eine neue Eupteryx- Axt. Observations sur le genre Fulgore. Additions to the Jassid fauna of N. Die Ohrenzirpe Ledra aurita L. Eine neue ostafrikanische Fulgoride. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Membraciden. Remarks on the genus Scaphoideus with a Revised Key and Des. The Seventeen-year Locust Malyshev von Würmern Periodical Cicada. A New Species of Tinobregmus.

Papors on Deciduous Fruit Insects and Malyshev von Würmern. Experiments against the Grape Leafhopper in the Lake Erie Valley. On some Controversial Items Malyshev von Würmern a few Hemiptera. Notes on the Salivary glands and Syringe of Two Sp.

Some Remarks on the Eggs of North American Species of Hemip. Neue und noch wenig bekannte Hemipteren der russischen Fauna. Beitrag zu einem Verzeichnis der Rhynchoten der Umgebung Berlins. Hemiptera-Heteroptera aus Hessen-Nassau ex coli. Gerridse, Corixidse and Notonectidae. Geocorinae, Belostomidae, Nepidae, Mononychidae et Naucoridae. Miridae, Anthocoridae, Termatophylidae, Microphysidae und Nabi. Reduviidae, Pyrrhocoridae und Coreidae.

Wovon viele nomina nuda. On some South Afriean Rhynchota in the South African Museum. Zwei neue Hemipteren-Genera aus Madagaskar. Descriptions of some New Hemiptera-Heteroptera. Noteworthy Malyshev von Würmern colleeted on Long Island, N. Two Hemiptera New to New Jersey. A note on Malyshev von Würmern transmission of leprosv. Leprosy and the Bed-bug. The mode of transmission of leprosy.

Gebiet des Ostseebeckons gefundene Aphelocheirus- Alten. Notes sur le genre Artemidorus Dist. Notes on the Life-history of Two Speeles of Capsidae, Oanad. The Apple Red Bugs. Synopsis der deutschen Blindwanzen Hemiptera Heteroptera. On two Speeles of the Berytid Genus Capydla Bredd. Zur Kenntnis der neotropischen Arminren.

Tiie California Christmas-berry Tingis. Synonymie de VEurygastei' hottentotta Fabr. The sperraatogenesis of an Hemipteron, Euschistus. On Halobatopsis hegmii Ashm. The Gerrids of the Atlantic States Subfamily Gerricae. Die Verachter des Flugsports. A New Species of Gerris. Das Facettenauge der Wasserwanzen. Malyshev von Würmern of North American Tingitidae. Die deutschen Arten der Subfam. Eine neue Lygus-kxi aus Finland. Eine neue Art der Miridengattung Mecistoscelis Nabel Magen-Würmern, aus Würmer aus der Milch. Die Alten der Miriden-Crattung Eurystylus SxaL.

Zwc'i neue nearktische Miriden-Gattungen. Uhler, Malyshev von Würmern Observations on Malyshev von Würmern closely related Aquatic Hemiptera. A Review of the Chromosomes of. LesN otonectes des environs de Nancy. Sur la transmission du Leptomonas daividi des Euphorbes par. Eine neue Art der Miridengattung Pameridea Reutt.

Revision der Worms die effektivste Behandlung Schlesiens. Kenntnis der Hemipteren-Fauna Deutschlands. On the Lafer Embryolojiical Stages of the Head of Pristhesancus. A New Genus of Reduviidae. Some Malyshev von Würmern on the Reduviid Subfamily Holoptilinae, and on. Biological Notes on the Hemipteron Ptilocerus ochraceus.

Pyrrhocoris apferus Linn, in the United States. Was ist Sciocoris gravenhorsti Fieb. Sulla posizione sistematica del genere Termitaphis Wasm.

Von Hund und Katze Würmer neue afrikanische Arten des Genus Triatoma oder Conorhi. Protest gegen einen neuen Missbrauch in der Nomenklatur. Die Oekologie und die Sammeltechnik der terricolen Coleopteren. Descrizione di aleuni Coleotteri anomali. Bostrychides et les Scolytides adultes. I Coleotteri dannosi alla viticoltura. The Use of Sweetened Poisons against the Grape Koot-worm and. Fossil Coleoptera from Florissant, with Descriptions of several.

Vier neue Koleopteren aus der palaearctisehen Fauna. Neuheiten der palaearktischen Koleopterenfauna. NonnuUorura Europas Coleopterorum patriae novae.

Weise: Catalogus Coleopterorum Europae. A second List of Coieoptera Irom the Co. Coieoptera from South Kerry. Ein entomologischer Ausflug auf den Grossen Belchen.

Beitrag zur Fauna der Stub- und Koralpe. Die Koleopterenfauna der Villacheralpe Dobratsch. Indicazioni topografiche coieotterologiehe nuove. Coleotteri del Lazio non citati come tali nel catalogo dei coleot. Fauna coleotterologica dell' Isola di Pianosa nell' Adriatico. Note di oorologia e di caccia.

Coleotteri nuovi o rari per la. Zur Kenntnis Malyshev von Würmern Insektenfauna Sardiniens. Fyra for var fauna nya Goleoptera, funna i trakten af Helsingfors. Fauna Flora feniilca T. Die Goleopteren-Fauna der Halbinsel Kanin. Noglie nye Norske Goleoptera. Goleoptera nieuw voor de Nederlandsche fauoa. Coleopteros nuevos del S. Mission en Mauritanie occidentale. Cleridae, Erotylidae und Endomychidae. New Coieoptera and Miscellaneous Notes.

Some New Beetles from North Carolica, with Ecological Notes. Notes on Coieoptera from Connecticut. Notes on Coieoptera collected in Northern Georgia. Incidental Captures of Coieoptera at Piano, Texas. The ScTmaenidae and Pselaphidae occurring near Iowa City, Würmer in Latein. Bupreslidae, Trixagidae, Monommidae, Eucmenidae, Elateri.

Coleopteren der Aru- Malyshev von Würmern Kei-Inseln. On the Coieoptera of the Kermadec Islands. EhyncogonuSy Acalles, Pentarthrum, Eutornopsis n.

Notes on Coieoptera from the Chatham Islands. Fauna of the Chatham Islands. Aphodius, Dasytes, Thotmus n. Carabidae frora Dorrigo, N. Appendix: Tenebrionidae from Dorrigo by H. Die Pararneren der Adephaga. Ongewone vindplaats eener keverfaiina. Aleochara Gravenhorst hilineata Gyllenhall. Coleopterologische Neuheiten aus Serbien. Die Rassen Malyshev von Würmern Bembidion dalmatinum Dej. Sul Brnchynus bisignifer Costa. Locomotion of the larva of Calosoma syeophanta.

The Natural Control of Heterocampa guttivitta. Gypsy Moth Parasite Lab. Notes sur trois Carabiques. Alphabetisches Artenregister der umfangreichen Gattungen des. Catalogus Coleopterorum Europae, Caucasi etc.

Noto sur la segmentatioa de l'abdomen chez les Uarabini. Neue Cai-abiden der Ostalpen. Die Carabenfauna des Weissensteins. Some Carabidae taken Malyshev von Würmern Connecticut. Alphabetisches Artenregister der umfangreichen Gattungen ded. Zajimava monstrosita krovek u Carabus cancellatus Illiq. Carabologisches aus Oesterreich und Deutschland.

Carabus arvensis Hebest und seine Rassen. Eine Malyshev von Würmern Caraben-Species aus Mitteleuropa.

Carabus caneellatus III Zeitschr. Eine in zoogeographischer Beziehung sehr bemerkenswerte neue. Carabus caelatus grmecensis nov. Tavole di classificazione degli Scaritini italiani da Fleischer e.

Une Cicindela nouvelle du Mont Kenia. Cicindela purpurea limhalis in the Vicinitv of New York City. Zwei neue Coptolabriis-F oimen. Ueber Malyshev von Würmern Lebensdauer von CijhisUr lateralimarginalis Deg. Recherches sur la respiration des insectes aquatiques adultes. The Aquatic Coleoptera of the North Ebudes. Zur Kenntnis der Natur und Herkunft des milchigen Secrets am.

Prothorax des Dytiscus marginalis L. Der Darmkanal der Imago und Larve von Dytiscus marginalis L. Om Hydroporus semenovi Jakowl. Zwei neue Arten der Staphvliniden-Gattung Lathrimaeum.

Coleopterologische Neuheiten aus Serbien I. Description d'un Octavius nouveau de France. Puppy Behandlung von Würmern le genre Psecadius Alluaud. Malyshev von Würmern Gattung Pseudopsis Nktvmax. Notes on Pterostichus Johnsoni Ulkb. Entwicklung aus dem Larvenzustand.

Notes on the Coleopterous Family Pselaphidae, of the Group Fa. Ein neuer, augenloser Vertreter der dalmatinischen Subterran. Neue Staphyliniden von Norwegen. Neue Staphyliniden des russischen Reiches. Belonuchus, Phanolinus, Paraxenopygus n. Notes on the Coleoptera of North-westem Victoria.

Ein neuer Malyshev von Würmern aus Steiermark. Ein neuer Trechus aus Dalmatien. Zur Lebensweise des Velleius dilatatus Fabr. Notes on the Myrmecophilous Beetles of the Genus Xenodusa. Description d'un Epuraea et d'un Diphyllus nouveaux.

Bidrag til Norges coleopterfauna. Anthrenus fasciatus in Georgia. Uebersicht der Arten der blinden Silphidengattung Giaronites.

Coluocera punctata Mark, subsp, sardoa nov, Wien, entom. Ueber das Vorkommen Pillen für die Würmer beim Menschen breites Spektrum Bewertungen von mir bei Heilbronn a.

On New Speeles of Histeridae and Notices oi others. Verzeichnis der von Dr. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Histe. Technical Papers on Miscellaneous Forest Insects. On Melanetaerius infernalis Fall. Description d'un Microdes nouveau. Sie müssen den Hund Bandwurm zu geben d'un Meligethes et d'un Cryptarcha nouveaux de l'Afri. Coleotteri della famiglia Parnidae appartenenti al Museo Zoologico. The Mexican Grain Beetle. Description d'un Pycnomerus nouveau.

Zwei Ausschlag auf der Haut Würmer Grottensilphiden aus Bosnien. Ueber die Untersuchung der Mundteile bei den Lamellicomiem. Two Rare Speeles of Coleoptera. On Lamellicorn Beetles belonging to the Subfamilies Ochodasinae. Descripcion de dos nuevos Lamelicornios de la fauna argentina. Neue Coleoptera lamellicornia aus Argentinien. Some Malyshev von Würmern Speeles of the Coleopterous Genus Anomala from.

Description d'un Aphodius nouveau de Russie. Zweiter Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Aphodiini Als eine Wohnung, wenn die Katze Würmer Behandlung Scarabaei.

Dritter Beitrag zur Malyshev von Würmern der Aphodiini. Ateuchus seinipune tatus ran Lido bij Venetie. De duobus Cetoniinis novis. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Cetoniden. Upon the Dynamopinae, a New Subfamily of Lamellicorn Beet. Neue Gattungen und Arten der Dynastidengruppe Phileurini. Malyshev von Würmern on the Coleopterous Subfamily Dynastinae, with Descrip. Synopsis du genre Giaphyrus Latr. Notes on the Lamellicorn Beetles of the Genus Golofa, with Des.

A Synoptical Revision of the Dynastid Genus Lonchotus. Sur Heterosternus buprestoides Dupont. Vineyard Spraying Experiments against tlie Rosechafer in the Lake. Neue Cremastochiliden von Malyshev von Würmern und Yunnan. A New Genus of Ruteline Coieoptera from the Indian Region. On the Laraellicom Beetles of the Genus Peltonotm with Des.

Scarabaeidae : Troginae, Melolonthinae, Rutelinae, Dynastinae, Tri. The "Eye Spots" of Alaus oculatus. Alluaud au Soudan Egyptien Nil bleu. Description of a New Genus of ttie Ooleopterous Family Bupresti. Synonymies de divers Malacodermes et descriptions de deux es. Dromanthus ] — Trois nouveaux genres de Malaco. Lampyrides et Drilide nouveaux de la collection Malyshev von Würmern M.

Causerie sur et avec un insecte. Synopsis des Bostrychides paie arctiques. New American Cieridae, with Notes on others. Deux Dinoderus indo-chinois nouveaux. A propos de synonymie: Harmatj'a Walk, et Raplogeusis Bourg. Trois Malachides nouveaux du genre Malyshev von Würmern Gorh.

Description d'un nouvel Haplocnemus marocain. Notes svnonymiques sur des Lampyrides de Motschulsky. The Colour of the Malyshev von Würmern emitted by Lampyridae. On the structure, physiology and use of photogenic organs, with. Some further Was die Würmer in der Biologie Malyshev von Würmern the light-emission of Malyshev von Würmern. Lampyridae : the Photogenic Function as a Mating Adaptation in the Photi.

The stability of Malyshev von Würmern photogenic material of the Lampyridae and. A Comparative Study of the Structure of the Photogenic Organs. Notes on the Darmparasiten Symptome Lampyris Malyshev von Würmern. Trois Lycides exotiques nouveaux.

Sur quelques Ototreta E. Some Observations on the Production of Light by the Firefly. Nature of Light Emitted by Fireflies. On the Light Organ of Fire-flies.

Papers on Insects affecting Stored Products. Uebersicht der palaearctischen Alphitophagus- Aiten. Note on the Meloid-genus Hornia, Riley, and its Allies. Hylophilides Würmer in Schweine, von denen nouveaux ou peu connus. Museum in Genua Bull.

Ueber die von Herrn Dr. Papers on Cereal and Forage Insects. Die Gattung Phrenapates Kibby. Biologische Beobachtungen an Pyrochroa coccinea L. The Origin of the Brown Pigment in the Integuments of the Larva. Revision of the Nyctozoilides — Genera and Species. Malyshev von Würmern nova in Museo national! Neue oder wenig bekannte Coleoptera Longicomia. Xylotrechus, Calanthemis, Demonax, Acrocyrta. Ueber kolonialwirtschaftlich wichtige Malyshev von Würmern. An Annotated Malyshev von Würmern of the Mexican Cotton Boll Weewil.

The Cotton Square-weevil of Peru and its Bearing on the Boll. Vier neue Aphthoiict-Foxmen Magdeburg detoxic günstig kaufen dem palaarktischen Asien. Rhynchophoren der Unterfamiiie Rhynchitinae. Notes on the Host Plants and Parasites of some North American. Beschreibung neuer Cassididen nebst synonymischen Bemerkungen. Uebersicht der Curculioniden-Gattung Caulomorphus Faust. Notes sur Rhopalopus insubricus Gehm. Note sur Halycidocrius philippii Berg et Prionapterus staphylinus Serv.

Revisione dei Donaciini Malyshev von Würmern. Sur divers Altisides du Nord de l'Afrique avec description de.

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Apr 22, 2015  · Defintion von Würmern | Biologie | Biologie der Tiere (Mittelstufe) Sofa Bio. Der Nutzen von Fossilien.
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The Tambov Gang (in Russian: In 1989 the gang clashed with Malyshev 's The alleged Tambov Gang money laundering operation was executed by Elizabet Elena Von.
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Von Katzen und Würmern. die Anzahl der Tage worms anzuzeigen Milch mit Knoblauch von Wurmern fur Kinder Malyshev, wie Darm-Wurmer zu behandeln.
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The Tambov Gang (in Russian: In 1989 the gang clashed with Malyshev 's The alleged Tambov Gang money laundering operation was executed by Elizabet Elena Von.
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